messages to violetwoman:
(click here to add new message):

from swimmmer72 :
I hope some of these options do something. I think that something HAS to work as you can't keep on going on like this, even though you have for years already. Pain management? That's ok, but why can't they fix the problem? I hope something works for you Kim!
from swimmmer72 :
Whatever abdominal issues I have, they are a walk in the park when compared with yours. It felt like a hernia, but didn't look like it, plus I've already had both sides done. So, I thought it was a pulled muscle. Yeah, I'm in denial. It didn't go away so eventually, I went to SIL/doctor and she guessed diverticulitis and gave me antibiotics. And apparently was wrong as there was no change. Now, we're back to something hernia related and I have a CT scan sometime in the next month or two. Relatively minor, or so I hope. I can't imagine going through what you go through. Very unpleasant and extremely frustrating; not being able to eat would really distress me. I hope you find a solution! XO
from swimmmer72 :
At least some things are working out the way they should! 10 months to see a surgeon! I still can't believe that! I had to wait two weeks for my hernia surgery and I thought that was a long time! I hope things start coming together for you - you should have the chance to have a normal life, digestive-wise! XO
from swimmmer72 :
Yeah, I did get THAT far and no, I don't remember your entries being extremely off the wall, any more than mine, anyway! It's too bad your health is getting in the way of your incredible move and I don't know what to tell you. I'd like toi see you be able to stick it out until your house gets finished and your health improves, but that is pretty easy for me to say as I don't live with your pain. I hope things work out - for starters - a MILD winter!!
from swimmmer72 :
Yes, it's time. Get yourself to a hospital and don't let them boot you out until you have some answers. This has been going on too long without resolution and now that it's getting worse, it's no longer an option to be patient. Get it fixed! BTW, you have a hurricane heading your way, as if you needed anything else to think about... I hope you get some good results! XOXO
from swimmmer72 :
I think everyone takes good health for granted, right up until they don't have it anymore. I hope you find some answers and relief from your doctors! XOXO
from swimmmer72 :
Friends take time. I've had to be patient with it in Erie, as I'm replacing everyone, just like you did. And, I had the benefit of inheriting some of my brother's friends. After 12 years, I'm happy to say I'm developing a good selection of my own, although I still don't have anyone as close as I did in Buffalo, at least that actually live in Erie. Good luck with college! I always thought that I'd like to be a professional student if it paid better... XO :)
from swimmmer72 :
Is there any chance your intestines will heal? If so, maybe protein shakes are the best short term option. I understand your cravings though - even just having wisdom teeth out had me climbing the walls and that was only a week of milkshakes. I'm sorry that you're still having the digestive issues - it takes away from all the other good things that are going on. The computer class sounds like a good thing, and your writing is very interesting - I do check in from time to time! Hopefully, it is starting to warm up on PEI! I hate to see you having another surgery, but short term relief is better than no relief at all. XO
from swimmmer72 :
Everyone has their peaks and valleys. Martin is having his. Hopefully, it is just a matter of getting into some better weather, and then he can kick it into gear! I hope your digestive issues give you a break! XO :)
from swimmmer72 :
Kim, you need to go to the hospital! Past frustrations aside, this sounds serious and you need to have it checked out! No waiting!! I hope they can figure out what to do! XO
from swimmmer72 :
re: stomach issues. Thanks for the explanation - I actually understand all that in part due to my own experiences of the past year. Makes me think I shouldn't have been so anxious to get my own appendix out last summer! Sounds like happy times on Kim's Farm!! I hope spring comes soon!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
Thanks for your thoughts on Don. I'm going to visit on Wednesday if he's still up to it. What causes your stomach problems? I think you explained it once before, but that was before I had any of my own and I didn't understand. Mine are cleared up, but I have a better understanding of what can go wrong! I'll be checking up on the blog in the next day or two - I'm glad it's working for you! :)
from swimmmer72 :
I did get the link and HAVE visited your blog, which I like very much. Especially the pictures and the backstory. More of a "life in progress" sort of thing and it is very well done. The 9th of January, and winter hasn't gotten the best of you yet!! Good for you!!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
Ok, let me get this straight? Did you get your cold from the chickens or did they get theirs from you? :) I hope you all get better soon! Also, PLEASE be careful around the wood stove!! Burns are very painful! 2,000 words a day??? I could do that one day, maybe two, but then wouldn't want to write again for another week! I hope everything falls into place before you get snowed in!! :) Oh yeah, I realized I have to convert your mp4's to mp3's before my computer can play them. I think it is a Apple/Windows thing (?). Anyway, it's on my "plan list" for today!!! Thanks for sending Horsefeathers to me! I checked the link you sent and they sound good!
from swimmmer72 :
re: mini. Yep, that's the plan, unless I can actually fit it inside. No, not kidding - there are RV's with a back garage-like compartment, and although I've been told they are more for motorcycles than cars, if I can fit it in, I'll do it. How are things in your area? Any fall leaves left? XO :)
from swimmmer72 :
Well, for what it's worth, you are a bit of an inspiration to me. I'm lucky - hardly any major medical issues. With all the things you have to deal with, you still do all the things that you do - write, garden, hen-mother, cross-country traveler - I could go on and on. I'm sorry you have to deal with all the pain and wish things were better for you. That could start with a mild winter, right? XO
from swimmmer72 :
Yes, the barium smoothies and the contrast dye. I got them both. At this point, I'm sick of drinking stuff because most of it tastes terrible. Smoothies weren't too bad. I'm hoping I hear today, but it could take until Monday. I sorry that you've had to go through all this too, and not with good results. So far so good, mostly just an unpleasant process.
from swimmmer72 :
That's a tough situation. It may not be lose-lose, but it sure isn't win-win. Financial problems will still be around either way. I definitely understand the appeal of living alone - I've been doing it much of my adult life, and it isn't that I don't enjoy company, but I LOVE my own space. Giving up gains you have made isn't a good option either and that you are loving PEI so much definitely gives you a lot to think about. Hopefully, you can get through to him that something's got to give. Good luck, Kim.
from swimmmer72 :
Yes, you are absolutely a writer!! Good for you!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
I hope the hurricanes haven't been too scary! I'm guessing that just one more thing you aren't that used too! I hope you get things in good shape before winter! :)
from swimmmer72 :
re: clothes. Well, that would be EXPLORATION, and we both know that is also one of my favorite pastimes... ;)
from foursquare :
Oh wow, I didn't really even know they raced pigeons. Too bad that guy was such an ass. Good luck with the pigeon, hope he makes it.
from swimmmer72 :
Are you going to stay there now? It seems like you are making a real life for yourselves there and it would be nice if you could make it work. I hope your summer goes well! :)
from swimmmer72 :
The ONLY bad part about summer is the BUGS!!! I hope your summer is a good one! :)
from foursquare :
Mmmm, lobster and mussels... *drools* Good hearing from you again! I think I forgot to reply (or was just too lazy), but I enjoyed the pictures you've emailed in the last few weeks. It does sound & look peaceful out there, I'm sure it helps make up for the rough winter!
