messages to vampishone:
(click here to add new message):

from muse11 :
you know, i was thinking about you just today. i should have said hi earlier. thanks though. really.
from muse11 :
the new layout is quite sexy. maybe its me. cheers!!
from muse11 :
thank you thank you =)
from the-nicoli :
Just wondering why you locked your diary (I can't read it anymore, but if you don't trust the general public, I understand.)
from muse11 :
I have three answers to your questions but no key *sad face*
from muse11 :
Vamp, I would love an ice cream sandwich!!!
from muse11 :
Thank you for the offer Vamp. I agree with the outcome of your quiz, "and, though you feel small, your spirit is precious, strong, and mighty as the forces with which it is affiliated".
from muse11 :
meanie!! (yes)
from muse11 :
you write in this thing because it makes sense to read the words back to yourself. only when you stop reading should you stop writing. we'll miss you though.
from muse11 :
Whatever happened with your ear? I hope all is well.
from muse11 :
I wonder where you are now....?
from grimm0826 :
Happy Birthday to your dad!!!
from muse11 :
Congratulations !!!! New jobs deserve a woot... WOOT WOOT!!
from muse11 :
Today someone told me that me that life only makes sense backwards, that it's too bad we have to live it forwards - after thoughts
from muse11 :
Greater West Houston. Memorial city village? God that city is too big. But it was beautiful! Thank you!!
from muse11 :
Sometimes it's just about sex. Sometimes it's just about letting go. Sometimes all we have is the 'need'.
from barchap :
I felt like writing a poem that was a combination of sentences playing off of each other that if you look at it form the left side of the dashes - it sounds dark. And the other side of the dashes makes a complete sentence. Or you could read the whole thing together and it still makes a sentence. It was more just for fun. Anyway - I don't feel as if I am in a twisted mix. I think I am in a situation where we have conflicts and nobody says anything - but everybody's doing it to spare each other or put up with each other. I think Jo adn I have a few more similarities personlaitywise and you and Jennifer have more in common - that kind of divides us. As far as the rest of my life - I have flet pretty powerless - stressed out and not myself - but not crazy from being deceived and used.
from the-nicoli :
hey, thanks for the note--as for the virus, i'm not so sure it was one. i think it was lack of RAM. my mom was having trouble saving a really large excel file...and she was convinced that the lack of RAM came from either a virus from an email or from my using AIM express (which isn't the one you download, by the way). i think she is wrong, but i'm not about to tell her that, lest i get my head ripped off...hehe. but thanks for your help. and you're welcome, about being added to my list...i just thought your entries were really interesting and well-written, and some of them i could sympathize with...anyway, thanks again, talk to you later!
from muse11 :
If I could I would hold you so high the sun would caress your face. Until then, close your eyes and imagine the warmth.
from grimm0826 :
Sorry about your plumbing luck. Wish I could help, but I've already put in my heights-and-reaching duty today, so I really don't. :-)
from grimm0826 :
Funny you should say that, about my new image...I thought of Tolkien, as well, when I saw it. Had to have it, after that! :-)
from grimm0826 :
Oh yeah, Stone Temple Pilots is always good, even if they and Pearl Jam put me out of a career once! STP is the better of the two. They got their music into one of my all-time favorite movies, The Crow!
from grimm0826 :
Hmmm...yes, Lestat is arrogant...and so am I!!! At least, I wish I was. At times, I almost make it! Thanks for the concern...I'm great these days. And you?
from dmgirl1 :
whats up with your diary i miss you
from barchap :
That thought - I'm not against self destructive habits - short lived that is. I was trying out a theory that stated that we are less conscious of the reality of the world when we are happy/ delighted/ content. Thus the adverse is also true - we are more conscious of our own reality when we are in discomfort for it is there we discover that the social norms by which we live is simpaly fiction. So after recognizing that, I wanted to take a look deeper. What happens if the social deviant and the throw back is possibly the more conscious individual. And found that actually yes, the more you suffer the more you see/understand. The question remains, does the more conscious individual then protect the unconscious individual, does the more conscious person let nature take its course, knowing that no one person can go his/her entire life without suffering - or can they - or do we rip the blinders off of those who have learned to live in comfortable shells and to call those who live outside of the box "different" "disturbed" and "dangerous". Hmmm. That is my latest experiment. Any suggestions.
