My Endless Escapades...

I am artistic and creative,and like many different types of music,I also don't:

a)put up with any bullshit from people

b)like conceited people

c)like people who are fake and shallow 'cause I will call you out on it!

My favorite diaries:

daysuit profile - diary
comments: Its like peering in on someone else's life.In fact it is.
american-bty profile - diary
comments: I hope one day she gets help.
jen7 profile - diary
comments: Her entries are honest and truthful,I love her diary.
Notum profile - diary
comments: I love his sarcasm and cynicism,its worth ckecking out.
perceptions profile - diary
comments: I like his witicism and his photography.
alwaysinhim profile - diary
comments: mindwanderings
x-nat-x profile - diary
comments: Once again being nosy again.
orlandoninja profile - diary
comments: His diary is just amusing to read. I can relate with the recent entry,but on in the opposte way.(does that make sense?)
travelogue profile - diary
comments: This is Daysuit's travel diary.
jonquill profile - diary
comments: its like reading passages of non fiction.I wonder if this guy is a writer?
theyknew profile - diary
comments: Anti Bush blog
ravenheart profile - diary
comments: very opinionated about politics,which is a good thing of course
brucedowns profile - diary
comments: FUN

My favorite music:

A perfect circle
comments: I love their cd mer de noms(sea of names)with this band you get to hear Maynard's more poetic side expressed.
comments: Maynard writes his lyrics according to how the music sounds,its more of a composition of differant pieces then just songs.So many elements to their music.
Modest Mouse
comments: Why have I not heard of this band before!
Alanis Morrissette
comments: She still rocks!
Death Cab For Cutie
comments: His come clean honest and humility in his lyrics about life and lost love is what drew me to this band.

My favorite movies:

Moulin Rouge
comments: What can I say this movie was great,very entertaining and the music is good too.I was surprised at how well Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor could sing!!
Adam Sandler
comments: I like all of his movies ,they are so funny what more can I say.
Monty Python
comments: Those movies are so hilarious and the endings you don't expect at all
Interview With The Vampire
comments: Wonderful portrayal of Anner Rice's introduction to her Vampire chronicles.Plus Bradd Pitt and Tom Cruise as vampires,yum!
Kill Bill Vol.1 and 2
comments: Quentin Tarantino is one of my favorite directors/writers.These two movies are brilliant and just mind blowing.Just good wholesome entertainment...anywho the music is excellant as well!

My favorite authors:

Thisbe Niessen
comments: She wrote The Good People of New York and right now this is her only novel out(I think) as of yet,but its a very good read.
Anne Rice
comments: I love her books and the life she gives to her characters,especially her vampires.
Pauline Gedge
comments: She wrote Lady of The Reeds and Child of Mourning which is about Hatsheput the first woman Pharoh.
Sheri Reynolds
comments: She wrote The Rapture of Canan and Bitter Root Landing she includes religion into her book's theme but she creates good stories of strong woman trying to survive.
Louise Rennison
comments: Hilarious!

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last updated: 2005-01-16 12:56:54
this user's total entries: 385
user since: 2001-07-03

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