messages to starting-gun:
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from stephielove :
Thinking about you guys, still.
from stephielove :
goodness, I'm sorry. thanks for your note. I don't know if we're divorcing, we're still trying to work things out. If I can do anything, let me know - email me or note me or whatever. Thinking about you...
from anita-girl :
It seems like we all want to be friends with people forever when in life it just doesn't always work out like that. They say if you have 3 good friends you are blessed. We grow as people, we change, we move and we make different decisions which change who we and others are. It's not always healthy to hang onto friendships just because at one time we were good friends with them. By letting go we can gain more with other people. I remain 'friendly' with some people that used to be very close but life took us apart. But in the meantime I have made other friends. I encourage you to make other friends. They say if you show yourself friendly you will. There are a lot of people out there who would love to be your friend. Good luck making some new ones! It hurts to let go of some people but sometimes it's better to! :>
from emaciana :
thank you for your note. it means a lot to me just knowing that ppl like you out there care.
from anita-girl :
I don't think it's wise for oyu to sacrfie yourself so that your husband can do all that he can do. It may work for a whil ebut eventually you will grow to be angry with him for this when it was your decision all along. Maybe you are making this choice to make it easier for yourself to give up. If you are so unhappy you need to find out why and how to change it. Maybe going to talk to someone would be a good idea. You deserve to be happy. :>
from anita-girl :
Maybe you should look into taking a fincial course togather. Me and my husband facilate a course on finances by Dave Ramsey. He has a fincial peace university that teaches people wise way to use money. This may be the best idea as it will help your husband ot see hwo he needs to be wise and he will learn A LOT. And you won't be teaching him and pushing him. A book is all good to read but by sitting through a course for several weeks would probably be better, you learn more. It's great that one of you have your priorities straight but you both need to be on the same page. Does he know how many bills you have? Maybe he needs to sit with you and do them and see. Another idea is that he does not take his debt card or his credit cards and has a certain amount of spending money on him for the month. When you use cash you often spend less! I hope this works out for you two!
from stephielove :
Don't fret too much about not getting a job. You'll find something - I went through that after I graduated last year, and thought it was all me and that I had wasted all that money in college - I'm sure you're good at what you do. It's just circumstance. Keep your chin up - everything will work out!
from anita-girl :
Before having Ariel I used to come home so tired that I would lay on the couch for a good hour. Now I wonder how was I ever that tired? A baby changes things. For the better, you become a better worker, a better person and a quicker worker! And than there toys are everywhere anyways so really who will notice the mess? Trust me you grow up when you have a kid!
from stephielove :
Crossing my fingers and sending up prayers about your ultrasound....
from anita-girl :
It sucks to read that your feeling this way. I am going to say this and I am not trying to push it at you but it's what makes my life worthwhile, Jesus. At times I have felt empty, alone, upset with what I have, a lot like what you are, Jesus made everything change for me. I think you have gone through a lot of changes, you worked so hard at school and are now done and have so much free time. Your life is different, you should celebrate it. Choose what will make you happy and try to find it. If you hate things change them, order those pictures, do what you have always wanted to do or figure out what you want to do. Your life isn't over because of that W word, it can be so much better because you have someone you love and who loves you to share it!
from emaciana :
what you said about the geriatric ward really struck me. i don't want to be alone and old...
from stephielove :
I'm sorry you're so down. Thanks for the support (boy, do I need it). I would LOVE!!! to see pictures :)
from stephielove :
from stephielove :
Could you just escape for a weekend? Go to a bed and breakfast, just the two of you - leave all wedding stuff at home, and bring a movie or a game, and just hang out. Talk over a nice dinner. I hope you are feeling better.
from stephielove :
YAY for wedding checklists, and for crossing things off the list :)
from hertinyhands :
Thanks for adding me to your favorites!!
from tootiturtle :
Thank you for joining the youngwives diaryring! If there's anything that you'd like to submit to the youngwives diary, please send an e-mail to youngwivesATgmailDOTcom. I think that it would be a good website to get going and I'll make it easier to post to it one of these days. :) Thanks again!
from stephielove :
What a terrible situation for you :( I hope everything works out. And the drug test? Maybe it's a Washington thing, but for most retail or fast-food type jobs, the company sends you to get a drug test before they'll hire you. It's pretty lame.
from stephielove :
You're in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs.
from stephielove :
I love that picture! I loved our red gowns - other than there was a chance of rain, and we were warned that they are NOT colorfast - I was afraid I'd be a big wet red blob. Haha. :)
from stephielove :
:( Everything okay?
from lv-rndrdwrds :
from stephielove :
I'm sorry for your pain. I'm sorry wedding plans are so stressful and that you hate band and everything else. A big hug is coming your way. [I'm glad you unlocked] :). If you can, smile. People care about you!
from lucretia-21 :
If you don't mind, could I have a password? You have me buddied, but I can't read you, which makes me sad :( if you wanna, e-mail it to [email protected]
from sanetwin :
from stephielove :
All locked up :( Are you giving out passwords? I hope everything is okay :)
from sanetwin :
You locked!! can I still read?
from stephielove :
Ugh, I know what you mean about the clarinet - I have to give a recital in November and haven't played in a few weeks. Good luck :)
from mehiel :
It's passworded. Use the username and password "reader." Thank you for asking! Go to the "unlocked" entry to find out about the reasons for the lockage.
