messages to timeforanew:
(click here to add new message):

from basal :
did you know that some species of mosquitos have females 100 times the size of the males?
from basal :
from cats-corner :
I don't know if you were aware of my move from cats-corner to my new diary (loner-blues). Just in case you're still interested in reading, I thought I'd give you a heads up. -cat
from donnaisblue :
thank you. I'm glad you found it provoking.
from lemondeath :
awww.. can I have the password to your diary?
from omnipre5ence :
Mum's conveniently never hear anything. -_-
from lemondeath :
Yeah it does! I have been saying that for awhile.. I wonder why it's become so popular?
from omnipre5ence :
I get that way too -- not like your sister, I mean. I just feel bad for little kids if they have an incredibly depressing outcry.
from lemondeath :
I know this is going to be such a damned generic note but.. I read your diary and I liked it a lot. Seems we have the same 'problem.' ...cutting. I guess there's always some problem, eh?
from bloodyscars :
the grit is harsh; it leaves the skin [andnerves] reddened and apprehensive...but I will kiss the abrasions.
from donnaisblue :
also: I was reading your comments on your favorite entries page and thought I should clarify something about <b>Stockholm, Illinois</b>. The "moral" of the story was that the girl was obviously deranged, because that's what Stockholm Syndrome does to you, and I identify with it a lot and wanted to explore the mentality of the victims of it. Also, why did <b>The Virtue of Compassion</b> bring you to tears?
from donnaisblue :
There is never a need to apologize for being in love. And I love that my writing had an effect on you... Also, my activity on diaryland isn't as frequent as it used to be, so I'm not entirely sure when you left these notes for me because I don't check that often. So if this is really delayed, I apologize. I have another diary, which is less formal and less creative than this one, at livejournal under the same name, if you're interested. And it includes a picture of myself.
from cats-corner :
I will definitely be reading your lyrical soon as I find a moment to breathe! :-D Thank you so much for the compliment on my entry. -cat
from cats-corner :
Wow! What a compliment! Thank you so much, I appreciate the praise more than I can say. -cat
from cats-corner :
Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for adding my diary to your favorites list. :-) -cat
from moth-prints :
About the wrist tattoos - I've been having the same idea. Although it was flash art I've been considering getting the sanskrit word for "percieve" on my left wrist. It's really beautiful.
from donnaisblue :
thank you.
from xmistressxvx :
thanks for joining the asilaydying ring.
from parlez-vouz :
i had to lock my diary for certain reasons. if you'd like the username/password leave a note with your email or email me at [email protected] <3chels
from what---if :
Found you, hugged you several times, bookmarked you. I feel I have accomplished something today! ;)
from parlez-vouz :
carnivals ARE all the rage. even tho last night wasn't as fun as i remeber them being. did you have fun?
from perplexity15 :
Yay! I really agree with your last entry :-) what kind of guy obsesses about cleanliness anyway?
from parlance :
I came across your diary randomly and must comment on the template [I like it] Yess..
from perplexity15 :
omg why end your life?? i'm sorry, i'm just a "please live" freak, i hate to see people doing something that they don't want to do. to me, suicide IS the chicken thing to do, it's like you're running away from something in your life by ending it. and besides, how do you know you won't regret suicide? you never know what happens after you die, so if you take your own life, who knows if you'll be in a better place than you're in now? i'm not talking heaven or hell here, it's just a thought. sorry for preaching, but i just had to say that.
from perplexity15 :
yea the leg seizures! i get those sometimes, kinda weird. but my dance teacher was trying to teach us something where if you put enough weight on one leg, it starts to tremble; so i guess it's normal. probably just a muscle reflex thingy
from perplexity15 :
yeah me again. why do you cut yourself? i don't mean to preach or anything, but ouch! i've heard of people doing it out of severe depression, or people committing suicide that way, but as an addiction? is it satisfying? sorry, i'm just surprised that cutting yourself can actually be enjoyable so i'm flooded with questions right now...
from perplexity15 :
Hi, i just read your latest entry about dating Corey who's a freshman. i'm a sophomore, and for a while i liked an 8th grader and it drove me crazy because i couldn't understand why. i thought it was really cool that your boyfriend's a freshman; maybe you understand the odd feeling. its weird, because the guy i liked was so....mature i guess, even more mature than a lot of guys my age. and his thoughts were deep, not like some ignorant sophomores i've met. but then again, i kept wondering how that was possible, how i could like someone so much younger..i remembered how i used to think and act at that age, and it was completely different from his behavior. i was really confused for a while, but i guess i learned that it is possible. basically, i now truly believe that age does not matter... it's maturity. don't let the snickerers get to you, because apparently they don't understand that.
