messages to theways:
(click here to add new message):

from browndamask :
"i sway so good now, it’s hard to shake me" so good!
from the-grey-one :
"can i hide in the weather again for just a little just enough time to find strength again" also, you have wonder boys as a favorite movie, and i think that is wicked awesome.
from atwowaydream :
html hearts all over the place. thank you, love. I've been reading you for years, keeping up with your on facebook, and you're one very beautiful soul.
from atwowaydream :
awww...goodness. i would so give you a real and very warm an true HUG.
from bedwarmhands :
so i'm trying this again. i have many guises. hope you are well, friend.
from atwowaydream :
back at'cha, luv.
from atwowaydream :
If we were closer, I would most certainly give you a hug. And I could use one too.
from orgami :
frost on these windows been pushing sleep running on three hours and reading writing much the right brain fires so entrancing still have my books job and company still here at D land merry xmas
from dinahsoar :
You have a lovely diary. You have lovely insights and observations. You are lovely.
from elusive-you :
it's awful, isn't it?
from boyecho :
they always take a back seat during the summer months... as if the weight of their music combined with the thickness and depth of the humidity here is just too much to bear... but once the sun feels just a little further away from the earth, out they come and into my car stereo/headphones. and it's always perfect timing.
from orgami :
Anne in moderation But yes..she lived life fully..too much perhaps she felt and her gift was to write feelings so translucent and exposed..honing her craft and carrying the burden of that splendour of her soul..I read half the book in Twiggs a fancy coffee shop in town and had to stop..shes still in france yet in my mind..but the power of her words is magnificent!! and she, the natural beauty a muse of potent depth..I have Billie Holidays book too that she wrote in 1955 Its a modern reprint and I have yet to read this too..I instead choose to re-read REBECCA GODFREYS, "THE TORN SKIRT" a book of coming of age in British Columbia about a young woman Rebecca is an exceptional writer I think..I forget who bought the film rights to this book, a famous actress..Slept finally, eating right again...enjoying the full moon later this evening and the vast realm of night>
from orgami :
From somewhere I found PJ Harvey's "White Chalk" last year or before that.. Somewhere in my collection of pack sack or suitcase is Anne Sextons Letters, that giant of a book..her smiling in her dress in the green hued soft cover. Its Sept 9th/011 the city scene is bathed in moonlight hazy neath a sullen soft breeze Ive been up for two days...thought I would say Hello
from kateness :
oh thank you for reading -- it warms my heart to know my words reach beyond me, to be heard in even the smallest way. - kate
from orgami :
waking up with midnight blackness soaked in my soul like kerosene I smell like bad dreams and lifted hundred dollar perfume your schemes are written in your fine stitch penmenship across the scarred wasteland of our time all lime light baby and her piano is teaching the conductors not speaking and way out on the ragged line where the blues crickets are sipping wine theres a starvation moon on a slow shuffle broom sweeping up the tears and wishs that slipped like dime store confetti one last time how you haunt me how you taunt me how I sweet adore you.....
from orgami :
summer beauty pressed like kaliedescopic butterflies turning in the warm blue haze the summer skies spun with clouds The trees whispering soft sonnets summer breeze..
from and-the-way :
"it lives, it is there" - beautifully written entry.
from atwowaydream :
thank you for the note. it meant more than i can say. like,seriously.
from atwowaydream :
i just knew you'd understand, luv.
from loladesilva :
Ahh no I dont think Spike couldve done Synecdoche, it just wouldnt have been the same , but, where the wild things are was also incredible, I had no idea he could write a good script, it just brought me as near as I can get to tears, a fantastic visualization of childhood.
from loladesilva :
I have yet to see a Charlie Kaufman movie that has disappointed me, though I have only seen three(being John Malkovitch, Eternal Sunshine..., and Synecdoche, New york(which is his best in my opinion))
from loladesilva :
I didnt know I had any other readers, nor did I know of any other readers of Herbert Huncke.
