messages to snarkymarky:
(click here to add new message):

from heavenlyging :
I feel I could have written the entry from June 29th. Well, besides the meeting with people - I'm still working on that part. Damn, it was weird to read my thoughts.
from heavenlyging :
I know what you mean about crib transition. We don't have a family bed, but P. is in a bassinet right next to me. And he's gotten to big for it. We're trying to find solutions to not have him in the crib yet - I have the same heartwrench as you do about it!! good luck!!
from hthespy :
i am bursting with curiosity about which room you stayed in, and laughing hard at the price chart where the agatha christie room is much more expensive than the willa cather room. weirdest hierarchy ever! also i like your diary alot, and your baby is cute, so cute!
from pragmatics :
this particular cat (his name is trout) has what would be described as a socialization disorder if he were an eight-year-old human. i don't know what his history before he came to me was like, but he has just discovered how to demonstrate affection in the past few months, and now he INSISTS on giving me affection. he does the back of the toilet thing too, but he rams his head into mine over and over again, purring like a motorboat. he is fantastic, but sometimes it's like living with a lovable but frustrating alien who can't quite master the way this planet works. also, he is very much like stewie from family guy, if that's a reference that makes sense to you. before, he was just a mastermind. now he's a strangely loving mastermind. it's never boring at my house, i can assure you. the pets see to that.
from aikan :
dude! i totally hang onto cards because i feel bad throwing them away, (for the most part.) and i'm definitely male. so don't feel bad. well, okay, feel bad if you must, but let me know if you find a way out ;)
from heavenlyging :
Hi there! I keep meaning to write you and tell you thanks for the info on thrush. Very useful and from what I can tell, using much of it, we've prevented thrush during the time I was taking antibiotics. Thanks very much and I'm sorry that you and hazel had to learn from experience!!!
from sukirella :
hello, I ran into your diary and really enjoyed reading about you and your baby...I want one too, damn it!
from cccerberus :
hey rachel, i'd love to read the birth story, when you write it. diapering can be a fun, quality time thing. singing or distacting her with a hanging bell, chime, or toy keys can be helpful, as well as explaining gently what you're doing jane
from squarepants :
The stupid guestbook wouldn't work, so here's a note to let you know I did the 100 list thingy. xo!
from heavenlyging :
She is beautiful. And amazing.
from heavenlyging :
Yayyayyay!! I can't wait for the birth story!!!
from solitus :
Holy Monkey! I don't know if I'm ready for you to have your baby yet! Well, until the countdown ends pumpkin, bestest wishes for whatever happens and congratulations- you have almost completed the circle of life!
from solitus :
You're right- it's mighty gross. And silly me, I thought drugs were supposed to make you feel good and get you through to the next work-week. ;) Knowing this, look around you on a Saturday night. There's more people out there with meth bugs than you'd ever imagine.
from aikan :
boy, you must really hate people who deprive themselves of sleep for no good reason ;)
from heavenlyging :
I said to D. the other day: I love being pregnant, I love the feeling of being pregnant, I don't want to change that. I just really look forward to being able to sleep however I want!!! I understand your pain. Take care.
from squarepants :
Tried to sign your guestbook but it seems to be acting wonky. Soo...Happy holidays to you, sweets. Wanted to send you two a card but forgot to ask your address, bad me. Here's a piece of news: I am an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church now (!!), so just call me Rev.Squarepants. xoxox
from aikan :
hey there. the paper may not be totally lost. try opening it in wordpad (to open wordpad, click the start button, click "run", and then type "write" without the quotes, and hit okay. i know, it's retarded). sorry if that's insulting, but i don't know how computer literate you are :) anyway, if you can open the paper in wordpad, the formatting may be lost but you might at least be able to recover the words and then copy and paste them into word to reformat. good luck.
from heavenlyging :
Thanks for the sinus help!! I don't know if I'll be able to cut back totally on dairy (the caffine in chocolate milk is helping my lungs a bit and I don't feel like I'm going caffine crazy) but I think I'm going to cut back. And the lying down info is great - I'll try that tonight and see if it helps!! Take care
from heavenlyging :
Thanks for the note on the weight issue (and for all the birthday congrats as well!). I feel very much as you said - a mix of me and the baby. It's nice to see someone else feeling the same way!! Take care.
from aikan :
the ideal solution for the j-hole would be to write your entry in a different program, like notepad, and then copy and paste when it's ready. yeah, i don't do that either :)
from heavenlyging :
I know exactly what you mean about needing a pregnancy/parenthood companion. I have one - in Charlotte: one country, several hours and a time zone away. I'm hoping that when I go to prenatal classes, I'll meet someone. Or perhaps when I'm really showing. I hope you find someone!
from squarepants :
You're a mama tiger now. Isn't it amazing the things our minds and bodies do when we're mamas?
from heavenlyging :
Wow is right!!
from myeels :
no, dude, so legit to be pissed. Franny is right. The bitchy next door neighbor is a force to be reckoned with. I had a next door neighbor one time who literally called a towing company and had them tow our friend's car because it had been parked in front of our house for TWO DAYS. He was in europe. Can you believe that? Who goes to so much trouble?? So, yeah. You have every right to be cranky at her. That just seems so rude. At the VERY MOST all she should have done is asked you nicely if you would move the shit out of your driveway, or something. God.
from heavenlyging :
from heavenlyging :
Oh wow!! Am I one of the first two! Damn that looks interesting!
from neighborhood :
so i says to the guy, i says, "taxi?! no problemo!" haha, yes!
from neighborhood :
hey you! i hope the moving in is all going well. thank you for the birthday tidings. we could be looking at january or so. you know what for!
from milkmonkey :
I get the East Village Inky too. Ayun rocks. Have you seen her stuff in Bust magazine?
from eevviillgirl :
Thanks for filling out my survey. Your answers were verrry interesting. ;) Love your journal, too.
from illiac :
and you won something! congrats! (just keeping the notes fresh)
from jonasty :
mmmm... exams are over, so i can cruise diaryland again! oh joy! :) keep writin, keep smilin! *yay*
from illiac :
"hey, mister. where's this taxi going?" remember that? hahaha.
from onechopstk :
hheeeyyy::: thank you for signing the guestbook...i feel so cheeeeezy when i say things like that, but seriously! warmed my little heart. and the profile of course just services as icing on a cake. you make me want to click my heels. :). au revoir.
from oginschile :
hey, i tried sending an email, but it came back to me. my email address is [email protected], if you would like to email me with... the details. once again... nice entry. i so enjoy your diary
from oginschile :
um... i'm not sure what yer talking about as far as a blind date/chat with a diarylander... but sign me up. i'm always up for being publicly ridiculed! my friend's ridicule has grown cold, and just isn't as appetizing as it used to be.
from oginschile :
um... i'm not sure what yer talking about as far as a blind date/chat with a diarylander... but sign me up. i'm always up for being publicly ridiculed! my friend's ridicule has grown cold, and just isn't as appetizing as it used to be.
from invisibleink :
that was SO sincere. hmph!
from squarepants :
Hey-lo! Thanks for the nice words about the new layout. I love that font! And hey, what's with the toenail? Think it might have anything to do with the mushroom? I mean, it is kind of weird...Oh crap! I wonder if that means one of my toenails is going to come off now?? Ack!
from illiac :
"soothe ass" hahaha. what a visual! sheer comic brilliance!
from illiac :
i just realized something: if that e.l.o. in your profile stands for electric light orchestra, you kick ass. well, you did before... but now you do even more!

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