from swimmmer72 :
Thanks for the update! I like hearing about your progress out on our eastern shore! :)
from foursquare :
I don't remember if you're on my notify list or not but... I finally made a diary entry! *pats self on the back*
from foursquare :
Still reading, and good to hear from you! I still plan on putting up an entry SOMEDAY....
from swimmmer72 :
Hi Kim!! Still reading - I'm sorry I didn't respond to your note about the creative writing thing. I'm thinking about it and maybe if I can incorporate Nadya 3 into it, I may do it. Glad to hear spring is finally even getting to your area - we had snow 2 days ago, but we're getting there too. I hope this turns out to be a very productive summer for you - all three weeks of it!! Yes, I'm kidding! Everyone knows that summer at PEI lasts AT LEAST five weeks... I know... You'd kick me right now if you could... :) (ha ha ha, we both know you can't!)
from foursquare :
I'm really not a big dog person either. Well, a little more than you I think, but I would have an army of cats if it were my choice. Since there's cat allergies in my family though felines are out of the question. A couple things I've found out about dogs is that puppies are a pain in the ass. Who'd have thought eh? If I have my say in it, I won't do a puppy again. My sister brings one over regularly and I have no desire whatsoever to get myself a puppy. If that day comes I'll adopt an older dog that's calmed down and ideally housebroken. The other thing is there's a big difference between a big dog and a small dog. I have affection for my big lab, but my little dog is my preference. All Wiley really wants to do is sit on my lap, and that's what I like in a dog. If I'm sitting somewhere, he lays on my lap and goes to sleep. If I go to bed, he curls up under the covers next to me. He's not nuerotic and weird like most people picture chihuahuas, just a little snuggle bug.
from foursquare :
Heyyy, glad to hear that a dog might be working out for ya! My two are still kickin' and doing pretty well. Wiley (the chihuahua) absolutely HAS to go to the vet as soon as possible for teeth cleaning though (and many extractions I don't doubt). When he was younger I was good about brushing his teeth, then fell out of the habit, and boy are we paying for it now. (literally) His teeth are in a bad state of decay now and I know he's in some level of pain from it, and his breath is beyond words. Ugh. Don't make my mistake, brush that pup of yours teeth! Though at least since she's not a toy breed it shouldn't be quite as much of an issue.
from danddteacher :
Hey Violet! I updated - you'll be amused at my past year. It seems my life was just waiting for me to take a break from D-Land! *L*
from swimmmer72 :
It's just wrong that something as delicious as dark chocolate causes such severe problems! I hope your weather warms up soon! Our's is starting to, but I'm afraid it will still be a couple months before we can truly call it warm. I'm not even thinking about HOT yet! :)
from foursquare :
Oooo, ouch, that sounds awful. :( (But ohhh, dark chocolate cream mints! God I love dark chocolate....)
from swimmmer72 :
Well, it is probably a good thing that you are there AT LEAST until you finish the house. I'd hate to see you leave without getting a full year or two's worth of what PEI is all about. I can't say that I blame you - I've been to Oregon enough to know how mild the Pacific NW is in the winter/spring and I KNOW what this area is like in the winter and can only IMAGINE what you are going through. The length of winter on this side of the continent is the worst part - at least 2-3 months longer than what you are used to. Hey, you live and you learn. You have to do what is right for you. I'm sure it will all work out! :)
from foursquare :
That little chick IS the cutest thing! So wow, perhaps another move?! I never would have guessed that medical coverage sucked there. Granted, I don't really know all things about Canada too well, but I'd kind of assumed the socialized healthcare meant the big things were covered anywhere. Remind me to not hit PEI if I ever emigrate to Canada! ;) Do you think you'd go all the way back west to BC, or try out life in the prairies possibly?
from swimmmer72 :
Nice pics! I'm struggling with the conversion from cm to inches, but either way, yeah, you got SNOW! Fiona and Stella are cuties! :)
from foursquare :
Wow, that was quite the wall of snow! (and yes, you have good looking cats!)
from swimmmer72 :
I don't want to snow on your parade (haha, I bet you're not laughing!), but the other thing you won't be used to is how long winter lasts. I remember the mild winters of Portland, Oregon, and how I'd come home to Buffalo from visiting my brother and still have a month of winter after leaving rhodos blooming back in Oregon. I'm guessing PEI is longer. Sorry Kim, but at least you're truly inside now. You'll get used to it and the other eight months make up for it! :)
from foursquare :
Wondered how your holidays fared. Good hearing from you!
from foursquare :
I think there's a blizzard everywhere in North America except for where I live. It's been in the 70s here! I heard BC and Washington state have had some serious snow lately too, so I guess you wouldn't be escaping this year either way. ;) If you don't update before then, Merry Christmas!
from foursquare :
Hee! Those are funny. If you get a hat on a chicken though, you're going to have to show us pictures of that!
from swimmmer72 :
This is probably a long shot, but if the optical store can't help you out AND PEI has a specialty sports store, swimmers have a solution that keeps their goggles clear while racing. It comes in a little plastic bottle and you apply a drop or two then wipe it off and it usually lasts a long time. Hmmm, it's crunch time, huh? You know, when you compare PEI winters and that which you are used to in BC. AND, until house is ready, you'll definitely be roughing it. Keep this in mind - this winter will be the hardest and it will get better from here. Keep those cats, those chickens, and yourself WARM!!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
Little by little, your little piece of heaven is starting to take shape. I know it's going to be a long haul, but in the end it will be worth it! Keep warm! :)
from swimmmer72 :
That's too bad (about dialup). Just so you know, it was a 2:30 minute video of hens, running to the music from "Chariots of Fire". Hilarious! Watch it when you get the chance - they have several other hen videos on the site. Yeah, go figure... :)
from swimmmer72 : <<Try this link, I thought of you when I saw it! :) Let me know if it doesn't work, ok?
from swimmmer72 :
WOW!! That's one big rooster!! How's it feel to be a farmer??!! :)
from foursquare :
That is one big, beautiful cock in your hands! :-P (Sorry, couldn't resist!)
from swimmmer72 :
I think "users online" just indicates who's viewing dland. I've never done chat and wouldn't know how. Probably the closest I come to that the occasional IM, and even that is pretty rare. Just keep plugging away on your land, things will be fine! :)
from swimmmer72 :
I hope that works out for you, too! You seem happier and definitely less stressed, even though the money thing is just as much of an issue even though everything else is different. Your chickens are adorable! I can definitely see them becoming your little "family"!! I hope you get under good cover BEFORE it gets much colder, because we both know that it will. Get much colder, that is, probably moreso than Vancouver. Brrr! Keep yourself and those chickens warm!! :)
from foursquare :
Yikes, hate to hear about the money troubles building up again, so I do hope you guys will be able to keep up on that. Your chickens are really pretty!
