messages to ruebenwafco:
(click here to add new message):

from lostasyou :
Well you're an intesting read, aren't you
from nutmegger :
Good philosophy. Happy New Year!
from aryssa90 :
Hey! Welcome back. I've been kind of slack in actually writing in there, its mostly turned into a venting place haha. Glad to see you back!
from aryssa90 :
im actually moving to Iowa, im getting out of Cali. Lol, my guy says I'm doing everyhting backwards. I'm sorry your guy moved that sucks :/ And its nice to see you updating, i always like your entries :)
from s-dawgbreal :
r-thanks 4 your call. i was not in a good place. obvious, much? ha. anyway--things in a much better perspective now. I will utilize this time and it will be okay. we all r going to be okay. ;-) seriously, thanks -s
from aryssa90 :
I dunno. Prolly in June. If it lasts. thanks for your note, tell me if you find your craigslist job :)
from aryssa90 :
i like your entries. theyre like fortune cookies. :)
from aryssa90 :
lol thank you so much, its nice to know im not a complete loser. As of right now, literally, Bill is playing WoW and I'm getting ready to subtly sign on so he'll talk to me lol...yeah I'm a loser like that. We're good though for now. But yeah they are hard :/ I'm gonna read your dland :) havent had a chance yet, i just wanted to respond to your note right away :) Alyssa
from s-dawgbreal :
R- Hi. I hope you and R r getting some r & r. How corny am I? I hope u 2 come out Sat. because we will have so much fun if u do. Blow this town for a night and have a blast. Tell R I said hello & I hope o see you soon. Love, S-dawg (movies-add Japanese Love Story to your q-wonderful acting and beautiful scenery).
from s-dawgbreal : so you can refresh your memory. Nicole Kidman, Mother Teresa & I are INFJ (which I find oddly amusing cause I'm certainly no Mother Teresa). Hope you're having a great weekend.
from fuschiashock :
i know mine, but no one ever asks.
from s-dawgbreal :
hope all is well your way. I logged on to add an entry but there just aren't any words for this week. Thanks for your kind words last Sat. -s
from ohmegah :
Unlocked, uncensored, and site is open for your viewing pleasure.
from cleopatra19 :
Nice entry today. It really made me laugh... and think about it. But you're actually right. Good job! XD
from mikehunt :
31 years is a long time but not as long as 35.
from mikehunt :
we all know that the only reason you leave me comments is so that you get them in return. nicely played.
from ohmegah :
Thanks man, glad you like it.
from s-dawgbreal :
R- Has it been two weeks already? Seems like only yesterday. Thanks does not even begin to say what I'd like to. Me not articulate. Not sure about this note thing but I give anything a shot once (hmmm...that sounds weird and is only mostly true). Q (don't have anything to add I just wanted to type it but I'm getting ready to watch Waitress and it might be worthy). Anyway in summation it was great to see you and in a world in which i couldn't normally say this to most people i can say to you in all sincerity--it was great hanging out with you and it is ALWAYS great to see you. - s-dawg
from ohmegah :
from ruebenwafco :
where are these notes going?

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