messages to uberjnet:
(click here to add new message):

from moonsocket :
hand made chang-a-lang discs you say? since i'm in ontario, and near, for the time being, i should probably get one of them off of you. let's make it happen!
from moonsocket :
i've been listening to a lot of vinyl lately. radiohead, bon iver, sigur ros, 13&god, sian alice, just to name a few. i too, can't help but smile whenever i hear that sound as the needle hits the record. mmmmmmm......
from moonsocket :
wait a second, yr married?!!?!? that shouldn't surprise me, i guess that's just what you do when you get around our age, isn't it?!! congrats!
from moonsocket :
there you are! i was starting to get worried. i am glad you are well. is there any way of hearing some of these musical ventures you've been on of late? i'd love to hear something. true story, i was just listening to transistor sound the other day. holy crap i loved that band!!!!
from moonsocket :
hello! it's been some time. quite some time. it's sad that most of the 'originals' such as yrself no longer frequent this place. but i understand. i started this thing because you, amongst a very few others. hope you are well out there. where ever you may be now.....xxo.
from dondello :
from captain-ass :
Yes i exsist! Very randomly...congrats on getting married! I must swing by your place of employment and touch you inapropriatelt sometime soon.
from amnesiafaker :
is this elyse?
from y2kate :
yay jnet! oh man. university is a piece of cake and you're way smart, so don't worry. if i can do it, you can most definitely do it. now i'm just worried about the work world.
from chiv :
I like how that second entry, uh, update starts with the enthusiastic words, "but fuck", because that's funny. Toodles.
from haberdasher :
when you record it, i want to hear it.
from echopunk :
Will we have a VISIT???? Oh! Oh! Oh!
from echopunk :
OH!!!!!!!!!!! Can I come??
from haberdasher :
if you play in providence, get in touch with me. i want to play a show with you. late november. keep me in mind.
from jmalfunction :
i saw of montreal a few nights ago and if that performance was any indicator you are in for some CRAZY SHIT which i will not go into detail about because i don't want to spoil the surprise & also they covered "jumping someone else's train" by the cure!!
from jmalfunction :
thank you.
from chiv :
What? I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the Detroit Cobras... the neighbours are still unpacking stuff even though I went out to give them a chance to leave unseen.
from jmalfunction :
thank you jnet, you are a good egg
from chiv :
Ahah, sorry, I'm drunk, and I can not stop laughing at the Morbo quote. Ahahah. I lvoe Morbo and his inflatable head. [random e-hugs flying about the place]
from chiv :
Oh no! I am drunk and wantin to say something helpful... have some general and vague admiration and well-wishings. mh.
from jmalfunction :
dear jnet, i am so sorry to hear about you and brendan. were it in my power i would send a million pigeons carrying hankerchiefs to dry your tears, and a million dancing & juggling squids to make you laugh. i dont know about moving to toronto, but i will definately come visit. if you need a vacation, you're more than welcome to come travelling with me for a while. i'll be in touch.
from west-vs-east :
The Death List Five........soooo good...getting that tattooed on my have just landed your first groupie....sweeeeeet.
from jmalfunction :
compliment received! gratitude imminent! proposition accepted!
from west-vs-east :
hey cute is ang..i was just asking brendo if you still love your jalapeno poppers...and now i am hungry...i must know..are you currently in a band or just a jam machine?..must hear you play soon..i lovesw the bassass.....slayer
from chiv :
Hehe.. aw, you're super. Hm.. what was I here to say (i'm drunk..gimme a minute) ow, my stomach hurts. I'm not backing up to see wha t you wrote and figure out what i might have wanted to say. Hm. Oh! Japan..subways.. they have guys who pus h people on to the trains, so I gather. Your job could be subway crammer-oner! That'd be cool, "uh, I have a big stick and I cram people into trains so the doors can close."
from coolcattt :
holy cow.whats up?
from tele :
Tell me more about this bedsprings. I am of the drawing type and wish to get in on some serious jamming. I MUST KNOW MORE.
from pixiia-8 :
Nono, I WISH i'd come to toronto, and no i would NEVER go and not call you guys!! Toronto peeps came to me. :) MISS YOUUU!!!
from jmalfunction :
thanks! actually i did get it, but i don't know if i can work there now because i'm moving in with my brother across town and i have no car! i've got to be three places tomorrow at once! yikes. (MOOG!!!!!!!!!!!)
from jmalfunction :
that is a fine, fine bass guitar!!
from haberdasher :
holy shit, you got a gretsch bass? i had no idea you had such good taste. i'd love a gretsch. they're hard to come by in lefty and 35% more expensive when you can find them. woe is me, but yay for you.
from catastrof :
dood, Rainer Maria is opening for Coheed and Cambria? That seems...weird.
from jmalfunction :
ok, i sent it!
from haberdasher :
i'm keeping it, but i dont know what to do with it
from jmalfunction :
oh! i thought i sent you one, but i guess i got your email wrong. what is it?
from haberdasher :
shiiiiit. ok, i fixed it. it was in the wrong folder on the host server. i'm really really stupid.
from haberdasher :
my spaceship sheets are one of my most prized posessions. so nice of you to notice.
from chiv :
heh, I think I fancy you now.
from jmalfunction :
musicwise things are looking very good. i'm about to go on a tour of the east coast with my friend max's band, and i've just put together a band of my own. we have two violinists!!! you know you're still more than welcome to join if you want to move to florida. or brazil. or something.
from shoe-gazer :
hey hey, cause i'm silly..and cause my computer's good to see i'm checked on from here to there though... xoxo, j
from jmalfunction :
and congratulations on all accomplishments jobwise lipwise and mushroomwise! p.s. how are things musicwise?
from jmalfunction :
jnet, YOU ARE A JACKSONVILLE HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
from captain-ass :
yes and you loved it. you love wierd balls.
from coolcattt :
I CHOO-CHOO- CHOOSE YOU!!! (insert picture of a train here) JNET IS AWESOME!
from shetries :
hey, just wanted you let you know about my new diary: <3
from march-hare :
congrats on the new job! Hopefully you enjoy it a lot better than your last one!
from coolcattt :
thats fucking aweseome.
from y2kate :
ahhhhhhhhh! YAY JNET!!! that is totally awesome! perfect job for you! congradulations!
from catastrof :
::waves:: i haven't talked to you in like 390,435 years. golly. just a thought!
from march-hare :
I've always stayed at jobs I've hated for way too long just because I was too lazy to do anything about it. Good for you!
from captain-ass :
you need to work at starbucks...that is my dream!!!! please live it for me!!
from march-hare :
i love daria!
from catastrof :
grrr Mates of State came to a venue about an hour or so away from my school and I couldn't go. (I hate going to school in Indiana)
from brennass :
no, it just means i'll call you Stan while you assram me with the organ grinder
from brennass :
from catastrof :
SO FUCKING COOL! ::dances::
from chiv :
Oh myyy God! If that monkey stands I'm coming back to Canada and hanging around long enough that they give me the vote! ..that suicide is brings on monkey changes..[sways a bit]
from y2kate :
i think i'm gonna scan my welland subway system map and post it in my diary cause it's so good. you have to go to the stolen wine social this saturday jnet!!! i told brendan to tell you about it and to tell you to go. i haven't seen you in forever and we'll dance and be merry!
from laura-jane :
I was going to write in your guestbook, but I felt stalkerish writing three times in a row. Just wanted to say that I love a good creepy busker. I once witnessed an incredibly old Elvis-impersonator, who just held a portable tape player, and swayed to the music. He was scary, actually.
from coolcattt :
Friday, into the top part of Brenna's house.You and Brendan gonna come party?!
from brennass :
my balls got caught in a lawnmower and I am quite sensitive about it...but thanks for telling everyone!!!
from shetries :
i will be locking my diary within the next week. username-she password-tries =)
from catastrof :
Man! How are you? I haven't, uh, exchanged a note with you in about 29847398478347389 years!
from coolcattt :
Hey jnet i was just talking to Brenna, Brendan and they are talking some major trash about you....i would kick their asses if i were you.