from atwowaydream :
i can't even describe what your note meant to me. like, to even try seems retarded.
from atwowaydream :
i feel like that most of the time, too. i can't say any of it gets easier, but sometimes it's pretty along the way. (ps: thank you)
from strayrecluse :
yesyesyes it feels so good, doesn't it?
from atwowaydream :
sometimes admitting something to ourselves, like saying it out loud to our soul is the jolt we need to try to find happiness. you're right, it is a big step, and you should be proud.
from dinahsoar :
I LOVE Jane Eyre! And I just Google'd Mahtab Grimshaw & you have inspired in me a whole new passion! How whimsical and wonderful! Thanks!
from atwowaydream :
"we don't learn how to be sad but we sure know how to say cheese" -so true. beautiful entry.
from dinahsoar :
"fighters of feeling and buckets of memories and love songs ..." I love this entry! Beautifully evocative! Thank you.
from opposure :
"we don't share it together but we share it all" Precisely. I enjoyed your lovely truths today.
from orgami :
from dinahsoar :
The entry before today's evidenced some real hope and perspective. Maybe reread it in the darkness. Do you have time away from the kids? Time to nourish your spirit? Everyone needs that. You have to be able to replenish your energies, or everything is just depleting. Take care!
from orgami :
fourth down Lightnin' listening to his work like reading some poetry there are crackles and hisses in nuance writing like a storm on old copper land lines and handsets im slowing and taking a look back before the year sets like listening to real music like reading real writing
from atwowaydream :
"it is hope and everything that is softly permanent" -your perspective on life is so lovely.
from dinahsoar :
Wow! Thanks! I wish you WERE an editor! Thanks for the encouragement! I just read back through some of your entries and really resonate with your words and feelings. We are both so nostalgic! Thanks for adding me! I'm gonna add you right now!
from newschick :
i love it. you word it perfectly. i must figure this out soon, or i may just go insane.
from newschick :
totally get you. being in control is the best feeling ever. who cares the consequences. control is key.
from newschick :
that's one of my fave quotes... but i didn't write that, marya hornbacher did. (she is incredible)! and ps love that latest entry, i feel the same way sometimes.
from newschick :
EXACTLY. i honestly, HONESTLY, never comment on anybody else's weight. even if they lose, i feel it is not my place to say anything. the only thing remotely near the body i ever comment on is 'wow you look beautiful'. and that's only when i see a friend really dressed up! ;)
from foreveragain :
pssst hey.....over here!
from shewholies :
You are so magnificently beautiful! I love your diary.
from atwowaydream :
we should form a club. a really esoteric, cool club. :)
from newschick :
ha i should do that. except i actually need clothes, half of mine have holes in them. :( i ordered stuff online, all in 'larger' sizes, we'll see if they end up fitting. :/
from greenteacup :
thank you :)xxx
from rhetoric :
the last four lines of 100421_86 are pretty great.
from atwowaydream :
that scene really does give me the all over shivers. music is really the only language that can make everyone forget about everything, if only for a few minutes.
from moonsocket :
i hope this finds you happy and warm. xoxo.
from moonsocket :
from moonsocket :
it's not easy. at all. feels like yr last was directed right at me. it rings all too true, for the most part. it was so sudden and fast and without warning. it was there one day, and gone the next. if there was a breakdown between us or a problem, it would make more sense. maybe there was, she never communicated it to me though. so confusing and frustrating, and that's what makes it all the more crushing.
from moonsocket :
from thisisjohn :
i like this place.
from sarahisok :
Me too, it's a hard situation to deal with when you have to censor your own thoughts because of someone's nosiness.
from bulimic-vamp :
thank you for reading. i have quite enjoyed reading your tidbits as well.
from warpednormal :
THANK YOU so very much.
from rhetoric :
Push through school. Whether you change majors or take summers off or..
from hiijayxx :
Hush. *virtual hug* It will all resolve, get better. Keep moving.