from creaturelvr :
Hi Megan, I don't know if you remember me. It's been a little while. I started a new diary. I kinda miss having ya over, but I suppose that wouldn't work right now. No parents to supervise us you know... That's what getting married does to your friend relationships I suppose. Hit me up at [email protected] it's me... Becky
from treewillow :
Happy Birthday, I hope you have a wonderful day.
from parlez-vouz :
wow. I was going to go to that show last night. Phil had been begging me to go, but I didn't have a ride. Was it good/fun?
from bag-of-chips :
Well, i work in a hospital, Baylor University MEdical center in Dallas, TX. And Im a PCT, which is a patient care TEchnician, which is just a fancy medical term for nurses' assistant. So i see alot and do alot, but that one patient was too much, i can handle someone passing away before that. crazy stuff. so is this the first time you reading my diary? ~Titus
from discodoll :
Guilty for liking your diary. Good writing here.
from afiandthrice :
Nothing Feels Good: Punk Rock, Teenagers, and Emo. By Andy Greenwald. But bleh, there is a MASSIVE chapter about Rick Egan (AKA Satan..)
from sliceandburn :
just a random comment after finally catching up on your entries (it had been a couple weeks)...Faust is an old German folktale. The versions by Marlowe and Goethe are comparable to Shakespeare's borrowing from local legends to write, for instance, Romeo and Juliet, or the fairies in A Midsummer Night's Dream. Yay literature...
from perplexity15 :
I'm so glad for your entry about subcultures and scenes. I truly agree with you and I feel as if the whole world is living under a fake image for fear of rejection from society. We all disguise ourselves under layers that aren't sincerely US and play along with society just to fit in. And I can't stand it. I don't do anything about it because no one around me understands, or is willing to admit that they feel the same way. I'm so thankful that you realized something was wrong
from afiandthrice :
Its not that I hate it, its that I hate the idea of it. Its just fine for my brother to go in there and buy stuff if his little heart desires it, but I, personally, would prefer to not contribute to the mass production of overpriced "pre-ripped-and-saftey-pinned" clothing. Customizing like that isn't customizing when there are 300000 copies of the exact same thing out there. PLUS the one near me is really quite small and dark and I get really claustrophobic. That probably has somethin to do with it.
from dont-stop :
Wow! You are wise beyond your years and I think you'll be just fine. I can relate to a lot of what you write. I remember feeling the same way when I was your age.
from parlez-vouz :
Being sick sucks. You probably have what me & all my friends have or had. I've been out all week, but that has to do with something else..But I totally agree with what you said about the whole class and social standings. Personally, I don't know why anyone has to "place" people.
from tearoutmyeye :
you, seriously, make me excited to go out into the world. just to meet someone like you.
from dont-stop :
Just randomly read your diary and it made me smile.
from marsist :
I like your diary too-- thanks for linking to me. you have a neat design and some really deep and interesting thoughts, from the few entries I've been able to read so far...
from sad-night :
Thanks so much hon', that meant a lot to me. I'm glad you cared enough to come visit my diary and I'm also glad you left that note. I feel better knowing you care. *lots of hugs* back! Love Always... <3
from mojo1915 :
Hello there! I hope you have a very fun halloween and you don't get thrown up on by a salamander. Take care ~Jesse
from duckie2397 :
hey, i found your diary while searching and i really liked it. we seem kind of similar. anyways, just wanted to say i like your diary:)
from nihilistbear :
Hey there... well written entry. I found that exacto knives did it for me... fast and almost painless... but very very bloody.
from sad-night :
Hey thanks for adding me to your favorites! :)
from parlez-vouz :
Thanks for the note. I'm sorry to hear about you & your boyfriend...
from pokytoes :
i'm so sorry to hear about you and your boyfriend. you can make it through this.
from nihilistbear :
Hey there... thaanks for adding me to your favourites! I really enjoyed your diary. Alice
from toshchaya :
Thanks for the nice note in my guestbook! Oh, don't you HATE that feeling of HATE??? Don't you wish you could STOP yourself before you eat the devilish stuff so you don't have to experience that HATE?? When I get to thinking about this nasty cycle that I constantly subject myself to that is when I feel it the most. I HATE my lack of self-control, and HATE the fact that I let it go, and on and on... *group hug* We'll get better; it's time for a new life, like you said!