from laura-jane :
Jeanette! I mailed you a postcard..! Why? (I) Because I like your diary and (II) Because I am a stalker. Indeed.
from brennass :
i miss you. i miss sushi. but mostly i miss you.
from y2kate :
jnet! you and brendan got a gamecube?! that's so wicked! i want one because mariokart will be coming out on it pretty soon. you should get a gameboy advanced sp because i got that and i'm addicted to it. you can have nintendo where ever you go.
from megabarrie :
J-Net! It's meeee! I'm alive! How you doing? I'm alive! Oh, and The Sea And Cake were great. I'm alive!
from chiv :
Pyowww. That is to say..good evening. Wait..morning. Oh, this was good, must do it again sometime (buggers off).
from tsamuk :
hey jeanette, i went to see the sea and cake last night, and they were amazing, except for the part where sam prekop did the old "zig hail" and shot dokis in the forehead with a harpoon.
from y2kate :
WRITE MORE JNET! you don't write enough anymore. write daily again. i don't care if you don't have the time. DO IT!
from tsamuk :
hey jeanette i shot this guy at the bank after he gave me all the money i asked for and cooperated very politely with me! he left me no choice
from catastrof :
Somewhat unrelated, but I've been madly in love with Terminal Preppie as of late. Crazy...
from kstarr :
do you think if spiceworld 2 came out they would let me have a cameo? WORD!
from mr-sparkles :
David Cross is the man.
from brennass :
happy valentines day! here, have some clap.
from low-light :
aaaah!!! where are you!? happy ( late ) birthday!! too much caffeine makes me use too many exclamation points!!!
from brennass :
quit talking about my bosses shit! its giving me night terrors!!
from jmalfunction :
o jnet, where have you gone? o where, o where could you be? diaryland just isn't the same without you.
from brennass :
i know where you live. you better update. OR ELSE!!!!
from y2kate :
yay! you're updating again. we need to hang! i still have to give brendan and yours christmas present. what are you doing next weekend?
from chiv :
i'm rather glad to see you updating! coincidences, eh? ..last year my parents drove past, in some arbitrary part of the far side of town, after midnight, while i was slumped in a phonebox, wondering where the fuck else i was going to spend the night. fun!
from catastrof :
The sister that is Quinn? That's not good. Velcome back!
from brennass :
i miss you. are you dead? did brendan eat your corpse? last time i saw him i said to him "how is jnet" and he rubbed his belly and said "really good heeoooheeooowhowhoooo"
from catastrof :
from pixiia-8 :
hey j :) xoxo
from anidhead :
ahahahah ... hey there again ... leave me your email address and i'll send you the password.
from moonsocket :
new backgrounds are fun! pictures on diaryland are fun! noserings are fun! jnets is fun! hoorah hooray for you!!!
from y2kate :
common jnet! tell everyone what you got me. pretend like i'm not around. no. i don't read your diary. i won't see. TELLTELLTELL!!!
from brennass :
my guitar calluses are coming along nicely. am i a rock star yet?
from chiv :
heh, ohhh yea. funny the things one forgets when slightly pissed, eh?
from moonsocket :
JNET!!! i've been trying for weeks to get on to the nervousness web site. I CAN'T DO IT!!! the amazing blue crayon has been messaging me asking if i got the map book yet, and i HAVE!!! but i can't get to her to tell her. could you drop her a line for me and just let her know that everything is a go, and i did get it? i'm sketchying away in it, and i should be sending it off to the next destination in a few days! yahoo for the darling map book! that is all for now...10-4. over and out! ♥-psammy
from brennass :
BITCH! My man ain't your baby's daddy!!
from catastrof :
Nosering Netty!!!!!!!!!!! And aw, poor mouse. Wonderful burial attempt, however. . !
from anidhead :
yeah, i've never met another jnet before either ... strange. yeah ... mine is spelled with two n's. do you get asked if your french often? i do. and i'm totally not!
from chiv :
why i'd give it a clip around the ear!..but i'm afraid the moon would steal my seat if i left =/ (see, sleep deprivation can't hurt anyone)
from jmalfunction :
your cat is vicious! my cat likes to knock the remote control off of the desk. he scares me.
from anidhead :
is your name jeannette? that's my name and people call me jnet ... just curious.
from dondello :
i'm glad to see elliott still knows how to beat the shit out of things. i forgot how many l's and t's your cat's name contains, so i went to to check. tee hee.
from chiv :
ahhh..did you put the sun in your diary? (thats really not some weird round about compliment or anything, my eyes are broken!) (runs about notes in panic-stricken disorder)
from laura-jane :
this is probably a little, er, a lot, late. but: layout=good. layout=very very good.
from y2kate :
i wanna see your new piercing!! you guys MUST come to see wesley willis next week!
from catastrof :
from catastrof :
It's sad because I have been listening to The Hives for a long time as well, and now people are acting like they are in the middle of their "15 minutes of fame". It makes me un-jolly. It doesn't help that I'm stil in high-school, where everything popular is marketed by stupid people in the halls every day...damn MTV
from catastrof :
I most enjoy the new layout, my friend. And...shoot, I had something else to say, but the tired state of my mind caused me to completely forget it! Don't you hate that? Oh, and also, yum to the strokes. I'm also glad the hype is slowly dying down.
from dondello :
from chiv :
three?..five..eig..holy shit, that must be natural light! arrgh!
from brennass :
are you going to come to my party saturday? i'll make loot bags!! please come.
from chiv :
what pix said. ..but in english. heh.
from pixiia-8 :
Hey miss J :). I dig the new layout. Hahaha, you as leggo is funny.
from kirakel :
ooo you took away the coke machine. I like it though.
from kstarr :
from catastrof :'t worry, be happy!
from catastrof :
Do you mean the cool transparent COLORED tables or just...invisible tables? because I know as long as you leave out the bgcolor part of the td tag then it will be invisible, but if you actually want the cool jello-ish, I at least know a place where I think you could steal the coding! It's in javascript, so I get quite confused.
from jmalfunction :
jeanette! don't be sad! you're rad! keep your chin up! go get 'em tiger! xoxoxoxo
from haberdasher :
i'm still here too!
from chiv :
ooh..erm, look, it'! (waves/wishes well, or some suchness)
from brennass :
you cant stay away forever...i know where you live
from catastrof :
::waves in a hilly like fashion::
from jmalfunction :
from jmalfunction :
from hilly1 :
Hey, this is hilly's sister. There's been a lot of bad shit going down, so hilly had to lock her diary. here's the name and password: friend, badnews.
from y2kate :
jnet!! ahh. yay, you have internet now. i forgot what i was going to say other than that. really, i did have a reason for leaving you this note, i just can't remember now. i'll talk to ya tomorrow!
from chiv :
nice to see you back. no, it is, i know that didn't look too enthused a greeting, but ..i'm sober, sorry.
from kstarr :
from hilly1 :
::poke poke poke::
from hilly1 :
::poke poke::
from hilly1 :
from brennass :
Y'all need to call me wich ya new numba!!MMMMMM HMMMMMMMMMMMM!!
from brennass :
from jmalfunction :
from jmalfunction :
a two-headed walrus could get american citizenship!
from jmalfunction :
yeah, i asked this one girl from hamilton to marry me but she never responded. so move to america!
from y2kate :
i love that picture of the kitty where she looks like she's dancing. you should have posted the picture of the kitty being used as a violin. that is my FAVOURITE! i looked for you on the bus today but i think i left too early and didn't see you.
from brennass :
that will never work...maybe if i write "POISON frozen poo"
from jmalfunction :
i addressed you in today's entry, however it has become apparent that i will never be able to get canadian citizenship :(
from jmalfunction :
i will move to toronto and we will start a band and become famous and then i will not be a failure any more.
from jmalfunction :
from brennass :
where are you? no update in 4 days??
from y2kate :
our band has to cover one of the clay boy's songs! the gumby movie RULES!!!!!!
from y2kate :
guess what! liz cancelled on me, meaning i can go to VALUE VILLAGE with you tomorrow afternoon! yay! if i don't get a note back from you on this subject, i will call you tomorrow noonish cause i need a VV fix!