from mehiel :
When are you moving?
from stephielove :
It's weird, how our views and priorities change when love comes into the picture. Thank you for your support- it has been much needed. Nick and I are having our ceremony, etc in September- so, still have a few months to plan (though, we're going on a mini-honeymoon over my spring break the week after next, whoo hoo!). Good luck with classes- keep your chin up. Everything will be okay!
from stephielove :
I wish I could do more than just tell you I'm thinking of you. I'm sorry about your clarinet- is it ok? No cracks or anything? I have those nightmares, too- about dropping my clarinet.
from mehiel :
Go to the doctor! I hope your eyes feel better, soon. Get your eyes checked and see what you can do.
from stephielove :
Your wedding is just that- YOURS. It is your big day, you should decide exactly what you want and when you want it- in ten years (in ten months!), no one will remember if they had to stand outside or if they didn't like the punch, but you will. Do what you need to do.
from sanetwin :
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you get to be with the one you love today and that you have a wonderful day. I'm thankful for having found your diary and for "meeting" you.
from mehiel :
Are you no longer getting married?
from sanetwin :
Try Aveda products. I love their skin care line.
from sanetwin :
Don't be afraid to have children. Seriously, they are one of the best ways for you to relive childhood the RIGHT way. The way your parents should have given it to you. That's what I do with Analise at least, I live through her and give her what I never had. It's very therapuetic.
from mehiel :
When is your wedding date?
from stephielove :
ugh, I know what you mean about the clarinet playing, it's terrible! Makes me cringe. It'll get better, eventually, though :)
from artofliving :
Dear Starting-gun, I just noticed you added me as a favorite. Thank you very much, I'm flattered. I read yours and I like it very much. Welcome to my favorites list!! =)
from stephielove :
I completely understand about being overwhelmed by the thought of planning a wedding. It's too much! I wish Nick were into the whole wedding thing, lol. Our roles sure aren't reversed. Hehehe.
from mehiel :
Most wedding magazines and websites should have a section on how to have a wedding on a budget. It can be pretty helpful. Don't stress too much. Remember, this day is about you.
from stephielove :
I completely understand. I know Nick loves me and I trust him, but I don't always believe it... I don't think I'm good enough for him, have problems, yes, with my past. It's all a matter of having faith and believing in something that seems too good to be true. If he is good, he will see you for the wonderful person you are. You will get past this, and so will I. No worries. :)
from sanetwin :
That's the worst - whats in your head. Even if you KNOW and he TELLS you he loves you, your head will always tell you he doesn't enough. Just have a little bit of trust in it, as hard as it is. I always read you, every time you update. I don't leave a note as much as I'd like because all of your links to your profile and contacts are broken on your main page :(. but just wanted to let you know I still read.
from stephielove :
PS. still reading and thinking about you, too. you're amazing!
from stephielove :
boys are annoying.
from mehiel :
I noticed you added me as a favorite. Thank you! What a compliment. That's very kind of you. And congratulations on your upcoming marriage. I wish you all kinds of happiness. Being an only child, I know how it is to be alone in the house. I'm an expert in self-amusement. Please feel free to read up on my diary if you're bored--although I know you most likely have plenty of other, more interesting things to do (like planning a wedding). Thanks again. I'll add you as a favorite, too; it'll help me keep up with you.
from sanetwin :
I'm glad that right now things feel good. I hope this feeling can last for awhile. Happiness is such a fleeting thing.
from stephielove :
Some people still think of you! (Me :) ) Hugs, and good luck with those bastard exams.
from sanetwin :
I'm sorry you're feeling so down :(
from stephielove :
Thank you for the message, and hugs back to you, too. It really does mean a lot that someone is thinking about me- know that the favor is returned. I'm sorry about the proposal, I hope everything is for the best?
from sanetwin :
Fingers crossed for the proposal. Even if you aren't sure yet how to take it, I hope it's romantic!
from amber-darko :
Hi! My name's Amber and I'm 23. I am writing a book about my personal account of self hate and self harm. I'd like to include some personal stories from different stages in healing, different sexes and different ages to show that no one is the same, but we all are hurting in ways that we are unable to convey. I do not intend on printing names, there is no length restriction and I will not censor. I have decided to also include poetry or just general opinions. Please email me if you are interested. [email protected]
from stephielove :
Everyone goes through bad times on their instruments... I have had weeks and months at a time where I feel like I can't play a Bb scale, let alone whatever piece I'm playing. Things get better- even though you probably don't see it. And no one is truly 'normal'... we all have problems and anxieties and stuff wrong with us. I think that will get better with time, and love, too. Good luck to you.
from the-diseased :
you locked your diary and didn't send me the password!! :P
from stephielove :
Yes, the Planets is one of my favorite pieces... I'm in love. Once a clarinetist, always a clarinetist :) No one practices as much as they 'should', anyway. [at least, I don't]. Anyway, glad to meet you. I agree compeletly about falling asleep in someone's arms. :)
from his-boy :
I've locked my diary.username=cleo password=love
from everoboto :
Hello, allow me to welcome you to both the metalchicks and Iron Maiden diaryrings. I look forward to reading your diary. Up The Irons!
from riddance :
the face you are resisting the temptation of cutting shows your strength not your weakness. sorry this note is so late.
from the-diseased :
hey. i saw that you listed me as a favorite, i was just checking out your diary. well later..

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