messages to sweet789:
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from jonquill :
Thanks for listing me. I was taking a look at your profile. Thisbe Niessen has another book of short stories, called something similar to "Out of the Girls room and into the night." I really enjoyed Good People of New York, so I'm glad to see someone else out there found it.
from alwaysinhim :
LOL...I am cute?, if you say so.....and like I said....I did add that first on to yours on accident....Alsii
from alwaysinhim :
OH NO!!!!!!!! I can't believe I added all that stuff to the wrong note page....I am so sorry.....but I was gonna leave you a note anyway.....saying thanks and stuff, lol anyway......Alsii
from alwaysinhim :
Hey...thanks for adding me to your favs..and I must was kind of freaky....I thought you were one of my friends at first....Her name is Brittany too......but as you can is spelled different.......I was also misled by the fact that your diary "agurlyouknew"...but anyway...I have filled this with enough meaningless chit chat....and I am glad you like my poetry....ya know...I also have another diary a friend and I have started...the Brittany one no less......and it is called "guysuck2." I haven't linked the thing where other peeps can add stuff...but you are welcome to put something in the guest book if you want....Alsii

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