from foursquare :
Beautiful pictures!!!
from swimmmer72 :
Wow! Beautiful pictures! I'm also saddened by your one year anniversary. I feel the same way about my pets, although the angst gradually eases over the years, especially since I moved away from where they are buried. Hopefully, time will help with you, too.
from foursquare :
Oh my god, it's been a YEAR?! Wow... I feel like that just happened still.
from justjones :
Oh! I used to catch toads just like that all the time in Virginia! That really brings back memories. As for ETSY, it's a website made up entirely of artists who sell their handmade items - paintings, knitted items, clothing, pottery, jewelry, stamps...EVERYTHING! It's awesome, you've got to check it out. :) ~Kim
from swimmmer72 :
When I first saw that full-screen picture, I couldn't help thinking "Boy, I HOPE that's Simon's hand!!!!" :)
from foursquare :
I don't normally think of toads as being cute so much.. but he's cute!
from foursquare :
Pretty!! Yes, it does look very peaceful. That ground sure is red too! The only other place I've seen dirt near that color, is actually in the middle of South Carolina. I know when my husband has gotten red mud splatters on his clothes, it stained and didn't wash out.
from swimmmer72 :
I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for the best!
from foursquare :
Oh no!! I'm so sorry to hear that. Crossing my fingers it's curable. (Geez, do you have bad luck with orientals, or is it something about the breed? Chunky mutt cat Charlotte will probably live to be 20...)
from swimmmer72 :
Ha Ha!! Did your cats stay on the dash when the truck was moving? :)
from swimmmer72 :
WOW!! Thanks for sharing pics and stories about your unbelievable trip! PEI pics coming soon? Yep, I'm impatient! ;)
from foursquare :
Oooo, I've heard that essentially if someone wants to find something wrong in a truck like that, they'll find it. What an ass! I wondered how you knew the itinerary of your trip so well, I didn't think about logs like that. Long bridge, wow!
from swimmmer72 :
Your pictures brought back a lot of memories of my own cross-country travels, especially the transition from mountains to the lonely flatness of the great mid-west. Yes, I can appreciate the trials and tribulations of travelling like that, and I usually did it alone and in my trusty little Saturn - much easier. The one time I DID travel with a g/f, it probably put the final nails in that coffin! Very interesting odessey! I never knew much about PEI, etc, before this year, but I'm running into an abundance of people either living there or visiting, and they all love it! Thanks for sharing! :)
from foursquare :
Hey, thanks for the itinerary! (And yes, I went and looked at the maps some more, for I am a NERD.) I think big trips like that are really neat, I'd love to do something like that myself one day. My inlaws made a huge drive like that once, I think about 10 - 12 years ago. From Charleston, SC to somewhere up in Alaska. I remember them telling me about some bad roads in the province of Yukon! You know I'd kind of forgotten how long winter drags on for up there, so the blandness of Ontario surprised me a little. I was going to say if you'd gone the southern route and hit Sault Ste Marie, you'd been about as close as you were going to get to my old neck of the woods. Of course I lived in the lower part of Michigan, but I've been up there on vacation.
from foursquare :
I'm loving reading about your trip. Wow! (That sucked though about the repairs that had to be done, ouch). I wondered when I read your earlier entry how you guys would drive through Ontario. I've been pulling up Google Maps for your entries to see your route as you describe it, because I'm a dork!
from foursquare :
Boy, you guys sure did go from as far west to as far east and you could, eh? Wow, what a drive. By the way, I started reading "Anne of Green Gables" yesterday in honor of you, ha!
from swimmmer72 :
Wow!!! Those mountains are spectacular!! I love the mountains; I just hate driving through them. I understand completely about the road terror! There is a road going through Glacier National Park (Going-to-the-Sun Road) that matches your description. I wanted to stop and take pictures, but there wasn't any place to pull over. Cliffs straight down on one side! Yikes! I've never been through BC, but it's definitely on my RV agenda, although I might take your lead and park the RV and rent a car for the trip! Hope you are getting dry weather and are able to pour concrete soon! :)
from swimmmer72 :
Wow! A whole different way of life! Kim and Simon are farmers now!! Your stories from the "first" coast are all very interesting. Are you liking the change as much as it seems you are? :)
from justjones :
Hey you! It's
from foursquare :
Good hearing from you! And good to hear about the hen too. :)
from foursquare :
That reminds me of something. Out at the place we call "the country" (my inlaws land a few miles up the road from here) there was this goofy rooster that used to run around the place. He would try and do that cock-a-doodle-doo thing, but his last note was always this screechy caw that sounded really funny. One of my FILs friends gave him a rooster that had been this big prize winning fighting cock (I said "cock"..) and the goofy rooster KILLED it!!
from swimmmer72 :
WOW!! Exciting country life! I hope your little slice of heaven is everything you needed it to be! Hope you get pictures soon! :)
from foursquare :
Hmm, I don't know what was up with the comments, hopefully it's fixed itself. But thanks! Yeah Buddy practically IS as big as Booger, and Booger is not a short girl. I need to take him for his 3 yr check up soon, and I'm curious about his size, he's always been (literally) off the charts. We're looking probably at a good 6'3" or so in height on him one day when he's a teenager. I can only imagine how much he'll eat. You know it's weird, but if I were to have a third child (HA! Ha HA!!) with the same 4 year age spacing, I would be getting pregnant again this fall, how crazy is that? These first 3 years of Buddy's life feel like they've gone by a lot quicker than Booger's first 3.
from foursquare :
I say Frankie goes to the crockpot! Poor hens.
from justjones :
"Nothing kills a mood quicker than hearing a little pet get shot" I think that's one of your best quotes ever. :) ~Kim
from foursquare :
Awww, poor little guy. Sounds like it was the right decision. Happy belated anniversary! (I always remember it's on my daughter's birthday.)
from swimmmer72 :
Pictures would be good! I'd like to see your progress! Re: future blogging - all the new RVs have satellite capabilities, and I'm fully intending to still be here, still writing and posting pictures from my travels! :)
from swimmmer72 :
Yes, we have fireflies here. Not as many as I've seen in other places, but they are here. The skunk thing is hilarious. We have them here and they are very bold, always nosing around the parking lot at night and I'm afraid I'll walk into one by mistake and get dosed. I can't see any good way out for Simon's skunk, but that's his problem, right? Maybe a big tarp for containment and then try to move it? Anyway, thanks for the "critter report"; it sounds very interesting where you live and I can't wait for pictures!! :)
from foursquare :
Oooo, it sounds really nice. I hope you can find a way to upload pictures soon!
from swimmmer72 :
Good to finally hear from you! I'd look at your name on my buddy list and wonder how you are! I'm glad things are positive and you're happy you made the move. Can't wait to hear (and see) more! :)
from foursquare :
Hey, good to hear from you!!