from y2kate :
isn't it funny how we just leave messages over diaryland notes instead of using phones or email...oh well, it's fun. i check my notes too often...ah, i won't be able to go to vv tomorrow afternoon. i'm meeting up with my friend liz and going to ikea. can i invite her to your place tomorrow evening? i don't know if she'd take up the invite, but she's very fun to party with. you guys would like her.
from chiv :
! stop hogging the obsolete entertainment-technology! and were either of you at goose green? i think i left my toothbrush there when i heard about the belgrano.
from y2kate :
awww! i wanna see the powerpuff girls poster. where did you get it? i would totally go to value village with you today, but i have sooo much work to do. i can't believe i'm even on diaryland. must do lots of work so i can take the time to party with you guys tomorrow. woohoo! good luck on your vv adventure though!
from mollyx :
Aw, it ain't so bad. I just broke off a little hunk of tooth (about a quarter of the whole thing) and the sharp part was filed down this morning at the dentist. So it's all good. Thanks for your concern, babe.
from jmalfunction :
oh man! apples! sounds like great fun! i'm going to see of montreal tomorrow whee! so when are we meeting up in athens?
from tsamuk :
you are jailbate. i wrote a solo zither song about you and called it "jeanette's a fool". i saw a crazy guy on the street who told me that he caught a variety of diseases from you. you smell bad.
from shauna098 :
Oh God Jeanette, don't play Candyland! Don't do it! That game is too damn cute for it's own good! The song at the start will hypnotize you! NOOOOO! ~Insanily Shauna
from y2kate :
i met the queen. she made me wear her crown. aw man, i just realized that i need to call you and brendan but you don't have the same phoneline, do you? ahh. call me call me call me! it's about seeing the apples tomorrow! yay!
from pixiia-8 :
Yeah, you're right, Brighteyes is pretty wicked. Lugubrious but wicked. I heard a song about drowning baby lungs.
from brennass :
you can grab your friends behinds
from hilly1 :
silly bus boys.
from urbanality :
well, looks like you're already getting an NYC subway map. would you like a PATH (Port Authority Trans-Hudson, the NY to NJ train) map? not nearly as sexy, but hey.
from brennass :
mmmmm...bea arthur
from brennass :
from jmalfunction :
i'm not sure when i'm may take a few months. i have to figure out what i'm going to do. right now i think i may sell my car and travel in a rented one. if that doesn't work out, then i have to get a job and save for a while. i have ideas, jeanette, ideas!! sounds! we're going to have the best band ever. we should move somewhere. should i move to toronto? what should we call our band? i was thinking Heart Of Glass, but i dunno...what do you think? you crazy canadian you!
from jmalfunction :
from y2kate :
oooh and one more thing: booooooo, clinic sucks! hahaha :oP
from y2kate :
AH! one more thing: i just read your diary and it says that you updated at 9:15 pm on october the 8th, but it's 8:53 pm on october the 8th RIGHT NOW! how did you go in the future and write that entry??? OR is toronto in a different time zone than mississauga and i just never knew until now???
from y2kate :
aw man. i totally wanna steal one of the cds for you and brendan to laugh at! you guys would TOTALLY love this music my roomate was playing. it was sooo weird. OH, speaking of stealing, i stole a house warming gift for you guys when you move. it's nothing to get excited about though.'ll just have to wait and see...
from mr-sparkles :
Flying fuck?
from y2kate :
yes!! come to sheridan for the day and be part of operation queen! and the cat did lie down and start screaming. seriously! you should come to canzine with me on sunday!
from jmalfunction :
awww jnet you're the best. i'm leaving tomorrow for the big hiking trip. wish me luck. i'll miss ya.
from mollyx :
Oh, man. You just gave me hope that I will never have to deal with my parents ragging on me for the tattoo. Seriously. It could be worse and they know it. I totally love it, too. What are you getting next and what do you have now? I like tattoo talk.
from chiv :
hey, you better not be disrespecting the pie! ..(contorts face slightly) hm, do you know weebl and bob?
from brennass :
me too...i'm sure i have...i'm sure i have
from kirakel :
He's a wafflehead. Betty needs to dump him, but what are the alternatives? Jughead. Reggie. Moose. I so identify with her.
from hilly1 :
Aye, Bill Gates..."I chatted awhile with the charming fellow that's trying to shut me down...I didn't mind that he had to leave." Methinks that if anyone ever thought the way he talks that they would kill the world. Babble babble.
from moonsocket :
and that would be why i came to you straight away, jnet! i'm not usually into the low-core stuff, which i why i have stayed away from the bright eyes. but i discovered said song today, and was pleasantly pleased! so you would recommend the new album for someone like myself, to start, anyways? maybe that will ween me into the early stuff? what do you think then??? ♥
from moonsocket :
hey jnet, this may be considered pigeon-holeing, but i was hoping you could tell me how much of the new bright eyes album sounds like "lover i don't have to love". is this their typical sound? tell me what albums i need to get as an introduction, could you please? thanks!
from pixiia-8 :
BC rocks HARD. If you can go for a while, go woman! But come back, because I have to meet you and party with you and jam with you and ravage you. The end.
from brennass :
is it true you are moving??
from brennass :
it's okay, i need to buy a dress anyway..damn these gala's...damn then all!!!
from y2kate :
jnet! how was the weekend in your hometown? my weekend in my hometown ruled cause welland rules! hehe. elf power this week and that'll rule too!
from kirakel :
damn the Man.
from chiv :
ahh! gary coleman's escaped! (dives for cover)
from kstarr :
from brennass :
you are sweeter than my own ass! I will try it on anyway, i can't tonight but maybe i can come over tomorrow?
from chiv :
from brennass :
all i can do is jumping jacks repeatidly to try to rekindle that sweat we shared througout the summer...but its never as hot.
from brennass :
today i was in the park at lunch and i though of how funny it would be if i had a sling shot and i could kill squirrels with thier own nuts..this made me think of you...sigh.
from echopunk :
A spindle! No way! Mad jealousy coming from New York. I will send the adress, that I have this film is IMPERATIVE. :) Thank you, wonderful person. ~j
from hilly1 :
Manythanks for the Moneen suggestion. You are a good music association type person mmmhmmm. And I used to watch the Golden Girls a lot when I was about 8 years old. And Designing Women. And these are both shows about women going through the aging process. Hmm.
from moonsocket :
oh, and thanks for the sparta tip. you know how i like it! thanks you!
from moonsocket :
HA!! i have a pad of paper that has most of those little sayings! no shit! how about these ones: "a rabbit is an animal. it's jumps and runs very fast." and "LITTLE RABBIT--it's wonderful to be able to maintain your dream." now what are the chnaces we both picked up the same thing? i even picked mine up in vancouver. really though...
from kirakel :
I am very much pleased at nature's blessings, too. That makes me a happy happy monkey.
from tele :
haha!, my grandma was supposed to be one of the golden girls.
from echopunk :
Hey dahling. This si extremely important: Where did you get Run, Ronnie, Run? I've been looking for it everywhere. Just saw the Mr. Show hooray for america live show in teh city yesterday. Nifty. With a capital "N". (evidently) ~j
from brennass :
when i was a kid me and my sister and 2 other friends used to play "golden girls". i was always sophia, and now...i am blanch.
from kirakel :
hey. betty is holding MY CAT. Worse, this cat died about five years ago. The horror. The horror.
from chiv :
they smell scarier =)
from tsamuk :
i killed them for you dontignoremedontignoremedontignoremedontignoremedontignoremedontignoreme i'm hovering outside the widow nearest to you right now
from jmalfunction :
so i'm thinking of making a stop in toronto on my journey.....
from hilly1 :
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh elephants yeah....That was the BEST LINK EVER! Andrea Pavarotti kicks my ass.
from kirakel :
it's the eniac repairguy graphic that gives me that inside-a-coke-machine vibe. Plus your entries come down the chute chunkplunkPLUNK like little presents. Don't even need quarters. Breathe on, sister, breathe on.
