messages to shoop43:
(click here to add new message):

from orangeslush :
where are you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from harakiri :
hope you are doing good!
from harakiri :
You know if you don't want to pay you can try out Blogger, completely free, great to work with and you can post pictures. I bought my own domain cause I'd been thinking about it for a while ( but I totally love blogger and still run a joint blog over there. I was sad to leave Diaryland though since it was my first blog home and I was here for 3+ years, but the place is just going down the shitter. Anyway, if you don't want to spend the money, I recommend Blogger. Take care and I Hope you post more regularly again. *hugs* ~Sarah
from harakiri :
Have a safe trip! Too bad you wont be driving through my neck of Ohio!! (I assume since Chicago is in northern IL that you'll be driving through northern OH)
from harakiri :
onederland! That's great!!! And congrats on the promotion!!
from harakiri :
Happy Birthday!!
from orangeslush :
Happy Birthday Shoopy!
from imabrat2 :
Welcome back! I was a bit worried about you after your last post. This will be a better year for all of us. :-)
from swirl-girl :
I know how you feel, I've sure been there myself. I hope you feel better soon and realize that you're not alone and you can succeed in anything you put your mind to.
from chic-reviews :
Hi! I just opened a new review site and am trying to get it started. I thought the best place to start would be with the diaries in the review-whore diaryring! So if you would like a review, come on over and apply!!
from imabrat2 :
LOL....Love the comic.
from heartleaf :
oops, I guess I have guestbook troubles then. thanks for the nice note, I will try my best. And hey, you've already lost some weight, you're inspiring to me! =) thanks for adding me back, and keep up the great loss...
from curvy-loo :
congrats on the 8 pounds lost!
from sarahsundae :
hey thanks so much for the sweet comment you left in my book. it means a lot.
from mewreview :
Hi this is blaze from Mew review. I'm letting you know that your review is up @ Thanks muchly
from newreviews :
Hey, we're a new reviewing site looking for people that might be interested in being reviewed by us, if you want you can check out our website, Thanks!
from preciousgift :
Hi! We're not new in town but our review site is. Please cum request a review if the mood strikes ya!
from quitenasty :
Found you through the review whore ring. Stop by for a review, see if you're brave enough.
from intensional :
I figured that since email isn't your thang, I'd get me one of these here diaries. Maybe we can communicate like that. Drop in and leave me a note!
from blueroomrevu :
Your guestbook wasn't working, so I had to leave a note. Your review is complete at Blue Room Review! (/shoop43.html)
from simply-bre :
hehe, cute diary. Have fun and (O_O) be less bored. Later babe -bre
from purplefinch :
hiya. you're in my diaryring sexualmisfits. I just recently stumbled upon your diary again. you rock.
from janelleleo :
Welcome to the Jennifer Connelly Diaryring. Nice diary and thank you for joining.
from yellowreview :
your review is posted *hugs*
from march-hare :
welcome to the original breakfast club diaryring and thanks for joining!
from kittydribble :
Wow the duke's!!! 25'o'clock did a lot 4my acid intake back in the day!!! its a good album alright! good luck and keep up the goood listening....!!!!!
from harakiri :
Hey thanks for adding me to your favorites! Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling all over :) I was just complaining to my husband the other night that I must be boring because barely anyone reads me! I read through your diary, and I really enjoyed it, I think I'll add you to my favorites list!
from choufleur :
This is the creepiest thing ever! You have the same approache to guys as I do...exact same. No one else I know understands why I can't flirt and why i can't just go up to a guy and talk to him. Wow...awesome.
from march-hare :
welcome to the degrassi diaryring and thanks so much for joining!

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