messages to satanicelf:
(click here to add new message):

from agoatnamedaz :
God. I mean fuck. Nothing is working. I just want to leave you a simple message. I don't know if you check these at all... this is June, right? I simply would like to tell you that those haikus you wrote in late August are fabulous. There. That was difficult. If you find a similar message(s) in your midnight sanity guestbook 50 years from now when Andrew finally gets his ass together, excuse me.
from obscured :
hey punk, gimme your password! (..please)
from stonelf :
ah yes. june. duh. june says baa. i should have remembered. anyways... i have lots of buddylist spaces and i like familiar faces. (haha! that rhymed!) im sorry. i havent slept recently.
from stonelf :
punkelf has returned. :)
from rypyr :
design mozilla friendly
from perfxcked :
it worked. thank you, doll.
from anx :
You say such sweet things about me. You are a sweetheart. Keep writing!
from punkelf :
dude i forgot my username and passord for your diary. PLEASE either leave me a note or sign book or email or something with it, cuz i miss your entries!!! yeep!
from preceptionss :
this is random
from punkelf :
hello june. its old paingod, tryangle, area-51 etc. i would love to be able to read your diary as you can read mine (and it looks like you want to) but it is locked. can i have a password and name? email: [email protected] miss your witty remarks etc.
from satanicelf :
"add new message", in case you don't get it. also, i store the past notes offsite, so if you add a note and notice it's gone after a few days, that's why.

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