messages to skatingparty:
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from browndamask :
from ernst :
I know/love that view of El Paso.
from raven72d :
Good. I'm glad a few of us will be here 'til everything goes dark. After 20+ years, I'm committed to writing here.
from raven72d :
I'm impressed that you're back after the hiatus. I've been here since June 2002, and I'll be here 'til they turn the lights out.
from raven72d :
I've only just discovered this diary. I am deeply intrigued by the entries, and I'll be reading along!
from ernst :
Just wrote an "Ouroborus" titled d-land entry, you psychic creep! (It hit 5 pages so I'll probably give it a proofread in the morning before posting...but still man, weird.)
from i-lost-sarah :
schrodingers diaphonous nebulous lifelines :) (your beautiful description!) I'm afraid too. but at least, at least we can be afraid and fallible. because often people are angry and feel they have to be infallible--mean Hamlet types who take it out on others (like the possible cuckquean hostess who projected all her bitterness onto you)
from ernst :
A well-recounted memory, not sure what details I'd like back out of 200-something similar (not all on NYE obvs) shindigs. That classic drunken “truth-serum” turning point though, when the masks are dropped...I'd argue that there's social value there. An uncomfortable but underrated element of bacchanal.
from i-lost-sarah :
hello baby (Burgess reading?!) you :)
from starlet-21 :
oh, you really dont know how happy i am for you. i've read this journal for so long and have lived through your words and watched things get better for you, only having my own assumptions and conclusions to draw from your beautiful words. i'm so happy for you. good luck with everything, darling. <3katie
from privatedrive :
the skating party. one of my favourite short stories. although it is a little bit weird. i dunno. your stuff is beautiful though. ♥
from starlet-21 :
okay, there is something you wrote a long time ago that i posted on my wall and repeated to myself when things were really hard. it was just so beautiful. i have it memorized. and i'm taking a class as a junior called college writing, and we've been assigned to write about a piece of writing that has influenced us or whatnot, and i was wondering if i could have your permission to use yours. its a portion of your entry entitled "kick me." and if so, do you want me to you credit you with your name (what is it fully?), or unknown or what? sorry to bother you, but thank you, love. <3 katie
from dent :
1 <3 U
from substantial :
My apologies for deleting your note - there are some people online whom I really don't want knowing who I am. I happen to think you're pretty much right about my little commentary - I thought at first the movie was a good segue for talking about the issues of the "When did we change from children to adults?" sort, but maybe it's not. That would explain why my commentary is so disjointed and rambling. I'm still thinking through the issue of "what did I get out of the movie," though.
from thefallofart :
that's goddamned perfect.
from leely :
from leely :
your writing is intoxicating. in a veryvery good way ♥
from theplayhouse :
thank you <3 i love your diary.
from intact- :
hey. its steadysilent. i have come to a new nutshell. haha, but yeah i also have a livejournal. do you? well add me if you wanna i will add you muah. take care.
from gloryxxfades :
from be-my-heroin :
i absolutly adore you. plus, you have the most rad screen name ever.
from cautionary :
this makes me feel. and i like that. the miles are too much but the love balances it out. how far is it?
from loveisache4 :
i like.
from thisisamess :
so beautiful.
from thefallofart :
no, actually i live in mississauga, a suburban city near toronto. eh, it's all part of the gta (greater toronto area). but it's much more boring, duller, less colourful. and, also, sometimes i want to be young forever. just a small free spirit swinging on a tire in the middle of a green field filled with yellow dandelion heads. just to stop caring about everything. you remind me so much of myself.
from sonowwhat :
hello, I was reading some of your entries and was so moved that I had to tell you how much I liked them. It's as if you opened my head and wrote all the things I have been thinking but unable to say. peace
from kwesta :
Ahh... I've fallen in love with Tx too. Hehe Kick ass picture yo! Always Take Care!!! Holla 4rm Dallas! -Third_Shadow
from ohmakemeover :
yay back to ya! calvin and hobbes saw me through alot ya know. and yea, good good day.
