messages to spankbottom:
(click here to add new message):

from mindless :
hey beej. my email is [email protected] find me on msn sometime. :)
from amandabean :
yeah, that was me for real. I left here for a year-ish and then decided I had more scheisse to write about, so I returned. and then like two days later, holy spankbottom jeez you're back. I hope life is going awesome.
from amandabean :
holy crapola, are you back? I just came back. are you back, though? I hope you are back. :)
from xkitix :
from mindless :
bj. i haven't talked to you in a very, very long time. i'm glad to hear you're doing okay. you still owe me a trip to disneyland and believe me i'll make you pay up for that. cheley
from xkitix :
I also forgot to mention, that i would like to add you to my buddy list, if you don't mind.
from xkitix :
Very, very funny diary. You're so cool.
from blue88 :
I'll bet your a jackass every day, yet you fear no one cares.........
from beautyx3 :
wow! you crack my shit up!
from funkycracker :
Damn bitch, I ain't seeing you in California. Damn sometimes you be acting like we be married or something. I'll be giving you some funkycracker loving soon sweety.
from painted-lips :
isnt it wonderful how i notice HTML is not permitted in diaryland,after being on here since [not quite so] forever,just now.le sigh.
from painted-lips :
somehow i came upon your little corner of diaryland & i could confidently say i would love to curl up in it and stay for a long winters nap.your "straight women and gay porn" entry positively made my <s>day</s> life.
from rantingslash :
Feh. I could tell you were smart. But I think most people who actually did any work with you could. Well, except when it comes to memorizing lines within a reasonable timeframe. Aside from that though, to truly excecute humor like yours requires the smarts to understand the timing.
from quotebook :
Hello. I enjoyed reading about how you weren't sure of your own intelligence. Actually I just skimmed your last entry to see if you were note-worthy, and decided I didn't care if you were or not, you were getting one. HA!
from rantingslash :
Okay, for an HTML link, it's A HREF="(sitenamehere)", in those nice little less than greater than signs. That opens the tag. Whatever you type after that is a link, until you close the tag with /A. <A HREF="> This is a shameless plug link for my own never updated site where I whine too much.</A> See how easy that is?
from rantingslash :
Hail, a BJ. Ya know, I could probably just go next door and say "Hi" when you're there. But I'm in a lazy writer mode, so I'll just do this, and you'll know why I haven't been around when you visit your likely still y2k obsessed mother.
from daizy14 :
B.J. I miss you so much call me damnit! Your next door neighbor sounds like a winner, I can just see you two sitting down to a nice cup of tea and talking politics.
from mindless :
i miss you beej! *hugs*
from daizy14 :
Update your diary damnit!! I know funny shit's been happening. I keep checking and all there is the same sad song. C'mon my big panda. Where's the night of the "long walk" or U-hauling the table from work???
from daizy14 :
So, I couldn't sleep tonight BJ. So I read most of your diary enteries. I laughed my ass off. You are one fucking funny guy. You really know how to tell a story. You're my hero. I wish I could be funny like you. Just kidding. I still feel bad about the Friends convo. P.S. Don't forget the "Pissing Paul off in bed" plan.
from amandabean :
i finally sunk to a new low. i'm sorry i had to lock my diary after over two years of ... of well, being myself. but things are getting really bad on this end. do me a favor and email me right-quickly at [email protected] (i'm so high maintenence, i really am sorry about this), and i'll send you the visitor password. i'm sorry i had to do this. hopefully it is very, very temporary.
from tresmignonne :
hi, i'm leaving all my fans notes since i have so many. uheruh, not really. i have obtained a new sex toy, and i want to give you a spanking with it, because your name is Spankbottom. So I'm going to spank your bottom. Because your bottom is spankable. and yesterday i learned how to play simpsons, papa roach, korn, and the scary circus song on the piano while sitting on a guys lap that was dressed like a condom. i thought you would want to know this.
from amandabean :
spankie, any college tips for girls? some of those don't apply to me. =)

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