messages to tinaster:
(click here to add new message):

from dizzigemini :
Please, can u delete all notes & msgs i have posted. I need this info off the web. Thankyou. After reading this, delete, please.
from badmj :
sorry I mean I like ur diary!
from badmj :
hi, I like your dairy
from dizzigemini :
those took 4ever to get 2 u. hapy u like. :) ur very welcome my dear.
from dizzigemini :
sent the posterssss.... a few of them, today!!! May 23.
from dizzigemini :
I m waiting to send u the poster because I want to send you a NEW APPARTMENT warming gift along with the nin poster. SOrry for the wait, but it will be worth the extra week, babes. Being on ur own is the greatest feeling in the owrld. No one to own up to. No one to please. If the garbage can is over flowing, WHO CARES!!!! if the dirty dishes in the sink gotz mold...who cares!! no one is goona yell at you for it!! ha ha. best wishes girl!! "kisses"
from dizzigemini :
send me ur addy and i'll send u a nin poster given to me while I was in L.A. by a guy who glues 'em up on walls. I got no use 4 it. junesoul2001 @ yahoo. com
from dizzigemini :
very hot toes.... very cute!!
from real-lies :
If you want... username: honestly pass: okay :) x
from waterbaby527 :
Thanks for caring. You're too kind. I have thought about going to a support group, and WAS going to go. I did find out where to go and just couldn't. I just can't speak out loud about it I guess. I'll figure something out. OH OH and you're idea to open a daycare center for deaf children is FANTASTIC! That's just beyond perfect b/c the majority of deaf kids are never exposed to other deaf kids before school age. AND if they go to a normal school and are just have an interpretur they're still isolated from other deaf children. I really hope that works out! Oh, and you don't want to be a dancer on broadway b/c NY just sucks major ass. Even though I usually find I'm one of the few who think that way.
from waterbaby527 :
haha, I just use ED as an abbreviation for eating disorder. That's awsome you took ASL for so long. I do love it, it's my 3rd semester taking classes. I'm just tired of all my classes in general. How come you didn't choose to work in that field?
from stupidshit :
No I live in Seattle. Right around first and union.
from stupidshit :
we should hang sometime. I currently live in downtown but hopefully moving up to Capital hill soon. Downtown is driving me insane and broke.
from westyrex :
Hey, my life has been detox and falling back in again for the last decade or so. Have you tried Suboxone? I mean, once you're weaned off of the shit? I've done methadone to get off of dope, but I never wanted to get on the daily plan. That's worse than being a junkie. Reporting every day to get your meds. Bleh. Suboxone is bupe and naltrexone. It doesn't feel good, there's no high, but it really does help keep you straight and keep your mind off of the stuff. If you want to email me or something I can talk about this shit forever. I'm a crusty old junkie pro, baby. [email protected] should work.
from master-beta :
Stay away from The Rainier School if you can. My firm has been representing some of their doctors over the past year or two and you wouldn't believe the shit I've read in their reports. Some sick shit happens there and people get hurt. I wouldn't step foot in that place if you paid me.
from bluehoneybee :
*sigh* indeed, it is very hard to let go.....
from boxx9000 :
I read FLASH magazine (my kids buy it) Let me know when you will appear. WOW! that is famous. I'm impressed.
from boxx9000 :
wow, you have a lot of tattoos. How long did it take you to have all that work done and how much $$ do you have invested in them?
from westyrex :
C'mon. THONG next time!
from westyrex :
I have a link to your diary on my diarrhea, I mean on my diary today. Hope that's okay. If you hate the idea, I can take it off, but hey...You know what I mean? But hey. I'm sure I mean something.
from master-beta :
HOLLA, yeah, got it, that's good. I'm glad I make you laugh. I rather like your diary too. Oh, by the way, I am totally fuckable.
from dizzigemini :
meeting cute boys rock!!! hee hee. I haven't met any cute boys in months, they all just vanished. booo!
from odd-grl-out :
hehe .. good to know someone's been in my situation. eh it's kinda complicated with him though, like i'm not in crazy-crush-love, it's a weird kind of deepness. almost freaky. <3,violet
from autocannibal :
over the years, there have been many grey mantled ravens in my bed. i'm still waiting for one to take me, though. take me fierce. i have updated, my lovely. make me scream.
from lovemetwice :
why thankyou! that means so much to me! i am seventeen. and you know, you're not the first person to ask me that. hah. xoxox
from waterbaby527 :
don't fret, I always have crazy dreams. Once I dreamed I became a ninja and ate this monstrous spider-but I'm a vegetarian, go figure
from insanegerbil :
It's so refreshing to know you arn't a painkiller whore. Using them for tattoo work is admirable.
from dizzigemini :
woow, i have so many questions, like how did u find out about it, and was the doctor able to tell you what sort of cyst it was. Mine was a dermoid or dyrmoid cyst, which means, it had teeth hair and body organs init. Eeew is right. It was like a twin, "a mini me"...hee hee I'm so morbid. I kno. Did you get on good pain meds, they gave me demoral. which I hate, but every doc is different. Hope u recover well. peace.
from autocannibal :
dearest tinaster, it has been far too long because i have been far too busy. stem cell researchers are building me a new hand with younger skin that is expected to bring me to orgasm much quicker. the old hands just aren't what they used to be. it's been hard for me to type, too, since they'd borrowed my hands to germany for the prototyping phase. now that i'm able to type again, and have mediocre self-abuse, i'll promise to post again within the coming few days. as for whether i'm male or female ... wouldn't you like to know. a bit of both, i suppose, like most everyone. i guess that's for me to know and you to feel out. your pocket pet, -a
from sturge :
Thanks for the sweet birthday wishes. It was pure drunken sweetness.
from waterbaby527 :
does everyone in Seattle say Bammer?
from dizzigemini :
i am a gemini with a virgo rising..... i want to play re-action re-action with ryyan as well. I am doing it for the reaction of the situation. I want to see his reaction. It's funny. It's a GAME. I know. I kno..... i kno.
from dizzigemini :
I hear ya, but its sooo not like that. It's difficult to explain. I am trying to help the boy. I am. You'll see. I hope I see what I am trying to do as well. Just allow it to unfold and know I AM STANDING my GROUND. I am here in Miami, he is in California..... it's a stalemate. Really. I appreciate your innput tho. My "feelings" r not involved here. I promise.
from insanegerbil :
Bless your heart for knowing the actual definition of nigger.
from insanegerbil :
Change it to Cyrix? Why?
from chubbychic :
Hang in there, hon. I'm sorry things have sucked so badly lately. *hugs*
from autocannibal :
good morning, sweet t. it's AUTOcannibal, not AUDIOcannibal. that's okay, i understand the desire to watch britney eat christina. i've updated at your probing, no tricks, and thanks for breaking me loose.
from cyrixess :
Hi honey! Hope you had a good weekend! Im getting a puppy soon! So you will have to come see us soon and we can play with Fraiser and watcha movie or something! LOVE YOU TINA BEANA*

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