from hilly1 :
*jealous* that is really a tasty concert line-up...
from moonsocket :
you sher do go to a lot of shows. that, dear jnet, is just another reason why i ♥ you!
from chiv :
hehe, yess...start a ring.
from tele :
jnet! save me, save me from my boredom! just think of it like mario land. you're the fat stoned plummer, and i'm the princess, and bowsers castle is my house. save me god damn it.
from invisibledon :
thanks for visiting
from jmalfunction :
jeanette, you are so damn cool. i'm glad you had fun at bright eyes!!! let's meet up in athens!!
from chiv :
pfft, in the four years that i have been using the bus on a faiiiiirly regular basis, it's been over an hour late..a couple of times. fifteen minutes is relatively normal. woo! british transport!
from chiv :
i'd just like to say; "crikey!". ehm..actually, that's all i can think of. . .crikey!
from hilly1 :
I never did see that skit. It sounds mightily funny though. I bet all of the actors are "to hell." ^.^ Good for them. I hope you find your jacket. At least Bright Eyes is in 8 hours...what will happen when the counter is gone forever?
from mr-sparkles :
Shit blood? Use some witch hazel, get a Tucks pad. Stop wiping your ass with Tree Bark.
from pixiia-8 :
girls who use the word 'ergo' are TOPS. Have fun at the show!!! :))... Sigh.
from y2kate :
the flashing lights! the flashing lights! the flashing lights! tonight! *excitement* yay! when do you usually get home from work so i can give ya a call?
from mollyx :
eek. i suck. this is in response to the note you left a longass time ago: THANK YOU. nice notes make my day much better.
from tsamuk :
you can bear my children anytime, baby. just remember, i'm only in it for the hot and sweaty boinking. by the way, i enjoy drinking orange juice out of used catheters.
from hilly1 :
CRAZY! ALL OF THEM! I suppose they want us all to be like them because they think that will earn them a cookie on "judgement day".
from laura-jane :
hey! i just left you super-fake feedback. i'm thinking that i laid it on a little thick, but no one cares. my userid is laura-jane. we are predictable, hey?
from laura-jane :
woo! that's rad that you signed up. what's your account name? i'll leave you positive feedback to help you get started.
from chiv :
hmm, well, okay, but only because you make me smile.
from chiv :
ahaha! buy that squirrel a drink, from me!
from chiv :
hm, you know, i can't remember. went to some music shops i'd not heard of, they were of various degrees of..tollerability. one was bigger than my village, i think. hmv was pretty damn impressive by our standards, even if it..was..hmv.
from chiv :
mm, music. i need a toronto.
from manslaughter :
sadly, i didn't draw it. blarg!
from hilly1 :
TELL ME about it! He emailed me back and told to read the Gospel of John "with an open heart". I swear he's just another computerized you think he gets paid for this?
from jmalfunction :
the first or second week of october (a week). it's so weird being told about a problem with your website. it's like someone's caught you with your zipper down or something. yeeeeee!
from chiv :
nine days? eesh, that 'is' scary, and i'm not going, haven't been paying attention, and so on, but i looked down expecting to see thirty, or something. em..why..why am i typing? weird, eh
from jmalfunction :
aw j, you're the best. my bg is loading for me!? does it work now?
from moonsocket :
i wish i was made of adhesive tape. that way, when i become a kitty and curl up in your lap, i would never fall off.
from jmalfunction :
i got the sky picture from here: i stole my previous background from there, too. lynzee took the singlesaurus picture, ironically.
from laura-jane :
the list is for this amazingly fun pen-pal site that i'm involved with. if you like getting (land)mail, check it out! it's at: . you can set up these wierd exchanges, and people will sign up. it's mutually beneficial. for example, i received an accordion rubber stamp, and then i sent the girl back a bunch of stickers and collage material that she wanted. yep.
from jmalfunction :
i'm ready when you are. poor jeanette :(
from chiv :
cheer up - chuck a spear i don't think html works on notes, so you'll just have to paste it, i suppose. am addicted.
from y2kate :
just read your entry. aw!!! cheer up! this weekend we'll have fun so your life doesn't suck! yay!!
from y2kate :
i'm still on for sunday, if you're still on for sunday! i'll give you a copy of my zine then too! :o)
from jmalfunction :
from laura-jane :
ahha! you are correct. however, i am too lazy to fix it. i will just write another entry to combat and cover up. and--i like your diary.
from brennass :
i love you more than icecream itself
from jmalfunction :
(these clowns are really scary. i'm pretty sure they're evil.)
from jmalfunction :
cheer up sleepy jean(ette). you're one hell of a canadian. i have stories to tell you. max has mono. the kissing disease. THERE ARE A THOUSAND LAUGHING CLOWNS IN MY BATHROOM. I THINK THEY CAME OUT OF THE SHOWER HEAD. THE ONLY THING THAT CAN SAVE US IS CANADA POWER. ARE YOU A BAD ENOUGH DUDE TO KILL THE LAUGHING CLOWNS?
from pixiia-8 :
Ahahahaa, infidel! Hilarious! You get to see flashing lights, you lucky bitch!!! Oh god, I am a phonephobe tooo!! You too?? Me too! Ha.
from chiv :
am sorry i never really got into proper contact with you. i can't believe how quickly the second half of my stay went. i mean to come back though, not sure when, but i'll be counting meeting you among my priorities, if you're still in the area then. feel better and that.
from moonsocket :
i would love it if i was a kitten curled up in your lap!
from hilly1 :
Just pretend...that work is actually an experiment in which you are researching the annoying kind, and that it's super loads of awesome fun. That way if someone is an asshole, it's just another exciting segment to the documentary! Or something.
from dondello :
when i see you tonight, i'm going to sing it CONSTANTLY.
from dondello :
i wanna know what love iiiiiiiiisssss... i want you to show meeeeeee...
from y2kate :
that's so cute that some boy on the bus made you a cd of love songs, even though you have a boyfriend and all. it's still so cute...well, maybe a little creepy since you only talked to him like once, but still cute! haha!
from dondello :
"i want to know what love is" is foreigner rather than journey, but you probably don't care. haha. i just figured because it was in your head for so long you must like it, so now you know whose cd to buy. haa haaaaaa. i think tina turner guest sings on the track too. how embarrassing for you. ;) g'day.
from chiv :
i should scrap the 33 year thing from my gradualy written update, i suppose. damn you! (back to wracking brain for usless info)
from chiv :
fun..almost makes me want to pay canadian taxes. they're so going to use those to assasinate people. they can steer cockroaches, you know.
from y2kate :
you mean i can sleep over so i don't have to sleep in the streets? yay! we'll have a nintendo slumber party! i think from now on when people ask me about moving to mississauga for school, i'll say "i'm not moving to mississauga for school. i'm moving to mississauga to be in jnet's rock band!". yep, that's why i'm moving...and i'll just happen to go to school as well while i'm there too, but our band will be the #1 reason why i'm moving!
from chiv :
ugh..ah..gah..damn it. i need to move here or something. yea..i leave on sunday afternoon..all manner of people are coming from america and such evil places, on friday/saturday or something. gahh, damn time/mylackoforganisationalorplaningskills. where are you? maybe we can still..ach..i need to find out what people are expecting me to do, when (apologises and finally trails off)..
from hilly1 :
Why the long face?
from moonsocket :
the one in my pants! hee hee! did i just say that? i guess i did. it's all good...
from moonsocket :
will you be at the party this evening? i'm only going if you're going to be there. so there...or something.
from pixiia-8 :
And so we shall.
from chiv :
yea, we really should do that chilling thing of which you speak. lara's probably going away this weekend (sob) so i won't likely be stalking her. mayhap i'll be free...normally i'd know one day ahead what was happening..but (something about canada).
from pixiia-8 :
man, i've never seen a garden gnome. Never. I play guitar. Someday we will jam. Consider yourself warned.
from hilly1 :
I would be quite sad if you took this diary down...and a big Aha! to the Hamilton thing.
from brennass :
funny, i also spent a good portion of my time thinking of ways to kill myself
from chiv :
you'd consider taking 'this' diary down? don't do that!
