messages to rubytrimscar:
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from cheyancc :
rachel, i have decided that i really really need to get out of this house. it does me no good, and i feel like i have no say in my own life. are you?
from cheyancc :
So, im sitting here on this chilly April night..and thinking about how much i miss you.And wanted to thank you for our friendship, through the good and the bad. We still have made it, and i appreciate it alot. Iv never really had that many true girlfriends so its nice! love you much. -Hanner
from cheyancc :
thank you much:)
from cheyancc :
i just thought it would be a time for a change. :) but im having problems with it, i must have messed it up somehow..because when you try to go back to the "older" page it wont show up,it stops loading and says done. so if i give you my password, could you fix it? so that my page will show up. lol i was never any good at HTML.
from cheyancc :
When he read my notebook outloud in front of my family, because of the whole rod thing. I love and miss you as well, I wish you could move to kansas with me, i found a house that i might possibly buy, payments are cheaper than getting an appartment, and its where a good college is. Love you raebomb!-Hanners
from cheyancc :
so, hows the rae?
from cheyancc :
im glad you had fun, i did too. I really do miss hanging out with you rae. :)
from cheyancc :
thanks for hanging with me while i was down. Missed you alot. Wish things were the same like when i were thirteen and everything were possible. :)
from cheyancc :
I havent had the chance to call you back. I hid my phone when my brothers were up here so that they wouldnt know who called me. But you will see me this weekend. Sound good? Btw, im not telling anyone im in town so dont let anyone know okay? Love you. -The h bomb
from cheyancc :
so dear, how would you feel about seeing me sometime this upcoming week? Im riding back with my uncle, fo sho. :) ill give you a call. i miss you a hell of abunch. -the h bomb
from rednsilver :
only exciting news that i have, "i was on the news" Because of a fucking tornado.
from cheyancc :
i'v just been worrried about you. I may not answer tonight, but give me a call tomorrow morning.
from rednsilver :
where are you?
from cheyancc :
I tried calling, but there must be something wrong with your phone..or you changed your number...I miss you. please contact me somehow.
from rednsilver :
If theres anything i know, its drama. For such a small town, its pretty fucked up. Im in a constant fight with this 27 year old teacher, people keep asking me if i hate her or want her to die, levon is just a jackass and flips me off everytime i see him. Sometimes i feel like i cant breath being in this town. I miss arkansas, because it was always to easy to blend in and no one would bother you. Unlike here. anwyays....I wish i had cingular. But why did he move? Im glad for him too though. Whats keeping you busy these days? I miss talking with you.
from rednsilver :
Thank you for the encouragement. But it will be a cold day in hell, for me to ever be like them. But trust me, nothing could stop me from coming home. I love you so much too. You keeping well?
from rednsilver :
Oh how i miss the rae rae!
from rednsilver :
i just hate my brothers. they wont ever grow up. and they say that im the one who needs to grow up. I think thats pure bullshit. -Cheyan
from cheyancc :
I needed to hear that. thank you for your note. :)-tomato
from rednsilver :
its a bad explanation. and shouldnt be used. Im going through a hard time. I dont know what or who i am. I need something. -H
from cheyancc :
you locked your diary again!!!i want in.
from cheyancc :
okay. Well i am confused. Are you pissed? -H
from cheyancc :
i hope you didnt shut down, because of me. -H
from cheyancc :
yay i love cooking. Im sorri you have been sick though, that sucks. Im living in hell, so what else is new? lol. But sounds great, call me or whatever. we can be brutely honest, that was nice. anywho, i got dishes wanting to be washed. I love you!!-H
from cheyancc :
lol..well i sowwi. Whats new? -H
from cheyancc :
oh okay..i thought it may have been you, but i wasnt sure. And it was very late i remember. lol. But i will send it to you when you get online next time, i dont like my pw floating around in notes. -xxxx
from cheyancc :
Thanks babe, i love you too. :)
from i-luv-ashley :
i don really post on here anymore. But do get emails when people leave notes. this whole place was me at a totaly different part in my life. I guess you could say i moved on. but i was really nice to hear from you.

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