from hiijayxx :
Hush. *virtual hug* It will all resolve. Get better. Keep moving.
from hijayxx :
Hi, I think that the concepts of freedom and free ways can't be overused. : - )
from moonsocket :
this is true, however, if i don't, they are there, forever, taunting me...... i must be rid of everything. everything, if i'm ever to come around again.
from dare4perfect :
"i can't even manage to sleep in my own room. it's too full of me. full of my stuff. full of how i escaped." When I can't sleep I always go into my lounge room and sleep there, or try to. I've always wondered why I do it, automatically. Then what you said (above) makes total sense. I want to get away from all my stuff in my room and all the energy that is in there. Wow, you're good with words =) take care xo
from bi-pet :
check this out: these are shoes inspired by andy goldsworthy's work. i've got a pair and they are one of the most comfy shoes i've ever bought!!
from hijayxx :
You can do it. Shine above the rest.
from hijayxx :
Take it easy sis. It'll pass and good things'll happen again. : - ) Besides, thinking is the source of fear. I don't think we can understand this world in all aspects.. but all can find a place in it. Well, just mean to wish you lots 'a good luck + all the best : - ) Ride on..
from moonsocket :
holy crap thank you! thankyouthankyouthankyou!!! ♥.
from boyecho :
i dream of moving to a cold, cold place just for that reason alone...
from boyecho :
that makes two of us.
from kimmy21 :
really liked your entry...
from boyecho :
from boyecho :
are doves really so rare up there? you learn their song well down here.
from boyecho :
hell indeed.
from moonsocket :
thought it was time for an overhaul. thanks. yes, it is a harsh reality i find my self in. harsh, but true. so there it is. isn't that wristcutters movie effing brilliant? i thought so too. hope yr everything is looking up. ps-that little myspace message you sent me, about writing a note and letting it go, was one of the most beautiful and poetic things i've ever read. i almost cried. and to have you do that for me, well, it's beyond words. ♥.
from shewholies :
Your writing is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story. <3
from baneberry :
pretty : please
from moonsocket :
from boyecho :
it was terrifying. i've never felt so helpless in real life, let alone a dream...
from bannu :
>:D< That's a hug for you :) Be Happy.
from evasively :
keep that smile. it'll keep you strong.
from waltzingyeti :
hello! i noticed that you linked me as a fav. diary. thanks and nice to meet you.
from won-too-tree :
If it makes you happy, it can't be bad! (ignore that I'm quoting Sheryl Crow)
from evasively :
sounds like you had a wonderful day =D
from shadowfeet :
Thanks for the kind words. :) I agree with what you say, but it would be sad to think that dreams fizzle into nothing. Dreams, like potential are only worth having if pursued.
from baneberry :
Thanks so much! I worked hard on it. And thanks again -- I enjoy reading your diary, too, of course.
from evasively :
scrubs is the best show everrrrr!!!
from evasively :
don't let anyone keep you from doing what you'd like!
from elliestuff :
You're so witty!
from evasively :
ah man! that sounds like it was awesome... oh, me.
from boyecho :
oh also, that emiliana torrini video... around :56/:57 seconds.. the three women, absolutely synchronised... perfect.
from boyecho :
i came home tonight to find that all i have left in the world to eat is an apple. and i'm very grateful for it.
from evasively :
i'm very sorry about your mother... she sounds wonderful.
from bi-pet :
awesome writing... i love it!
from moonsocket :
i too feel the need to run. it's not unnatural. let's embrace it. wanna race?!!
from moonsocket :
the gobbledigook loves you too! that one just flowed out. you know how that happens sometimes. no stopping it. i see you myspace. me too. yep.
from annanotbob :
Thanks for the add xxx
from evasively :
i'm glad i could make you smile =) i am quite well... ready to be out of school. only seven more days! i'm prcacticing being optimistic. and working on persuading my mom to dye my hair red... (she's a beautician so she could do it for free). =D
from moonsocket :
i don't think yr boring. nope.
from evasively :
how are you?

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