messages to tarot:
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from cassandramh :
Nonexistant vagina? Hmmm.
from tarot :
Hmmm it wasn't losing-your-breath laughter, but I can think of a couple times I really laughed recently. One was the thing about my (nonexistent) vagina the other day. Another was a conversation I had about what it would be like if Christopher Reeves played Superman again in his wheelchair. That was so wrong. O:) Kim said she found a picture of me from a long time ago and I'm actually smiling in it. I'm skeptical until I see for myself! Last time I visited my mom I noticed she had framed some really unflattering pictures from 'the awkward age'. At least they were tucked away in her office instead of out in plain view. :)
from jeskasentari :
Hey, I'm writing in this thing because the guestbook pages are out of order. The best pictures I have of me smiling are ones when someone wasn't telling me to do it. Basically the spontaneous shots. Smiling should come naturally of course. Forcing an all out smile is probably linked to forcing hysterical laughter. It just hurts and it's hard to do. I had mentioned something to Cas about one of your entries about smiling and we had to think about things for a bit. We're not even sure if we've seen you do a super cheesy smile before haha! When was the last time you laughed so hard you could hardly catch your breath? :)

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