from moonsocket :
i am back. i've missed you. i need your picture. my eyes can see into infinity. and i'm looking @ you.
from tele :
ahoy. i slept on an 18 foot boat with 8 other people! yeah, i'll give you a shout when i get there, september first or second. i'll be living right near a subway, so i'll prob have to subway to downtown and stuff, or make a 1.5 hour walk. which ever.
from hilly1 :
::slaps head:: ...twice...?
from hilly1 :
Hamilton...Ohio? ::blink:: hmmmm I wish *I* could start a band...::sings Pain:: ::colon colon:: Yeah.
from hilly1 :
Hamilton...Ohio? ::blink:: hmmmm I wish *I* could start a band...::sings Pain:: ::colon colon:: Yeah.
from chiv :
emm (thinks). i don't know, actually. i don't have plans (that i remember), but i dunno if people here have plans for me, if that makes sense. going to see lara this afternoon, so i shall mention such things, yes i shall.
from chiv :
mm, islandy. you get to work on a coconut playst..beeb micro/atari/amstrad/et cetera. will there be an indoor toilet?
from y2kate :
i wanna be in a band with you and brendan because you guys listen to wicked music, so you'd probably create wicked music too...but i can't play anything but the tambourine! :o(
from hilly1 :
I personally think that people never fully become adults...they can get really fucking old, but never completely grow up. It's all a big SCAM!
from chiv :
cool, i just reduced by half the percentage of people who think that your life is a never-ending pit of despair. wasn' that nice?
from jmalfunction :
yes. the dl. ARRRRR! i'm a pirate.
from jmalfunction :
psst! the caterpillar spreads its wings at 25 o clock.
from chiv :
(talks about being in canada)(pyow)
from brennass :
from jmalfunction :
i wrote you a rap. bet you thought i was gonna say fuck. wheeeeeeee!
from jmalfunction :
jnet is such an awesome canuck / she's more fun than a peppermint duck / if you don't like jnet then you really suck / if you mess with her then you're outta luck.
from hilly1 :
DOOD! I missed Kitty Day?? Hi!
from echopunk :
I would miss me too. :) I'll frequent this joint more often, when I'm back in purgatory (aka school). Miss you crazy canadians. ~j
from manslaughter :
woo! thanks for the compliment about my layout!
from guyssuck86 :
HI! ::waves furiously:: HOW ARE YOU? :still waving:: I'M GOOD ::waving decreases:: *plunk* oops, my arm fell off. Just wanted to say HI! (can't wave anymore, one arm is on the ground and the other is holding a pb&j sounds good.. ^_^)
from moonsocket :
i can see a little of what you're saying, but i know nothing of the past you all have shared. to each thier own, i know. toby says, 'high!' how's the t-dot treating you? i'm on top of the world right now. i love you and i hope you feel the same. ciao!
from brennass :
HI JNET!!! HI!!! HI!!!!! HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from jmalfunction :
athens would be nice to visit, but i hear it's really hard to find a job and whatnot. it's really hip to live there right now so i'd want to wait until that died down a bit. and for the record i think the boulders after the guy in the mall thing is absolutely hillarious.
from chiv :
have any nails going spare, because i've bitten all mine too far down. wait..that needed a question mark somewhere. ah, well.
from moonsocket :
HA! yeah! the jerrycan band! i'm going to tell them i know you! they're fucking hilarious dudes! and their show packs sooooo much energy. that's too crazy! sorry to hear you guys don't get along. we're having a fucking blast making our way back there. too fuckin much! talk at you soon, yo!
from jmalfunction :
would you???? brendan and thomo and andrew are invited too.
from chiv :
i still thing SMORG THE KITTEN! is a better name for a cat, but woo anyway =)
from jmalfunction :
from y2kate :
hi! your diary rocks. is today kitty day? i think it is! happy kitty day! i'm so happy for you that you're getting a kitty. actually, i'm kinda jealous. i want one. those stories about andrew's bathroom experiences are sooo hilarious/gross...they can't be true! i don't believe them. even if they aren't true, they are still awesome!
from jmalfunction :
oh my god i'm so sorry i screwed up your notes page with my excessive question marks. you can delete that last note. i'm really sorry.
from kstarr :
aw you see - this is why you never leave toronto at the same time as thousands of dirty ravers do. becos when wemf is in session you stay far away; even the smart and non-dirty ravers know that. [i.e. me].
from chiv :
weee, you're back.'d think i'd have more to say than that, really (shrug).
from brennass :
Where are you? Why haven't you updated? I had a weird dream about you over the weekend...very weird. wink wink nudge nudge
from chiv :
holy fucking shit, that's too warm, i'm going to die, and not like it.
from brennass :
the possibilites are endless
from chiv :
yea, kicking shit is cool. where's my punk cred. list?
from unrulymunky :
heh, thanks. i love my new layout too. i was considering stealing random people's layouts for a day. just to see if they'd notice. including yours. aren't you glad i didn't? it just me or is everything i do so predictable that i can't shock people anymore? dammit.
from brennass :
that dog in the toilet story was really disturbing. and im not disturbed by much. i keep picturing my dead dog twinkie stuffed in the toilet. YOUVE RUINED MY BOWEL MOVEMENTS FOREVER!!!
from haberdasher :
yeah, so i lost a big piece of me in the wash of all places. how could this happen? all that's left is the spiral binding.
from starspark1 :
and i you!!
from chiv :
thingi..oh, yes, good luck getting the job..ooh, enterprise is on, and i've missed the theme song, which means it's safe to watch...oh, no..spoke to soon (runs off anyway).
from hilly1 :
Every time I get a bowl of vegetable soup, I make a non-vegetarian that I'm with smell the broth to tell me if it's beef broth. They always tell me that it's not, so I eat it, then later tell me that they can't tell from smelling it. Yet I never just ask the restaurant people if it's vegetarian or not...bah.
from chiv :
yea..well..yea! *nods* showed you. blessed are the cheesemakers. *moves on* you did, and i sent one back, mine was still worse, though. *rumages through papers* damn countries that aren't this one!
from manslaughter :
and also, bass guitar: not as fun.
from manslaughter :
Haha, I don't really update so much as whine incessantly. About that book... I'm assuming Taschen is an Asian publisher? (also, what gift store did you get it at (cause i live in Toronto!) do you think I could get one somewhere in Chinatown?)
from chiv :
welsh rare-bit has a lot of cheese. that's because it's a sort of ..cheese on toast, i suppose. uhh, i feel quite sick.
from echopunk :
yo dawg.
from brennass :
i think we need to park it up soon. real soon.
from manslaughter :
oh shit, thanks for the compliment! I like your layout too - it has eniac!! but, i'm sure you already knew that seeing as it's yours. is that "robots and spaceships" book a mainstream book, or would i have to go to a smaller-press bookstore to get it?
from manslaughter :
Hey, can you tell me what the book is that has the pictures of Japanese toy spaceships and robots from the 1950s in it? I *really* need to know, thanks!! Also, I really enjoy your diary.
from chiv :
cheapo? what's that? it i like that. and video games when drunk..why the fuck have i never done that? why? i need to do that *wishes he'd got the beeb micro out of the attic *before* getting the beer out of..the glass* anyway, re.the simpsons, i'd like to yell at you "nerrrrrrd!" =) and i still don't get q.28, even if they say it's fine. it was an omec/olmec statue, wasn' it? *ponders*
from hilly1 :
Where did the goat inspiration come from?
from chiv :
hm, my buddy list tricked me into thinking you'd an update i'd not read, which was a lie, so i busied my self scanning through your pictures, and i'd like to say, heehee, niles rules! i wonder if i've already said that. hmm.
from unrulymunky :
believe it or not, i was looking for some monty python tests... somehow i found those. i'd find some more, but i'm too busy rediscovering spacehog and tom petty.
from starspark1 :
oh yeah! lenore issues on their merry way to my house, courtesy of my sister. *looks out front window, full of hope, for mailman*
from chiv :
i..*furrows brow*..can't for the life of me remember what i was talking about.