from toshchaya :
Could I have the username/password for this diary?? I hope you didn't think that I was accusing you of wanting to "catch" bulimia; I can feel you pain and I know that is not what you were trying to do. I starve and cut myself too, and I am not skinny yet/anymore. If you ever need anyone to listen or talk to, I'm there for you. I've tried repeatedly to throw up, but it never works, and as for laxies: they never felt successful and only made me feel hungrier. I wish you the best though. I hope you didn't think I was insulting you. Oh and sorry about the picture *giggle* it is supposed to be a woman in a garden. Lying in a bed of worms WOULD be pretty awful! :) Peace, Tali.
from pokytoes :
can i have the password to get in? i mean if you want to give it to me, of course. yeah.
from exoristos :
All my love Megan Megan.
from blockkitty :
I don't think you should kill yourself. God doesn't want you to waste your life and I don't either. You could do so many things if you just stop caring about what everyone but God thinks. I also went through depression and took paxil. Believe me, it wasn't easy, but if I could do it, you can too. Just follow our Lord, Jesus Christ. I will be praying for you.
from windmage :
i try so hard to have faith, but it seems like i can't ever get a break. sometimes i just want to give up, but at least i'm not the type to give up easily. that's one thing i've got going right now...
from rainbowhue :
hey thanks for writing in my guestbook. as for your request for tips,i would give you some but the thing is i am leaving today for the hospital. i'll be gone a month...if u want i can email you when i get back and we can talk bout it all. i hope u know what i am talking bout i didnt want to give to much detail here case others are reading but i'll let you know when i get back and i'll help you then. hope thats ok. bye.
from thias :
You know, I like your layout a lot.
from mojo1915 :
I would just like to let you know that I really enjoy reading your diary. Have a wonderful day.
from exoristos :
O Megan Megan I am here! Did you truly think I could forget you? Perhaps if I give you my new number you'll be very kind and call me.
from thias :
Hey there, thanks for the compliments. I enjoy your writing a lot..hope all is well.
from mojo1915 :
Hello, have a good day! :)
from blondienerd :
first of all- omg dont u love the fallen cd? 2nd-good taste in just bout everything u got listed. :D and 3rd- good taste in men! man- i want your ideal guy 2! :P
from headsnotrite :
i like your new template :)
from ghostsiknew :
Thank you.
from windmage :
thanks for your words of comfort; they really helped. now i wonder if you're okay...where is that dizziness coming from? i never heard of anyone having an attack like that for no reason. i hope it doesn't come back again...
from fuschiashock :
i'm alright. it's just that i have this online friend &i care about her a lot &the last time i talked to her, which was last month on the 19th, she was suicidal.
from windmage :
i just read my guestbook and i'm glad you like my diary. i just hope i can keep it interesting for you.
from windmage :
it didn't snow enough...i've had enough of that stuff. you live in PA just like i do and you want MORE?? :P
from allykitty5 :
Happy Birthday!! I hope you are having a great one!! :-)
from mijnerzijds :
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have an awesome day.
from windmage : added me as a favorite diary?? wow...that's cool. thanks! i'm so honored! :D
from xquisitepain :
*tear* you don't like mercy me??? :(
from over-now :
hi <3
from torchthemoon :
hrm, no. no exciting near death experiences at all. rather unfortunate, i do suppose. there was nothing at all, no lights, no god... ziltch. nada. zero. anyway, i'm not a religious person so it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that my death experience was void. i hope you have a lovely, lovely x-mas and a safe new year. xox
from xquisitepain :
yes, i am fine. thank you for caring though. not too much of a Christian, am I? I was... I was...
from over-now :
it was a last resort, my dear. one he never read.
from xquisitepain :
well actually, Black by Pearl Jam, redone SOOO much better by Aaron Lewis. [So much controversy considering he did it without permission] But thank you. :)
from invisiblepal :
Welcome to, and thank you for joining, the PA diary ring. :)
from elateddream :
Boys are confusing, yes, yes they are.
from oceangypsy :
Thanks for listing me as a favorite diary. I am glad you enjoy my diary. Be sure to check it out often. I am in the middle of updating it today-11/29/02
from dramoth :
thanks for taking my survey. =) I can't say that I agree, but I didn't make it so that I'd agree with everyone. I get a lot of responses similar to your last one and it's always confused me. If god 'gives life and takes it away' he's a creator and a destroyer.. I mean, he's the ultimate. So why *isn't* he a murderer? Just curious. Something to post about in your diary, I guess? Peace!
from spikeyme : it really you?! Rockin'. Hey, I'm still alive (although I don't get online much and I'm grounded from IM but you might see me on from time to time). Email [email protected] Peace out chic
from exoristos :
Splendide mendax.
from flibertgibit :
Hey, I just noticed I was listed as one of your favorites. I like my polls, too. But I'm having trouble thinking of new ones. So if you have any ideas, let me know! Thanks.

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