messages to stormseye:
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from fitofdestiny :
That would drive me insane... I think I would have smacked him.
from cedartrees :
I think I get what you mean. But, sometimes you just have to say, "I don't want to talk to you anymore. Please don't contact me again". I should take my own advice though... I've never been able to say that myself to people.
from cedartrees :
from carnageus :
Hormones are a girls best friend. *chuckle*
from cedartrees :
Ack! I'm sorry your nan had a heart attack. Those can be really scary. I'm glad she's okay. [hugs]
from cedartrees :
Ack! I'm sorry your nan had a heart attack. Those can be really scary. I'm glad she's okay. [hugs]
from celticshadow :
username: this | password: life
from slipping- :
Hey, I'm on atkins too. I was off an on for about several months. I ended up losing maybe 15 lbs but gained it all back when I went off of it. I'm now back on it and -trying- to not cheat. It's now day 4, after being off of it for about a month... ugh. Anyways.
from with-a-k :
ohhhhhhh man. i must apologize but i was really bored once upon a thursday at 2:49 in the morning and I decided to read some other dland blogs, particularly writers who live in the same city as i do. and reading your most recent entry (the ex-bf from eons ago that you're still bothered by), wow... it's not so much the situation, because fuck, everybody's been through that... but what you feel is the exact same bitterness i feel towards an ex-flame of mine, only we didn't last four months, we lasted literally four days :oP and it hurt so much that i cried like niagra falls. and after that, all i could do was hope that his new vindictive, cruel and heartless bitch of a gf that he left me for (after telling me he wasn't ready for a relationship) would not only dump him, but irreparably hurt and humiliate him so he'd be scarred for life. and in spite of the fact that this happened so long ago, i still can't get over what he did to me. anyways... my name is k... glad but sorry to hear about the skeletons in your closet still haunting you... .:special k:.
from krugerpak007 :
Take care. xoxoxo Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Your layout is beautiful. Really sweet. I like it a lot. Kathy
from celticshadow :
This is witcheyes- my new diary.
from witcheyes :
You still there? How're you doing?

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