from jmalfunction :
hi! glad the interview went well. glad you're reading vonnegut. how are the songs coming along?
from chiv :
ooh, red, eh? *comments*
from hilly1 :
Congrats on the good interview. ::claps::
from brennass :
from brennass :
good luck on your interview. remember that jesus loves you.
from hilly1 :
Could we all bring creme pies to throw in each others' faces? I've always wanted to do that...
from hilly1 :
::dreams of dancing with such boys of the black plastic glasses wearing variety::
from hilly1 :
Dood! I still like to hide from people, but it's usually so I can jump out and scare them later.
from pixiia-8 :
Dude! That song was AMAZING. I do blame it on the children. That site is hilarious too, those pictures of alanis look like squirrels eating. Hey, i want to jam in the park too!! yes, now I will definitely come to visit toronto asap :). And I will bring my 10 commandments charm bracelet. haha.
from jmalfunction :
i'd love to jam with you in the park. we should look into space age matter transport technology.
from hilly1 :
::patpat:: Turn on a fan and go to sleep.
from pixiia-8 :
Sigh. summer school. :(. i have about a year and a half left on my degree :).
from chiv :
aw, email 'and' diary mentions. i feel so accepted! *looks at pix, too* now that'd be cool. *happy things*flounces off*
from hilly1 :
Lately I always try to type Tricky fingers. And I agree. I'm not a telephone fan either, usually. I'm lucky enough that the people who usually call me don't always expect to be called back too soon. Aye.
from pixiia-8 :
Man, I am sooo with you on that. I totally want to move my ass to Toronto. No good shows come here, ever really, and all the jeans in the stores have laces up the side or fringe, and god, what else...just a bunch of cheezy stuff. But I have to finish my degree. Sigh.
from hilly1 :
Awww, he sounds uber cute. Especially since his glasses got crushed seeing weezer. Oh the irony ^_^. I suppose that is el brendan? I completely agree about internet friendships. Definite effort has to be there. It's those pesky "IRL" friendships I suppose that tend to be annoying. Sometimes.
from chiv :
hey, i like you, but don't put-down penguin talk. do you know what those little heroes can endure? try four months without food, then a hundred mile walk to go fishing, in the southern ocean! now tell me they're not..absurd!
from haberdasher :
picture pages, picture pages, time to get your picture pages...
from moonsocket :
the music made me do it...and for that, i am truly greatful. with me now. let's let the music be our guide.
from hilly1 :
I suppose this makes me normal, eh? In that case...yesums yesums I agree completely...the mousy black glasses's completely normal to try to find things that I can make huge copies of at Kinko's! Or maybe that's where it stops being sane. Oh well...quitting with the rambling now ^___^
from chiv :
oww, noprobably...fourthousanad...i don't tknow what wwe're talking about..bbbbeeeerrr. ow. hot tea. mmm. what? hi
from chiv :
yes, i did hear about that. last i heard, the police there had failed to make any arrests. possilby because there was only about one-hundred witnesses.
from moonsocket :
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ for you jnet! haha! yay!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
from chiv :'re off your rocker. i like that.
from hilly1 :
Aye...Understand each other we do. ^_^ Yayzers. The Ignored United. (^_^ again)
from chiv :
yea, damn music industry...i must have been costing them millions, downloading all that deleted music..i..*cries....and loads winmx*
from hilly1 :
::bounces:: Congrats! You *go* home from work! I'm going to eat frozen yogurt! Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
from hilly1 :
Yes, there is the eye pain thing, but then there's the point where I start bouncing in my chair and singing (quite loudly) with the mp3's and my little brother's friends start to stare.
from hilly1 :
You know, I don't think I particurally remember the name or the smell of the peanut butter, but I do slightly remember peanut butter and jelly in the same jar. However, I never liked jelly with my peanut butter sandwiches so I am again A Bad 80's kid.
from hilly1 :
Yesums. I'm forever amazed at how there are always people driving somewhere...always...nuts man. They should really improve the metro system so at least more people could take that to get where they need to go. Metro buses make the world smell like french fries!
from hilly1 :
::nods:: Very much so. People are morons sometimes. Using up everything they have. Bleh. ::sticks tongue out at world::
from hilly1 :
Though I already kinda knew about it...I must confess that reading about it in your diary reminded me. So it wasn't a compleeeete original thought...^_^
from chiv :
heh, damn show off! while i'm at it- bloody southerners! yea, anyway, we can see the march of broadband, towards us it comes,'s taking its time. and we will probably decide we can't afford it anyway. i'd have been more enthused if audiogalaxy still existed.
from chiv :
damn canucks, with their dial-up..shiny..frilly..broadband! yea. that showed you. *presses "done" waits a few minutes*
from chiv :
yep, torontontonto is the plan, actually. i say "plan" i mean astonishingly vague idea. mm, free accommodation. as for phones, don't get me started on phones..because that's really all i have to say on phones, or on the phone. i am in complete concurrence with you on those little buggers.
from moonsocket :
yes, that is a lovely guitar. i think i am partial to the rickenbackers though. please don't hate me!!!!
from moonsocket :
no no no!!! i just alphabetized them! i was rid of a few peoples, but only kuz they no update no more. you're still there. never fear jnet! i could never do that to you. you are forever a favourite of mine! beans!
from jmalfunction :
that is a beautiful mustang. i am considering buying a new fender jazzmaster. if i owned a fender jazzmaster, i would be the happiest boy in the whole wide world. we will jam out with our fenders. jam, i say.
from hilly1 :
EMPATHY!!!!! ^_^ Good to know that there are other people blatantly not heard out there. ^_^ And I think that's quite a pretty guitar.
from brennass :
did you read MY entry to carparple
from chiv :
i feel somehow deficent. i look at the guitar..and i see..a guitar..waahh, "they all look the same to me!". i'm sure i'm missing something in this whole (aesthetic) beauty-in-guitars thing.
from pixiia-8 :
Hey. :)
from jmalfunction :
you should save up for a bus ticket. i'll do the same later on in the year. me and ryan say you should make an album and we will release it on our label. or a single. or something. hey hey whaddya say?
from chiv :
*wanders in, being a random person, and dropping compliments*
from jmalfunction :
i got kirby's adventure, and bump and jump for nes. you should come to florida and play with me. we'll go camping on the beach.
from shoe-gazer :
ouch..that hurts...ok gotta go to work now.. xoxo, j
from shoe-gazer :
canadians are hot...maybe i should live there...i might find that special someone.. xoxo, j
from shoe-gazer :
quite right...indeed...'tis a silly place. xoxo j
from shoe-gazer :
not to sound like a total unpatriotic ass...but holidays have never been a big deal to me...i mean come on...growing up, this day was just a day to shoot fireworks and get our boyish fits of destruction forgiven in lue of our independence...but thank you for your kinds words..=)...and yes i did know about the golden rule in mixes...heh.. xoxo,
from moonsocket :
i heart you and all the power you hold over me when you post new quizzes! heart! heart! heart!
from shoe-gazer :
my favorite part is making the little booklet that goes with the CD...i'm taking a break right now fro it all...i made two booklets and a CD yesterday..and i think the post office is close today anyway..which gives me time to make the's hard being such a cool person..ha =P... xoxo, j
from shoe-gazer :
you are simply evil...making mixes takes so much out of's like i put a piece of my heart in every one of them (HA..boy was that cheesy eh?) xoxo,j
from brennass :
sick like a whore on sunday mornin i tell ya!!
from brennass :
i cant tell you how much i love the word crochety. i dont use it enough. thanks for reminding me.
from shoe-gazer :
that's cool though...canadians are hot...=)... xoxo,
from ebm :
hey thanks for the note. we actually just got back from high park. we set off a bunch of fireworks and ran through the sprinklers a lot. fine times.
from shoe-gazer :
well why didn't you? xoxo, j
from dazy81 :
Thanks for joining the weeeeeee diaryring! Check out my notes page for the link to a funny squirrel pic :) WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
from moonsocket :
or elliot smith werks, too. sure!
