messages to sullysmam:
(click here to add new message):

from less-than3 :
hey! where'd your template go? just curious.
from less-than3 :
thx hon. xox.
from less-than3 :
happy belated birthday, first of all. second of live in an unhealthy environment. you need to get out of there. xox
from less-than3 :
oh hon have i ever been there...xox
from less-than3 :
from less-than3 :
of COURSE you can. i think that the privacy crisis is over...for now... :)
from less-than3 :
the former neon7c is now less-than3 xox
from smelly-kats :
I never had any doubt he was a monster, but am I glad you have such news which will work in your favour! xxxx
from twonk-gal :
Hello bagpuss! Glad you liked those stickers, they made me think of you and jumped into my basket. i think L was wrong and you are allowed to be angry, fair enough she can talk to someone but not someone you know, that's not fair on you or her or your mum. Take care of yourself, *hugs*
from smelly-kats :
I think you have every right to be angry, L was wrong, in every way, if anyone has the right to talk to peoplke about it you do. I hope you hav esomeone to talk to hun, thinking of you xxxx
from twonk-gal :
hey you, only me, just saying hello, again. i know i replied by text but I just wanted to hold your hand from afar and say hi, i'm glad at least you got a phone call. *tight hugs* Emma xxx
from smelly-kats :
Do you think you could prepare your own food hun? I dont want you ending up back in hospital, what about trying to explain it to Helen? xxxx
from twonk-gal :
god i haven't signed your book for ages! bad emma! i'm sorry to hear things are so rough for you at the moment, when you are back home yuor diet etc will be back in your control and hopefully that will give you a fighting chance. try not to be too hard on yourself now was always gonna be a hard time emotionally, sending you hugs and nice thoughts, emma xxx PS - you might have some nice post waiting for you at home too!!
from smelly-kats :
I dont like HP3... glad your doing okay, stay strong hun xxxx
from smelly-kats :
I know getting phone calls like thqat can tear you apart... thinking of you xxxx
from smelly-kats :
I hope the trip goes well too, thinking of you, please keep eating, hypos are not fun xxxx
from twonk-gal :
I'm glad Bella is OK she's so cure :o) thanks for the photo :o) Hope your trip goes well, you know my number if you need a reassuring text or 10. I'll try to remember you are away and not fill up your inbox, Hugs & glitter, Emma x
from smelly-kats :
I really hope Bella feels better for eating the spider maybe? xxxx
from twonk-gal :
Aww bella is so cute - thank you for the photos!! Em
from neon7c :
i understand so much of what you speak of. *hugs you tight*
from twonk-gal :
WELL DONE on being honest at your session, I'm so glad she can continue to see you - a little ray of hope. You are a good person and you have coped with this so well, I know you can't see it. I'm sure just as much as you are sad that your dad has gone your dad is sad he has too and is watching you and looking out for you and smiling at his little girl. the future can hold so much for you hun, I can see that - Hugs XXX
from twonk-gal :
you aren't a problem sweetheart, *hugs*
from smelly-kats :
Good luck tomorrow, I will be thinking of you... if you want to talk im here. Its easy to say, but you & the drs know your condition dont, trust your judgement... I do hope they leave you alone though... xxxx
from neon7c :
good to have you back! sorry it's been a rough go lately...xox
from neon7c :
hey. it's been a while since you updated. i hope everything is okay...
from smelly-kats :
I hope you knwo your not at fault for how the stuff with this guy turned out xxxx
from neon7c :
oh hon, i'm so sorry. i hope you're okay. leave me a note or email me if you need anything ok?
from neon7c :
even if he's not there, he's calling. being attentive. attentive boys are gooooooood. :)
from neon7c :
from neon7c :
yay!! yay!! kissing boys is fun! xox
from neon7c :
you go girl! :)
from neon7c :
banners! woo! pimp yo' diary, girl!!! :) i <3 banners. i think i have 5000 more to play with. hm. xox
from neon7c :
it's meredith :)
from neon7c :
xox thx for your note...hey...can i have the password? [email protected] if not, no biggie, just thought i'd ask. :)
from smelly-kats :
Ive only back read two entires but I hope your mums okay, maybe shes just pale because shes tired... thinking of you, I hope the funeral goes okay & doesnt bring back too many memories... good luck at the doctors Kat xxxx
from viks :
I know im early, but merry christmas in advance!
from smelly-kats :
I still cant get onto your diary but I wanted to send you some hugs anyhow xxx
from a-rainbow :
Help! Im on the new Post Pals laptop, I need your diary password!!! xxx
from dicky-mint :
ive found ya, love and hugs

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