messages to tresmoi:
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from xeriphism :
nice layout :) and the zipper rocks :)) i wouldn't like a boyfriend though. but i did meet a potential girlfriend when i was out tonight *chuckles* anywayz, have fun!
from x-x-zero-x-x :
haha, niiiice :)
from nessiegurlie :
I just couldn't resist that Tweety banner! Awww! Hey, I read all of your entries and I think you are an amazing chick! I'm 15 and people think I'm like 21 also and it freaks me out also. As for your obsession with Tweety and chocolate, I have it also. I have a giant poster of tweety and sylvester in my room and yet I want to more mature also. Your pills do look like Halloween pills! My mom takes pills about that size except they are black and turquoise...interesting, right? I hope you continue to write entries and I think you are doing a great job so far. Write back if you want.
from burnedlily :
haha that is a funny convo with andrew
from krazieespy :
I also look very young! I am about to be 21 and I look like I'm 15!!!! I like UR site you have here.. It is wonderful.. I couldn't resist the banner. Keep up the good work!
from poppyfish :
God, I'm 19, and people constantly think I'm about 15. I wish I knew what it was like on the other end of the stick ...
from frozen-vodka :
I got carded for an R-rate movie...on my 21st birthday!! Anyways, cute layout, and as a comment to <a href="">this entry</a>, age is all in the head. Trust me, I'm about to be 24 and still act like a high school fresman sometimes.
from yvette18 :
ugh that is really mean. So I guess you look old to people. I look younger to people. I'm 20, and I can pass for atleast a 16 year old. I guess that is a compliment huh? Well it get's on my nerves really often.
from yvette18 :
well hello there, I really like your tweety layout. I checked your diary, and how very cool. How old are you? My name is Michelle and I live in the U.S in the state of the california. You said that you were talking to a friend from the states. Where are you from? hope you check out my diary and drop by soon!

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