messages to starletdream:
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from lttelamon :
would have dropped this in your guestbook, but naturally it's not working the moment I wish to take advantage of it. Just to make it this far is sufficient proof you're smart enough to be there. And, as you say, you already know that. I've always thought that a little doubt was a healthy thing. It helps you recognize your perceived limits, so that you can admire what you've become when you surpass them.
from skaterk :
I am sorry about what you must be feeling. I am wishing you hope, strength, courage and lots of love from your family and friends. Eventhough hearing "it'll be okay" sparks a certain mistrust, know that it comes from a place of hope. Don't give that up.
from lttelamon :
Of course, it would be nice if the link I left you actually worked, but that would be too easy. Or in other words, I screwed up. Correct URL is
from liviasgarden :
Merriest of Christmas warm wishes for you!
from xactlywhoiam :
Glad you had fun on your trip! I miss Eugene and rain. Well, not so much Eugene, but my friends. I could have told you of some cool people to visit there. As for the rain, it's been raining here a lot, but you don't often see rain like that of Oregon. And thumbs down to school--I can't believe this is my second September of not dealing with back-to-school.
from sweetliz2000 :
Hot and dry is better than hot and humid! Trust me! :-/
from sweetliz2000 :
I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy reading what you write. I can identify with a lot of what you say.. Take Care!
from insomniak15 :
hey, i came accross your diary and you sound really interesting to say the least =P hope ya dont mind me reading a few of your entries, but yea! msg me on icq at 10618649 or aim punkboi101 or msn [email protected] takecare:)

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