from jmalfunction :
i'm sorry! i'm trying to keep up. i've been working strange hours. i'm going to go write a new entry right now.
from moonsocket :
for your kitty...i like the name allie-kat. short form of course for allowishusdevedanderabercrombie-kitty. yeah. i like that.
from brennass : the musical
from brennass :
mmmm.....domestic violence
from brennass :
mmmmm....letting your backbone slide...
from brennass : back bacon
from brennass :
mmmm....chicken wrapped in bacon
from brennass :
mmmmmmmm....patsy cline
from brennass :
mmmmmmm.....melted plastic
from tele :
Mm, i do know who you are. i met you once at second cup. if you're the right jeanette. glasses, kinda mellow orangy hair, very indie? is that you? by the way "i know him, and he does" pavement rules.
from shauna098 :
So! How are ya doing? Do you have an email address or anything so I don't have to keep coming back here? LOL.
from echopunk :
I heart you more.
from echopunk :
I watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory for the 8,723rd time today. Boy, that Augustus! He always gets into the craziest jams! ~j
from echopunk :
Irony abvounds. HE is just projecting because he feels guilty. Don't let that face fool you. And who doesn't need tungsten to live, I ask you? ~j
from tele :
you said you come from OrangEVILle too. i'm not gonna say who i am till you say who you are. cause ... i dunno. I feel vulnerable cause i still live here. (i'm finally escaping hell this september)
from brennass :
mmmmm viagra
from echopunk :
Harlem awaits! (Tell your significant other he is welcomes as well, as he is too good to talk to me anymore. *cough*) Funny thing, all day yesterday, whenever I clicked on anything...d*land or not, it said "i need tungsten to live" on the little command thing at the bottom of the screen. Interloper! ~j
from echopunk :
And you definitely, defintely have both the rocking and rolling going on.
from echopunk :
It's so sunny out, I just took a walk on the beach.
from towelphaser :
for the record, the cat snuck in while the door was open. oo am i to resist a purring cat?
from shauna098 :
WAIT! IT JUST CLICKED!! Jeanette? (clue: jnet) I'm so dumb... sorry! Lack of sleep. Yes, it's me... Shauna... ooooohh...
from shauna098 :
Yes, I'm Shauna Smith.... I'm NOT the grade 9 one, I'm in OAC.... I'm short... frizzy hair... glassess.... LOL. Yeah...
from brennass :
from brennass :
mmmmm eatible body of christ
from echopunk :
We bond many miles away over our fantastic taste in music. We rock. ~j
from brennass :
good luck with your interview!! if you get it, i can have a new lunch buddy cuz you'll be just up the street!! hurrah!
from brennass :
mmmmm...bea arthur
from brennass :
mmmmmm boris yeltsen
from jmalfunction :
hi jnet. you are uber. thank you for responding to my diary letter. i am anxiously awaiting part two. i dyed my hair black. my dad said "you're not one of THOSE now, are you?" oh my oh my.
from brennass :
mmmmmmm mothballs
from brennass :
mmmmmmmm bo derek
from spoonbender :
who is this???
from jmalfunction :
i wrote you a letter. read my diary!
from jmalfunction :
dude. duude. duuuuuuuuuude.
from echopunk :
Is Her Space Holiday not the mad, bad bomb??? Just wanted to say hi...~j
from brennass :
mmmmmmmm....reckless fornication
from brennass :
mmmm...rancid chihuahua's
from brennass :
MMMMM Robot children....
from moonsocket :
hey, i was listening to that dog. today too. as a matter of fact i was pumping "she looks at me" in the afternoon hours. how about them apples?!!
from brennass :
I also eat things I find on the ground!! Unfortunately I usually find kittens and small children.
from hilly1 :
Aye...I hope the Doc's lose some spirit, my friend.
from brennass :
exactly! we are creatively evil and angry
from brennass : wasnt so long ago we were angry at the world ourselves. wait, i still am.
from moonsocket :
that crack about you being a quitter was just in reference to your little stint with the detox thing. i didn't mean to upset or offend. it's a little outdated, i know, i'll fix that right up! don't worry! i still like you! and i don't think you need deodorant, you smell just lovely from here. kinda like chocolate chips and cotton candy. mmmmm!!!
from moonsocket :
all you had to do was ask nicely! i may me a menace at times, but i do aim to please! GODSPEED!!!
from moonsocket :
AH HAHA HAHAHA!!! i have your precious little favourites list, and i will be holding them hostage until you meet my demands! i require 49 yellow jelly beans, wrapped in brown paper...midnight...behind the box. i'll be the'll see.
from towelphaser :
no they weren't. "don't worry, the sun's not gone, it just went behind a cloud"
from munkygirl :
Thanks for joining the Evil Dead diaryring!
from jmalfunction :
dude, don't worry about missing my birthday. i got to run, email me or something. rock.
from jmalfunction :
and it's my birthday!!!!!!!
from infinate :
andrews NES is broken (unless he fixed it recently) you should talk to him about it.. ..yes i have read through my old diary shites.. just due to boredom or lack of motivation to do anything else i think. i dont even have many old ones though
from twisted-mind :
Hi just stopping by to welcome you to the emotional me diary ring. Thanks for posting the code.
from march-hare :
super specimens of humanity?! what! you have to read my latest entry to read what my opinion is of a certain hockey player. *go leafs*
from jmalfunction :
yes jnet, i have read all my old diary entries for no apparent reason, too.
from brennass :
whenever i have a bad day, i just kill small woodland creatures. you should try it! you live close to the park. squirrels give me the biggest smiles.
from brennass :
hold me!
from towelphaser :
it doesn't piss me off when you use it, but thatnks for the public slander anyways.
from peth :
Welcome to the Harold and Maude ring. Twirl thisaway. Have a strawberry, or is it a strewberry?
from moonsocket :
ask, and you shall receive!!! i liked the rainbow one better too. thanks!
from moonsocket :
never fear jnet! i am never far! i wouldn't say all translations are the shizznit, but yours certainly are! i thank you for spreading a little of your love my way. right back at you, superstar!!!
from moonsocket :
ha! that's extremely funny! it's nice to know technology is in such perfect working order these days. damn, that some funny shit!
from brennass :
just wait till you do start forgetting your pants! lets just say i'm just glad winter is over...phew!
from moonsocket :
what exactly is the deal with this "translated" thing? you lost me back around "the." oy!
from thomo :
i just realized that i cant easily put a working link in these notes. so here is the URL:
from thomo :
so jnet. you remember you had a birthday a while ago? and how i gave you that thing that i said was only half a gift. well here's(its like a meg so be forewarned) a quarter more of it. all thats left for me to do is put parts one and 2 together.
from march-hare :
welcome to the back to the future diaryring and thanks so much for joining1
from missprisy :
Thank you for joining the dropdeadfred diary ring.
from thomo :
well if you want to hear the songs then "get yer ass to mars.. get yer ass to mars.. get yer ass to mars.. get yer ass to mars.." wait.. i mean online. then ill send em to you..
from moonsocket :
and she can write poetry! well, haiku. slap me in the ass and call me cinderella! is there anything that this gurl can't do?!!? oy!!
from jmalfunction :
from jmalfunction :
hey, i'm screech too!
from moonsocket :
ouch! i am stunned by your innefectivity! is that a real word????
from jmalfunction :
hey, you're not jon!
from brennass :
i am delighted you shall be joinin us darling. Please do be advised to stay clear of frank, as he tends to excite easily and this causes him to eat humans.
from uberjnet :
I heard that the moonsocket was male, and i felt so bad!!!
but any friend of Franko's is a force to be reckoned with, and so i shalt remedy such a grievous error. I just haven't been on in a couple days.
from moonsocket :
the moonsocket is male. but he's new, so you're forgiven. thank you for the link. soon everyone will know. and it's all becasue of you!
from brennass :
J-Net do not fret, you are not a pet, do not go to the vet, not just yet, i'm glad we met, and i hope you dont get, the clap.
from jmalfunction :
damn me for forgetting the br's. allow me to reiterate:
jnet is the best
she can rock up a storm
she is a rock god.