from foursquare :
You made me curious about PEI, so I just now did some reading about it and browsing of pictures. Really neat place! I think I'm going to read that Ann of the Green Gables now too. Never read that, and never knew it took place there either, heheh.
from swimmmer72 :
I'm glad to hear you're settling in! Can't wait for pictures, but I know you're busy and I can be patient. Also, impressions from a west-coaster, now that you've made the transition. Good to hear from you! :)
from justjones :
Hurray!! Can't wait to hear stories from the new location!
from foursquare :
Yayyy Kim!! I was wondering where you went. Keep us posted when you can!
from swimmmer72 :
YAYYYY!!!! I was wondering whether Canada swallowed you up or what! I'm glad to hear you made it and am anxiously awaiting your impressions of being an Atlantic coaster! :)
from justjones :
Aw, thanks, Kim! And I DO believe you're being honest, cause I would have done the same thing - just kinda let the entry slide by if I didn't have something good to say. Heheheheh!! Did I tell you I dreamed you came to visit me here in California? It was a weird dream! xoxo Kim
from swimmmer72 :
Oh DARN!!!!!..... This last entry, I spilled my guts about ALL my life-long secrets!!! AND, give exact directions to where I have buried ALL my gold bullion - almost 47 million dollars worth!! I guess it will just have to wait, huh? Seriously Kim, I'm working on it, but it seems to be a d-land problem and I'm not sure they even check tech support requests anymore. :)
from swimmmer72 :
Well, then, it is a step in the right direction! :)
from foursquare :
Say, I like your hair with a little bit more length on it!
from foursquare :
Picture size looks fine to me, I don't like them when they're too small. Pretty place!
from justjones :
Is that a guyser?? What a beautiful place!! The picture size is just fine. ~Kim
from swimmmer72 :
Kim, the pictures are great! Not too big, they fill up the whole screen, but I like that. I really get a good look at what you are showing us. BTW, even though it means I'll have to get a passport, my trips will definitely take me into Canada. Vancouver area, Banff, Canadian Rockies, maybe to your "new" neck of the woods on the eastern shore, although THAT would be a summer trip! :)
from justjones :
Can't the doc give poor Simon some anti-emetics? He needs to keep those antibiotics down. I always use dramamine, works like a charm, take it from a vomit phobic freak! :)
from swimmmer72 :
You are right to have second thought, even if that doesn't mean you should change you're mind. There are some fundamental differences between east and west coast, and I know I have often envied the nice weather Oregon got in the Feb/March when we are still struggling with our long winters. I hope Simon recovers and you don't catch what he has!
from justjones :
Good lord!! The medical industry these days..sheesh. Sending healing thoughts your way. Love, Kim
from foursquare :
Oh man, that sounds really bad. I wish the hospital staff could have taken better care of him. :( Hope he'll be getting on the mend now.
from justjones :
Wow, so pretty!! I'm imagining how loud it must be there, with the waves crashing and the seagulls squawking!!
from foursquare :
Damn, that is one of the most BEAUTIFUL places I've ever seen! (Well, in pictures) I can't believe you intend to move away from there! :P
from foursquare :
Oh my god! I can't believe he did that! What was he thinking?!
from foursquare :
(Actually, I had wondered where you were.) Mutant skull growth thing? Eeesh!
from justjones :
Kimmy, can you do me a favor? Can you go back into your notes and remove a note I left where I typed my email address? I found out that if I google it, it leads back that note, which leads to my diary and yours! Ack... ~Kim
from foursquare :
Ahhh, she was a really beautiful cat. (I really wish I could have a cat. :( ) Happy belated birthday! And you are NOT, "ancient"!
from justjones :
Happy belated birthday, girlie! 46 is nothing, it's the new 36..which of course is the new 26! Is that Simon in the pic? Cute... ~Kim
from danddteacher :
I'm sorry to hear things have been less than pleasant lately. Know that I wish I could help make things better...
from swimmmer72 :
Things will work out, just be careful of spreading yourself too thin financially! I bet the kittens add a whole new energy to the house! :)
from foursquare :
WOW!! You guys need to use (or get) a camcorder to record the trip in that!
from swimmmer72 :
Wow!!! It must seem like it is getting closer every day!! :)
from justjones :
Aw, don't be too hard on yourself. It didn't seem like Daisy was all that happy, and if she was headed for a long bout of illness, it was better to do this for her now. The year will get better, don't worry. ~Kim
from foursquare :
Awwww. Well that sucks. Don't worry, I'm not passing any judgement on you. I knew that was going to be a hard situation all around. Maybe in a way it's better she went down now. She seemed pretty unhappy.
from foursquare :
Hmmmm, ouch, that's a hard one. I definitely understand the mixed feelings. In a way I think I'm more with Simon, but then yeah, I'd feel bad putting down an animal before it was really time too. Yeeesh, good luck with that one.
from justjones :
Wow, lovely property!! That's what we hope for one day, a nice piece of land someplace with lots of trees. Happy New Year!! Love, Kim
from swimmmer72 :
Nice hunk of land!!! Looks like it has a lot of possibilities! :)
from foursquare :
Oooo, that is so pretty. Happy New Year to you too!
from justjones :
Sooooo cute!!!!!
from swimmmer72 :
Awwwwwww......!!!! That's a beautiful picture!! :)
from foursquare :
Eeeek! That is so cute!! I still can't help but giggle at how chunky Charlotte is though, heheh. (So what was Daisy doing during that? Standing nearby shooting death rays out of her eyes at them? :-P )
from foursquare :
Oooo, nice. My husband when to PEI when he was like 13 or 14. Looks just like the movies his family has of there.
from foursquare :
Awww, so cute! I really like the one of you kissing Stella's ear. And oh my, Charlotte's a little porker, eh? lol
from justjones :
What beauties!! You're looking good still too - even in PJs!!!
from swimmmer72 :
I agree!! They are beautiful little kittens! :)
from foursquare :
Wow, beautiful kittens! (and cute you too!) They're really unique looking. I think I like Stella's coloring a bit more of the two, but Fiona is a doll as well, heheh.
from justjones :
Hurray for the new kitties! Of course they won't replace Violet, and you wouldn't want them to. It's just good to have new life and love in the house after an old love is gone. I know getting Dewey made the year following Cecil's death so much better for me. It's a good thing.
from foursquare :
Yes, pictures. WE NEED PICTURES!
from swimmmer72 :
How are your plans for the move east proceeding?
from foursquare :
Heheh, you should use a feed reader, they're awesome for non-Diaryland journals. :)
from justjones :
You go, chipmunk! Glad you got through it. Thanks for thinking I'm hot. :) I know you're selling yourself short looks-wise cause I've seen pictures of you and you're so cute! But we never see ourselves the way other people do, I guess. As for still thinking about/being sad about's not like it sounds. It's somehow more peripheral now, and easier to bear. The thoughts I have about him tend more often to be happy memories, but of course I'll always miss him. It's just not as bitter and raw as when it first happened. And I'm sure it will continue to smooth out as life goes on. Scars fade, but they never seem to go all the way away.