from thisisamess :
i have this lifelong dream of texas and moving there.
from zoetrope :
If I could take it back. I would eat every word.
from substantial :
I just signed the "ophelia" diary. I had no idea you had this one. The writing is incredible, and I'm not just saying that. I must have read 20 entries, all in a trance; your prose is hypnotic, and your images and descriptions of things are terse but powerful. It might be because my lovelife is messed up - I've missed someone for 2 yrs. now, and I wonder about them all the time, but no, it can't be that alone. Or can it? The last time I had the feeling your entries gave me was reading 'For Whom the Bell Tolls.'
from thisisamess :
you are so beautiful.
from cautionary :
i wish you were my friend.
from thefallofart :
i mean, oops, i don't mean that twice. i have too many windows open. dammit dammit dammit.
from thefallofart :
you write good. (nakedembrace is now thefallofart.)
from thefallofart :
your layout is really hot. nakedembrace is dead, the fall of art has been born. come visit
from thisisamess :
i like you layout, you amaze me. over and over i read your diary before most others.
from indie-snob :
hello there! i recently added a review for a Yo La Tengo show I saw the other night and hoped you would be interested. i have a bunch of other album and concert reviews here, too, including two Flaming Lips reviews. check it out, thanks!
from girlgenie :
i see. you are neat.
from deafpedhead :
i like your diary. :) :) :)
from steadysilent :
your words give me chills. its like the sound of a waterfall so pure. and so comforting. xoxo
from thisisamess :
you are so beautiful.
from raven72d :
Writing that says so many things I've wanted to put into letters to people important in my life.
from iamdisco :
overflow, this step. i'm unsure of your initiation, only that i want to know that feeling of moving through the crowd of people to be together alone. and from your admiration, it could even end up with this face i do not know. and still be right. you say pour forth like you know how it feels.
from be-u-tea :
i enjoy your writing as well-u are in texas yes?unless you are like tori amos and tend to use texas as an adjective type essence in her writing-ehg-anyhow-good day
from be-u-tea :
hi-who are you?your rink intersects mine<3
from nitejohnboy :
Moving to Dallas maybe in the fall. Find your diary very interesting. A fellow David Sedaris, Sylvia Plath, " virgin suicides " lover...Yay !!!
from thisisamess :
"there is a type of beauty that is so closely bound to pain, that we hold onto the pain for fear of losing the beauty." amazing
from steadysilent :
I like all of this.
from thisredhouse :
i read something today and i've never agreed with anything more. -some mistakes are beautiful some mistakes can't ever be undone. (and as you know, dear, some of them are both at once)-
from starlet-21 :
i love your poetry...and you're really pretty
from thisisamess :
from thisredhouse :
reading that was as if someone had snuck under my skin and documented my life. only made it sound a little more beautiful and sharpened the edges. I have no idea what you're writtings are about but i like them. you're emotions hit close to home. you're fucking amazing.
from ohmakemeover :
hello love, i was just wondering how you are. your words always seem to sigh to me. its like woah.
from nakedembrace :
let's sit down to lunch sometime with lemon cakes and creamy sugar tea/underneath a big red and white umbrella on a sunny but rainy day.
from thisisamess :
my heart started slowing down as i read this it is so beautiful.
from obscuritron :
i like your words too.
from obscuritron :
thanks. i like your name lot.
from strikeonbox :
that was really beautiful, about the sap.
from ohmakemeover :
ahdamn. i've lost my plaster. do you have one? its reopening.
from ohmakemeover :
that hurts. lets go get stitched up.
from strikeonbox :
you remind me of the good part of me, concentrated. i like you a lot.
from thisisamess :
hello i love you lets go.
from convert :
wow. that is just awesome.
from convert :
from convert :
hi. i am julie.

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