from jmalfunction :
jnet is the best she can rock up a storm she is a rock god.
from echopunk :
i am touched that you added me to your cast. (in a purely rated PG way) hey babe, its been more than a couple weeks. :) and im always willing to give your hand a good clutch. i hope your week improves. ~j
from uberjnet :
i made a haiku
about my black sweatervest
but i forgot it.
from uberjnet :
damn skippy.
from echopunk :
it rained everywhere i went. i am beginning to think i am a child of the apocolypse. eh. at least im something, right? :) im sorry my birthday was bad for you. il do better next year. ~j
from uberjnet :
and yes, Jenn, we will go there. and then you will come back!! COME BACK!!!!
from uberjnet :
ROCKROCKROCKROCKROCK!!!!! i'm glad are continuing their email service. for the rockage.
from jmalfunction :
[email protected] rock!
from jmalfunction :
ok i received nothing. i guess the only thing for me to do is to get a weezermail account. right?
from echopunk :
from echopunk :
i was all sorts of here and reading your notes, but i forgot to note back. silly me. i said aboot in conversation today and my coworker stared at me. "did you just say aboot?" me: "no." him: "i think you did." me: "youre crazy." yeah, so apparently i ave a habit of picking up accents. hmm...oh! the layout thing is dandy, i was just curious. :) i hope you are feeling better...~j
from uberjnet :
that i shall do....godspeed, little email.
from jmalfunction :
dude. i've received no emails. try to send something to [email protected]. it might work. you've been sending it to [email protected] right? ack. the hassles of electronic communication.
from uberjnet :
from uberjnet :
from tulipbaroo :
Great layout! :)
from uberjnet :
OH IT'S ME, BABY!!! and i'm sorry i had to use your layout, but i was stuck and it's the only one i really really liked!! (well, other than my old one which is gone, which is why i used it, but you get it.) if you don't want me to, i can take it down and do something else. it's totally up to you.
from echopunk :
oh NOW who's rockin' the lengthy notage?? :) ~j
from echopunk :
there is air conditoning everywhere. i squint confused at your new diary, but enjoy it nonetheless. take midol, the miracle cure, take many. i feel that prescirbing your own dosage as per necessary pain limits works better than their stupid dosage suggestions. it was probably recommended by men anyhow. and as we can say with great security, what the hell do they know? (and answer with similiar assurance: not much.) so, ny vs. canada pt. 2 will be forthcoming, if not this year then next. we miss you crazy kids. (ps welcome aboard cannon shooter jnet)~j
from uberjnet :
now to JON: i've been using the unsightlywombat address. in fact, i sent you a contest thingy this morning that you MUST sign up for--all analog effects, including (yippie!) an old-school ring mod. you must join or face my wrath. or not. whatever. but at least now i have once again your mailing address and can mail you fun things. like....tapes that are mixed, and things like that.
from uberjnet :
first to JENN: so stumble to your place of employment, my happy pixie girl. at least you get to work somewhere sort of cool....that's more than what i've got. damn these people. what do they think i am--customer service? okay....well.... so we should all consult and decide on a time to do a ny thang....the summer would be good. hot, but good. plus, i might actually be able to get some time off if it's in the summer--all the part timers will want my hours. but we shall see. for now--courage.
from jmalfunction :
oh my! oh mY! no, i haven't been receiving. well i received the ones that i replied to. but any other ones than that i haven't received. are you sending them to the right address! oh my!
from echopunk :
fervently agreeing to figure something out. i must now venture off to the habitat of my employment. and sigh all day. new favorite hobby, sigh count per hour. you are mightily witty, :), and i hope your life is happy. ..~j
from uberjnet :
that was a LONG ASS NOTE!!! i rule.
from uberjnet :
life would be better if i were an aeroplane....i just told some girl that the only way to get to the tristan and america store in this mall was to travel through time to two years ago when it was still here. she laughed. (sighhhhhh.....) but fear not, because even tho we can't come this month, we can still come some other month. when do you finish school? we could do a nyc thang that ends up with you and bonnie and whoever else coming back with us to toronto for a while as well. i get vacation time, and damned if i'm not going to use it!!!
from echopunk :
*sigh* i understand, do what you can...:) anyhow, IF you do come, these tube shots will have your name all over them. tube shots. that just sounds all sorts of wrong. i hope life is well...~j
from uberjnet :
jeNn:::!!!!! exclaimy!!! it will be fun. if i can 1)find a fare to NYC that will not be more than $200 cdn and 2)well....i guess that's it. but i will get there!!! and you will introduce me to whatever you americans drink there, like melon shots in a tube. YEAH YEAH!!!
from echopunk :
I CANNOT WAIT. the exclamatory remark, "yay" wil not stop popping into my head. anyhow, my darling girl, you dont ask to be a pirate. you just are. and you totally are. but if its the ship you need, welcome aboard to the S.S. Name subject to change. We just have to think of the perfect job title for ya. :) ~First mate Jenn (ship motto: "We like booty.")
from uberjnet :
to jenn: I love you and your wordiness!! i am coming to see you in all your long island and nyc glory. much merriment will be had by all. and jon: i have been line-dropping you!! i sent you a couple emails in the past few weeks....perhaps you have not been receiving? oh, what a world....
from jmalfunction :
wow jnet, i didn't know you read douglas adams. yeah. rock. how are things? drop me a line sometime, eh? ----jon
from echopunk :
you are at the top of the awesome list. defenestration is indeed a joyous word. heres a grand one. corollary. it means resultant. i made a new email address because of that word. so, you feel a little better at least? all of america, well...bits of long island at least, were sending you well wishes. wishings? good tidings, at the very least. ~j
from uberjnet :
JET PROPULSION PACK FOR THE YOGURT!!!! OH MY GOD!!! IT'S SO TRUE!!!! You have changed my life forever. I feel many times blessed by your wisdom.
from echopunk :
that wasnt so much a tube as a foil propulsion jacket for the yogurt. but i do agree wholehearedly in it's oddity. i hope you feel many times better soon. :) ~j
from uberjnet :
still, the fact that they come in a tube scares that yogurt in a tube stuff, what was up with that?!
from echopunk :
melon shot in a tube. they were fucking awesome. green AND pink. its an american thing, dont be all jealous up on our piece. anyhow, i knwo all about evil devious sleep patterns. and its hard, because it's not like you can kill them. i mean, ive tried, but that messes up the whole sleeping thing too. hey loook! im rambling again. :) ~j
from uberjnet :
MELON SHOTS IN A TUBE?! (???) how odd.... and for the record, my sleep patterns are trying to kill me. they let me sleep for a couple hours, wake me up for an hour, sleep for an hour....and so on....until i have to leave.
from echopunk :
im not sure, but in hindsight, i think i put the commas in all the wrong places in that last note. please forgive me for my sad, american edumacation. :)~j
from echopunk :
oooh. im glad i came back. cant you sleep, uberjnet? i saw melon shots, sold in a tube today, and thought of you. ~j
from uberjnet :
nothing, echopunk, is ever new. i'm tired. that's about it. :)
from echopunk :
was wandering around. lost in diaryland. nothing new there. just wanted to say hi. oh! and i just found out about your freaky cancom thing where radio is required to play...stuff.hmph. sounds all fishy to me. how is life, eh? :) ~j
from echopunk :
ack! flood of embarrassment. thank you for letting me hold, *ahem* clutch your hand like a moron. you rock!!! ~j
from towelphaser :
you are at work right now. and so am i. oh yah, nose to the grindstone, eh? doncha know.. oh ya. oh ya. no doot aboot it. such is life in that harsh candian winter, eh? doncha know..
from laura-jane :
holy crap i am in love with your haiku. really.
from towelphaser :
you don't have any sort of "intranet" or "web", you see, o i can say really whatever i want, free of consequence. you are 'ot, non? OUI!!! OHN HON HON. J to the IZZA NET to the BIZZA
from uberjnet :
i'm noting to myself for to have a note to me.
from towelphaser :
you are one big, awesome cute ass drop hammer if ever a drop hammer did be

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