from foursquare :
Yay, it's done!!
from justjones :
I found that as the months went by after we lost Cecil, I gradually thought about him less and less. Not forgetting, but just not re-living the sadness of that day over and over. But that took a really long time, and still, I think of HIM every day, and the event itself fairly often. I'm better at redirecting my thoughts now, instead of lingering on it..but I think some of that sadness always remains. You just learn to live with it and still enjoy the other good things (and people and pets) in your life.
from foursquare :
Then there was when my step-mom's dog passed away. (Which actually would have been maybe only three or four years after Felix went.) She had a miniature dachshund, Hoover, that all of us really loved (but her especially) Horribly, Hoover was accidentally run over by my dad. Oh, god, it was awful. About a week later my dad was teasing the cat (the then kitten mentioned in the story about Felix) When the cat would start to throw up, you know how they make all those horking sounds, and you know they're going to retch in a moment? For whatever reason, my dad would sometimes tease the cat a little during that, and call him, "barf cat". But when he would say, "barf cat" he would make his voice sound real low, and Hoover hated that. Hoover would get real upset at my dad when he'd do that, and would bark at him and sometimes growl. Well one day about a week after Hoover died the cat was getting ready to yak (like usual). My dad was sitting on his bed and nearby in the kitchen was me and my step-mom with the cat. Dad teased the cat with the low-voiced, "barf cat" thing, and suddenly, clear as a bell we heard Hoover bark! I mean, there was no mistaking it, we all heard him bark, just as if he was still alive and still warning my dad from doing that! And then right after the bark while we all stood around looking shocked, the cat stared at a place in the air in front of him, with his fur all standing up looking freaked out as all hell. Whoa!
from foursquare :
Awww, poor kitties. That is sweet (in a sad way) about Charlotte. Poor Daisy though, sounds like she's really been messed up by all this. I hope she adjusts more soon, and isn't too bad to the kittens. Here's a couple stories for you. (Gah, I'm probably going to fill up your notes section, but I can't remember what your email is anymore.) My dad had a much beloved cat he named Felix. Felix was a black and white tuxedo cat. He was the cat I grew up with as a child, and was always kind to me, but truly he was my dad's cat. My dad taught Felix to do tricks for food, like you would a dog. Dad would hold his food dish out, and ask him to "lay down and roll over" and he would. Then, "sit up and shake" and Felix would hop up and shake with one of his paws and then, "now give me a hug". And on that Felix would get up on his hind paws and lean his body against my dad, and kind of rub his face against my dad. Cutest damn thing ever. Well, when Felix was 18 yrs old they sadly found out he had cancer. It was actually in his mouth I think. Their veterinarian was upset too, because the rest of him was so healthy. At that time Dad and my step-mom had a kitten that was about 6 months old that used to annoy Felix. The little kitten was always pouncing on him but Felix would put up with it. Things got worse for Felix once they knew what was going on with him, and soon he wasn't eating anymore, and they knew it was time. Felix had been laying by the wood burner and suddenly had enough of the kitten, and got up and held him down and just boxed the crap out of the kitten! When he was done, he sat back down and seemed to give this look like, "Well, I just had to get that out of the way before I go". It was funny all things considered. But then sometime later my dad and step-mom made the long drive to the vet's to put him down. I wasn't there, but apparently it was pretty bad, my dad and step-mother were crying the whole way. Felix had been sitting on my step-mom's lap calmly during the drive, when suddenly he got up and walked across onto my dad. He stood up just like he always did for his food tricks, and leaned against my dad and gave him a hug. Then he did the same to my step-mother. Then he sat back down again for the rest of the ride. Both of them said to me it was like Felix knew, and he was trying to comfort them and tell them it was alright.
from foursquare :
It's good to hear from you again, I've been a little worried how you were doing. It sounds like you're starting to recover a bit from it, so that's good to hear and I hope things (continue) to get better. I'm curious about the stories with Charlotte & Daisy after it all happened. And I'm definitely curious about the new kittens coming!
from justjones :
Good to see you posting again! I'm glad you're starting to emerge from the darkness a little. It's hard, I know. It'll get better. Love, Kim
from foursquare :
You doing okay Kim? Just a little concerned, you haven't updated in a while. :(
from justjones :
Over this past year I've learned that you can grieve and build a bond with a new pet at the same time. Despite the pain I was in over Cecil, I called his and Ellie's breeder a few days after he died. We brought Dewey home just about a month after Cecil's death. He was in no way a replacement for Cecil, but it was comforting, taking care of a new puppy. It filled a void, which is different than replacing. Don't feel guilty - if you're ready, than go ahead. Yes, there will be loss again down the road, but that's the price tag that comes with loving a pet. The days we spend grieving for them when they're gone are far fewer than all the happy days before, and they're worth it. And now a year later, I miss Cecil, and always will - but I can finally remember him happily, and the deep feelings of grief are for the most part gone. We animal lovers all know we're signing up for heartbreak when we get a pet, but it's all part of the cycle. Life and death, love and grief. There's no getting out of it, but the love outweighs everything else.
from foursquare :
Awww Kim, I hope you start feeling better soon. But are you sure it's time to get another cat, especially an oriental? It's just my opinion, but I think you need more time to grieve, and need to move into a better frame of mind before bringing a new one into your life. Can you spend more time with Daisy and Charlotte to help? (Wait, I haven't heard you talk about them in forever. They're still there and fine, right?!)
from danddteacher :
I'm so sorry, Kim... sending my love up from NC...
from justjones :
Oh, Kim, I'm SO, so sorry. I know the pain you're in right now. I remember it all too well. All you can do right now is do your best to get through each day, and after a long time, you'll finally feel better. Violet's okay, don't worry about her, and you'll see her again. Maybe she and Cecil can have lunch together in the meantime. :) You'll be okay after a while, I promise. Love, Kim
from swimmmer72 :
I'm so very, very sorry for your loss of your sweet Violet.
from foursquare :
*hugs*... I am sorry... I hope peace will come to you with time.
from foursquare :
You won't be killing her, not in that sense. I know many people will say it's anthropomorphizing, but I believe animals know when it's time and in some way that comes back to us. And I also believe that they at are peace with it. I could tell you a story that is both touching and heartbreaking about when my dad's beloved cat had to be put to sleep. I can also tell you a story of when my step-mother's also much beloved dog died, and days later was heard barking in their house and seen by the cat. I really believe their spirits live on, and so will your Violet's.
from swimmmer72 :
Make the most of the time that you have. Treasure every moment and accept the inevitable as part of life's neverending journey. It's all you can do.
from danddteacher :
Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry! *hugs*
from foursquare :
Oh God, Kim... I am so sorry to hear that. (((big hugs))) Is... Well, I guess there's no easy way to ask it... Is it time? Or do you think her quality of life will get better enough to keep her going? :( I'm thinking of you.
