In my hearts the memory, and there you'll always be

My name is Cheyan. I survived the May 4th Tornado. I am Back home, Where i belong.

Life is good, Never take it for granted.

My favorite diaries:

theidiotking profile - diary
comments: "you will find me sitting with the stars waiting till you come back home to me"
deadpassive profile - diary
comments: "walking past the city lights silence can be so disturbing"
i-wont-say profile - diary
comments: "when all that remains are shadows of the stains"
bloodyscars profile - diary
comments: "tell me where did i go wrong"
buried-lies profile - diary
comments: "I'd rather chase your shadow all my life than be afraid of my own"
siamesecity profile - diary
comments: "it's been a long time since I felt the stain of yesterday getting in my way"
kennethcole profile - diary
comments: " the past has left its stain now I feel the shame I'll seize the day if you take away the chains of yesterday"
lifeintherye profile - diary
comments: "this time you burn me with your eyes you see past all the lies you take it all away"
jadedwings49 profile - diary
comments: "surely there must be something better something forever"
confessions profile - diary
comments: R.I.P.
autopsysong profile - diary
comments: "this is who i am, like me or not. This is me. Dont change me"
suicidldream profile - diary
comments: "start to breath, fake a smile it all hurts afterawhile"
next-tuesday profile - diary
comments: "every rose has its thorn"
holdenrevolt profile - diary
comments: "just give me one more day, one more day with you"
cultofluna profile - diary
comments: "you can feel it in your fingertips, the numbness that links to your soul"
envyyou profile - diary
comments: "everything you need in a writer, its soul if anything"

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last updated: 2021-08-21 22:10:23
this user's total entries: 381
user since: 2005-01-13

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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