from barchap :
a charge from pump up the volume? Checking in - all is well. Except for all the sick people in the world.
from awkwardpause :
Thank you for correcting my mistake and making me look like a complete and total idiot in front of all my friends. Hahaha! But I'm used to it. I have four older brothers. And something called a "mom".
from awkwardpause :
Whilst perusing through my profile page in a state of thinking how great it is (not really), I came across my comment about Neil Gaiman and realized that was the Neil you were talking about. But it matters not, the answer is still yes, because of the reasons stated in my previous note. I could also state that Michael Crichton, Terry Pratchett or any of the other writers on my list were dropped on their heads too. Everyone was probably.
from awkwardpause :
Yes, I am crass. This is good. At least, the last time I checked. Maybe not to some people, but I am not some people, I am no people. Seeing as I have no bloody idea who this random Neil person is, I shall simply say "yes" because chances are most people have been dropped on their heads at some point in their lives, and I'm sure at least some of them were children named Neil. And Fred, for that matter. Also, I shall add 'unfreakingbelievable' to my SAT word list as it must be on the test since it has more letters than 'tree'. But thanks for the comment about the notes, and for adding to them. I take pride in inconveniencing people.
from fever-bit-me :
there are things i still wish i believed in...too.
from scar-lette :
youre beautiful
from muse11 :
Tornado warning?? Holy Hell. I�m freezing my tush off here. The warm thoughts help though. Thank you. Hell with this tomorrow night business, it�s Sunday night - bring on the SoCo!! Salute!
from fever-bit-me :
You know how you make fun of what you wrote. example: "what stupid-ass sentence did i just sling out? I better go to bed. This is utter nonsense I am writing". Well some days, when my eyes drink that exact 'stupid thought' of yours; i literally evolve. just thought i'd let you know; for what it's worth. :)
from fever-bit-me :
Christmas in March was such a precious entry. thanks (and no garages).
from fever-bit-me :
"your "uh oh" makes me being an ass makes me laugh." -you wrote that sentence. I like that sentence.
from fever-bit-me :
you are nice to say that.
from seanandjacob :
Give me a head to place on these shoulders. I meant it. Glasses. Pine smell.
from pillow-wept :
(in case you wanted to read...i moved) x
from goldn-eggsit :
i'm still shaking my dream haze too. off by an hour,,:)
from raven72d :
Very, very lovely entries...thoughtful, well-done...
from o-jasmine-o :
Thank you, and welcome in! (Not sure if you're still busy editing... but just in case: all the links to the rings you've joined don't work... thought I'd let you know)
from thedykeic :
Just wanted to let you know how much i enjoyed reading your diary/webpage/stuff. I tried to get to your guestbook (on a dare from your 'about me' page), but no go. Maybe that is the dare. . . Cheers, Ky
from fever-bit-me :
your comment felt accurate. Say more to me. I'll read you slowly.
from starsforarms :
hi. thanks for adding me as a favorite on your list! im glad you liked what you read! x
from bitterlemon :
hello there. i like that you like what i like, midnight oil, though 'my country' and 'sometimes' are my favorites, and 'fuck me gently with a chainsaw' has to be just about the best line from a cult classic such as heathers ever. cheers.
from scar-lette :
i clicked on your banner once and read an entry then clicked out. then today i clicked on it again and realized i had been here before. its quite a rad place you have here. i especially like your list of goals. <3
from sourgirl-99 :
i liked your banner...i fell into your diary and now i can't get out.
from seralynn :
You have a gift with words... Thank you for sharing yourself on here.
from vampishone :
note to self: remember to breathe

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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