from foursquare :
Awwww! I wouldn't ever make fun of you for that, I know how much she means to you. I'm glad to hear she was doing a little better, and hope she's on the mend.
from justjones :
I totally know how you feel. It's hard, the cost is a factor, because you only HAVE so much money..but you'd give anything to have your pet get well. And of course we all know there will be a time when they will have to leave us for good, it's hard to want to go on without them. It took me til now, a year later, to finally accept and move on from Cecil's death. But you do, you move on. And you're not there yet, so hang in there. She'll be okay!! (and so will you) ~Kim
from swimmmer72 :
that's what pets and pet lovers are like. i'd be the same way - actually, i was with my joni, so i understand exactly where you are coming from. you already know the inevitable, it's just the when that's up in the air and that fact doesn't make it any less painful. my heart goes out to you.
from foursquare :
Oh no, this doesn't sound good at all. :(
from foursquare :
Awww, you look cute! You're too hard on yourself. By the way, that bottom picture is really neat. Have no idea what that big thing is!
from danddteacher :
You HAVE to move to PEI so I can live vicariously through you!
from swimmmer72 :
well, for what it's worth, THAT will be how I spend Sundays for the forseeable future! ;)
from foursquare :
from swimmmer72 :
nah, the couch wasn't bad in THAT kind of way, just old and a little saggy and people told me that most of the charity places around town wouldn't take it. So, ...the dumpster. I hardly ever used the couch (old one) and really probably will use the new recliner much more than the new couch. yes, pictures WILL be forthcoming! :)
from foursquare :
Poor Violet. How old is she anyway? I was thinking on her though and wondering. Do you think she's just sick and it's something she'll get over, and can be treated? Or do you think she's on a serious decline? I just wonder about the way she's losing weight, and I worry a bit that with such deep love and attachment you have for her, that you might put yourself in denial if/when the time came to put her to sleep.
from foursquare :
Have no fear, I didn't know what feeds were until a few months ago. But they are awesome! Using a feed reader is essentially what Diaryland's buddylist is, but for other websites. So if you read journals from other sites, it's a way to have a list for them that will show you when they put up a new entry. You ever notice on other sites, links that say things like, "RSS", "Atom" or "Feedburner"? That's giving you the feed address to put into your feed reader. Or if you have Internet Explorer 7.0 (which I think you do looking at my stats tracker) you'll notice on the toolbar at the top (usually on the right side) a little square icon with like a dot and two curved lines in it. If you're on a site that has a feed, that icon is orange, and if you click on it, it will lead you the feed link. You subscibe to the feed link in your feed reader, and woila! Into your new "buddylist". I personally think Google reader is the best feed reader, but there is others. If you're curious about this and want to set one up but feeling unsure, send me an email to [email protected] and I'll walk you through it. The complaint everyone has about Diaryland is that the journals here don't have feeds on them. So for someone without a Diaryland account they can't conveniently find out when one has updated. They end up making a favorites folder with Diaryland journals in it, and checking them one-by-one periodically. And once you've gotten used to a feed reader, it's annoying to have to do that.
from justjones :
Nooo, don't leave! I still read you, I'm just lame about leaving notes. ~Kim
from foursquare :
I'm pretty sure Blogger lets you lock your diary if you want to. I recommend moving so you'll have a site with a feed. Do you use a feed reader for non-Diaryland diaries? They are AWESOME! Seriously though, you'd be really surprised how much nicer other journalling sites are. The analogy I made when I left Diaryland is it reminds me of an old mall. That mall you used to go to that was bustling with activity, that is now shut down and quiet, except for maybe a dusty movie theater and one lone department store. Kind of sad. Oh for where as to leave comments to me, it truly doesn't matter. I still log into Diaryland everyday just as much as I ever did. I get email notices for comments at either site, so either one I find right away. I figured for you and other diaryland people, it's probably more convenient to leave comments on my blogger site when making a comment on an entry I wrote. And then easier to use Diaryland notes if you're replying something I said at your own diary, you know? Did that make sense?
from swimmmer72 :
I know what you mean as I've had the same drop in readership. Somewhere between 4-6, as near as I can tell.... "sigh" It does put things in a different perspective, doesn't it? Well, for the record, I have no where else to write AND show pictures, so I'll be staying even if it's just the two of us. The cross-country daily blog sounds like a good idea! I think it would show an interesting transition from west to east! Hang in there, Kim! :)
from danddteacher :
4 years! Gosh, it seems like just yesterday you 2 got married! I feel old! (And I hope I make it 5 people who still read.)
from swimmmer72 :
well, actually, I AM a stalker, but you're just a little bit out of my neighborhood... OMG, Kim, your city and surroundings are BEAUTIFUL!!!! As you know, I live on the water too, but without those fantastic mountains in the background. Nothing like that on the east coast, as you know, but that shouldn't stop you from moving! Thanks for the pics! They're great! :)
from foursquare :
Damn, I would love to live in a place like that. And you plan on moving away! :-P I guess we're never really happy where we are, eh? But it sure looks pretty there.
from danddteacher :
I'm glad to hear that life is good.
from sunshine831 :
Mary Kay is so far from who I am but it was a good opportunity. If I actually bothered trying to get some customers I could probably do a lot more than 500 a month. By I just don't like going up to people on the street. But women at the synagogue are easy cause I don't say anything to them. They know I sell it so its easy. Not sure how much longer I will do but for now it is working out okay. Thanks for dropping a note my way :D
from justjones :
Oh yeah, I'm sure the dog can be trained out of her aggression. It's mostly fear-based and when they demonstrate good leadership for a while, the dog will relax and not feel the need to be so protective. It's gonna take time, but I think she'll be okay. Glad she was muzzled, though!! ~Kim
from foursquare :
where are the adhesions exactly? Would a hysterectomy help any?
from foursquare :
Oh god, coffee will kick-start the ol' bowels for me most of the time, I can not imagine if I'd had diarrhea! Lucky him.
from justjones :
I know, how gross, huh? I could NOT stand not knowing what kind of bird it was!!! ~Kim
from foursquare :
So... Was your ankle broken?
from foursquare :
Oh my god, I'm obsessed with that webcam! Ack! They're so cute! Really neat birds. I love their white fluff! One time today I watched one appear like he was staring at the camera, and constantly opening his beak. Alas I never did see a feeding though. Then tonight I saw what looked like dark skies and lightning, so I was being a dork and looking up what time the sun sets up there, and what the weather was right then (thunderstorm apparently). I'm such a dork. But that webcam is so cool, thanks for sending me the link on it. --As for the homeschooling question, I think I'm goign to write an answer to that in my next diary entry as it's a question a lot of people are curious about. But there's a lot of neat options out there for that level of teaching/learning.
from swimmmer72 :
YEE-HAW is right!! very good for you! positive feedback is always good, and i'm glad your instructor sent some your way! :)
from foursquare :
Nice job! I think at some point I'd like to take some writing courses. I throw around the idea of writing my own book someday just for the hell of it, but I think my writing skills leave a lot to be desired. Maybe one day!
from swimmmer72 :
C.T. was actually pretty gracious. we had battled back and forth the entire race, proving once again that he who passes last, passes best. :)
from danddteacher :
I'm so jealous! You're gonna be a PEIer!
from foursquare :
Ahhh, the trees make me wistful. Fir trees like those don't grow down here, I miss them. (The closest I see are imported Xmas trees that are way overpriced.)
from swimmmer72 :
the property looks great! nice combination of trees and pasture! that will give you plenty of places to build, maybe? is this a done deal yet? :)
from swimmmer72 :
actually, camping your way up the bright angel trail sounds like a really good idea! thanks for the note! :)
from justjones :
You know your two cents are always welcome! Hope you guys are over the Cheese Puff flu. As for Jim, we've been to counseling over this. He knows it's a problem. I think part of the issue is that it's an escape - it's easier to sit at the computer and escape into a fantasy world than it is to face all the crap that needs to be done around here. He better be careful though, or he's gonna wind up married to the computer, cause his real life/wife is going to move on. ~Kim
from foursquare :
Wow, you guys really are serious then! I think I'm kind of jealous. My husband has movies from when he visited PEI as a kid, really neat looking place. I'm excited for you, and I hope everything else goes smoothly for you. :)
from swimmmer72 :
the PEI property sounds like a great deal! yes, still have to build the house, but i think you'll find that it will be affordable. now, you just have to reconcile being an east coaster instead of a west coaster! i hope things work out! :)
from swimmmer72 :
i'm having the opposite problem in terms of moving/buying property, i.e., using eastern $$$ to contemplate a move out west. even in little bitty Moab, prices for small properties still have sticker shock all over them and i'm not sure how i can reconcile that other than crossing that bridge when i am ready to get to it. patience, i keep telling myself, patience.... :)
from danddteacher :
You know I've always wanted to visit PEI...
from foursquare :
Jesus, no wonder "men hate her"....
from foursquare :
Whew, I am so glad to hear that! I think the allowance system is the best way to go with people like my husband and Simon. One thing I have been meaning to do is open an additional checking account just for that, so he can't over spend. That way the debit card he carries is just for his stuff. Hope Simon stays on track!
from justjones :
Oh you're just so cute!
from foursquare :
You all are good looking, and all look nothing alike! hehehehe! But the more important question is, which sister is the bitchy sister? Must have these details!
from danddteacher :
You are by far the cutest sib... and I love that skirt!
from danddteacher :
Wow, when I read that you sold the land MY heart clenched, and I've never even seen it! I do know that when you're out from under all this financial stress you'll feel a lot better, though. And I've always wanted to work at a book store!
from foursquare :
Wow, you did sell it! Well congratulations :) I imagine it must hurt a little, but I think it will be well worth it. PLEASE tell me you guys will have a serious financial plan this time!!! Take it as one who knows! (And you know I do) Make a solid budget, make sure Simon works, and watch out for the clothes shopping! :-P Good luck with all that.
from swimmmer72 :
i thought it would kill me to sell my land, but even with the financial benefit, it was much easier than i thought. i visit from time to time, but all the work i put into it has been ignored over the last 8 years, and while i take pride in my trees (which are now 30-40 footers), it doesn't feel like it's mine anymore. i left a lot of sweat and dreams behind, but it was time to move on and i've done so with no regrets. i hope it is as easy for you. BTW, i've been content to rent ever since and avoid the headaches of owning, yeah, like taxes and upkeep. :)
from danddteacher :
This weekend feels like it went by way to quickly. I seriously don't think I should have to go back to work in 5 hours!
from swimmmer72 :
back when i put my land up for sale, i really didn't know what to expect. i was asking a lot for it, and it wasn't the type of property that would typically go quickly. most of my future plans depended on what happened, since virtually all my $$$ was locked into my land. it sold in 10 days for really close to my asking price, and that alone had a dramatic impact on the next several years. you just never know, but what is meant to happen usually does. good luck to you! :) BTW, 72 degrees yesterday, back into the 30's and 40's by tonight... gotta love that erie weather!
from foursquare :
Know someone from Japan? In my stats tracker someone from Japan googled, "Kim Violetwoman" and led to my new diary. Hmm?
from danddteacher :
Hey, when you get that enormous inheritance can you share some with me? I've had it with the whole work concept.
from justjones :
Kimmy! Do you TELL him this stuff? Could he possibly be dense enough not to realize what this is doing to you? You guys really could benefit from counseling, he needs to see from an outside perspective what he's putting you through by not pulling his weight. Hang in there!! ~Kim
from danddteacher :
Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry this is going. Can you guys go to counseling or something? I mean, you can't get him to see how much this financial situation is stressing you out, but maybe a 3rd party can. And maybe there are things he's dealing with that you don't see. I just... I just want you to be ok... and I think if Simon knew this was making you not be ok, he'd do SOMETHING.
from danddteacher :
Yes, the rats can cause fires, not to mention the whole cleanliness thing. Do you really want to go to bed knowing there are tons of rat droppings in the ceiling over you? Fight your landlord over this one.
from swimmmer72 :
i hope you can pull yourself out of your financial hole! i know it's frustrating when there doesn't seem to be equal commitment to saving, but the financial counseling idea is a good one. good luck!
from justjones :
Pellets! That's what the owl (and other birds of prey) regurgitations are called. Once I found one in the wash behind my house that contained a whole frog skeleton! Isn't it funny how an animal sighting can distract you from all your least for a while? ~Kim
from foursquare :
Okay, I've got the link for the notify list up in the new journal now. And I just updated too, oooooo.
from foursquare :
Yes, I have a new notifylist up for it. I'm having trouble getting the link up on the actual page, but it works just fine. Email me at [email protected] with whatever email address you want me to use for it and I'll put it in the list.
from foursquare :
*hugs* I know how you feel. I hope he gets back to work soon, and you guys start getting back on track.
from foursquare :
Are those books pretty good? I've never read them, but I've always been curious about them. Only seen bits and pieces of the movies too.
from justjones :
Stupid winter blues! Hang in there, spring will come...soonish? It will, it will! Thanks for all the nice notes you always leave me. And 45's the new 35, dontcha know? Besides, you LOOK ten years younger than you are. :) ~Kim
from crazy-ol-tom :
Ahhh. I'm locked out. I want in. May I have the password please?
from swimmmer72 :
i hope you're feeling better quickly!! :)
from justjones :
Oh man, I hope Simon's okay!!! Sending good health vibes your way, and MAKE him go to that appointment. ~Kim
from swimmmer72 :
ditto foursquare. i hope he takes this seriously. he's too young to be having problems like this and needs to do whatever is necessary to get it under control. stay on him and don't let him let it slide.
from foursquare :
Whoa. I sure hope Simon takes things about his heart seriously, because even if that wasn't an official heart attack, it sounds pretty damn close. A friend of mine from years ago started having angina around age 40, and his father had died around age 40 of a heart attack. He (my old friend) ended up with a triple or quadruple bypass at maybe age 41. Aieeee.
from justjones :
Hahah! Jim and I said the same thing, that it's weird that birds eat birds. Don't they want some variety? "Mmmmm..tastes like chicken!" If I were a bird, I'd hunt steak. ~Kim
from swimmmer72 :
no $500 circuit city gift card. i bailed before i completed everything i needed to, which involved buying one of several products or trying something out. supposedly, i will get a $100 pizza hut card because i bought some coffee, BUT, i haven't seen any indication of how or when i'll get it. i DID get the coffee, which was only $10 for 2 pounds, so it's no big loss if that's as good as it gets. except for the spam, which is a real pain in the ***!!! i'll let you know what happens! :)
from swimmmer72 :
$1000 for a kayak is awfully expensive. i only paid $229 for mine, and although it's a small one, even the bigger ones were only $400-500. besides, he wouldn't be able to take much with him=no room. a canoe might be better, if that's the way he wants to go. how far of a paddle is it?
from foursquare :
That would be me right now, if you swapped red hair for brown. God I hate frickin' yeast infections!
from swimmmer72 :
i bet you actually do know more than you think. yusuf islam used to be known as cat stevens about 30 years ago and david gilmour was a founder of pink floyd. i'm also betting you've heard many of the others on tv at one point as that's where i stumbled across some of them. check them out-they're good music! :)
from danddteacher :
Hey, now! I'm a girl who is (barely) in her twenties. I've had 3 roommates since college, and we've always been fairly quiet and responsible. It's not the age that's important, it's the maturity level. I'm sure everything will be ok.
from danddteacher :
If it makes you feel any better I always cry at the same two spots...
from foursquare :
*sigh* I wish I could join you for the hot chocolate and snowflakes. The other day we actually had snow flurries! It's been four years since I've seen snow (here)! It broke some giant record, having snow in November. But yeah, it sucks, especially when the holidays are coming up. It doesn't feel right to me not having any snow. :(
from swimmmer72 :
polyp? well, yes ma'am, i most certainly did. i mean, i can't actually deny it now can i, seeing as it's right there in black and white. and yes, you have caught me red handed, tease that i am. however, as you probably know, my memory about what they actually found is a little hazy, and even given that, i won't know anything definite for a week, but i will check with my brother, who was there, and see if he can fill me in on what EXACTLY was said. don't worry, it's probably ok if i remember right... :)
from danddteacher :
5 days? I'm jealous!
from justjones :
Awesome pics, I LOVE the great horned owl, they're the coolest birds!!! And you are so cute!!!! Love the hat! ~Kim
from foursquare :
Nice pictures! Love birds. (And you're not old and fat either!)
from swimmmer72 :
nice pics!! bird pics are tough, and both of yours turned out well! AND, i agree with rachel! cute and sassy is a better description! :)
from danddteacher :
"Old and fat"?! I see cute and sassy! Great hat, by the way!
from swimmmer72 :
i use kodak easy share with all my cameras, i.e., a kodak, a minolta and 2 olympuses. olympus has their own program, and i save them to both, but use the easyshare as my working site. i save them at 100% and that seems to work, and then when i transfer them to photobucket, i usually end up resizing them downward. anything more than 140KB (maybe MB) is a little big for d-land. if they are between 80-140KB, that usually works. if i think of any more answers, i'll pass them on, same thing if you have more questions! good luck! :)
from swimmmer72 :
yes, kim, of course i still your read your diary! i use kodak easyshare for all my pictures. i download them through the USB and fix them up and then send them to photobucket for storage before putting them on my diary. my d-land space is full, otherwise i'd still probably be using that. photobucket does a better job, though, and it's free. anyway, i burn cd's from easyshare. real easy. i just downloaded my 1200 plus pics onto cd's, and got about 365 to a cd. i've played it back to make sure it worked alright, and the quality seems to be excellent. i hope that helps! :)
from foursquare :
Gah, my husband is the same way. I think we've commisserated on this before now, eh? :) It just drives me up the wall. I wish in a way B had a job that would lock him into hours he HAS to work, because the flexibility he has makes it entirely too easy for him not to go to work. We seriously need to win the lottery.
from danddteacher :
That better be one fancy out house!
from foursquare :
Someone else said the same thing, but believe it or not, she's 55! She has always been blessed by looking young. Her brother (twin actually) is the same way, doesn't look a day over 40 and doesn't have hardly a gray hair. I hope I age as gracefully.
from foursquare :
Nice writing!
from foursquare :
Ahh, nuthatches. Cute little shits. :)
from foursquare :
Awwww, that is so sad. :( I mean, at least part of it is a "good" kind of heartbreak, as in the heroic deeds the dog did, but damn... But here's a link that will make you feel good. I particularly like the one about Meeka.
from foursquare :
-I was out of town and just caught your last two entries- Ahhhhh, that makes sense now! It seemed to me like some part of the story had been missing. Well that sucks it stirred up such a controversy (or rather an old one) but I have to go with you on it -it's illegal whether they like it or not and trespassing isn't nice either.
from danddteacher :
You're right, it's the single men, but if you want me to trap and bring you squirrels I can do that, too!
from justjones :
I still read you too! Thanks for your notes and support. :) ~Kim
from danddteacher :
It sounds like I need to come visit you on the island! *L*
from foursquare :
Wait a minute, did I miss something? In the previous entry you mentioned that you and neighbor found and arrow, and you were none too thrilled about it. Did something happen in between the part about some people shunning you guys and some supporting?
from danddteacher :
Yeah, pecan trees are fairly common in the south (and I don't say "the South" in a confederate flag waving, cousin loving, kind of way... just as a reference to a geographical region of the US). Anyway, I inherited 2 pecan trees when I bought this house. But yes, thanks to the squirrels I rarely get any pecans. That's why I was shocked when some turned up yesterday when I was mowing.
from danddteacher :
My dad bought one of those bird houses that are supposedly squirrel proof. The birds perch on a weight sensitive ledge to get to the food, but squirrels are too heavy and the ledge closes the door. Well, this worked for all of 3 days - then the squirrels learned to hold onto the cable the feeder hangs from and reach down for the seed!
from swimmmer72 :
by scary, i just meant the effect work was having on my life and that when i didn't have to go to work, i didn't know what to do instead. BTW, i ended up doing a lot of the same things you did. and it WAS GREAT!!!! :)
from sunshine831 :
ugh guess who forgot your password yet again? bleh. Forgive me please :)
from foursquare :
I think I remember that story, it's good. And congrats! :)
from danddteacher :
from swimmmer72 :
GoodJob on the short story contest!!! any chance of a snippett right here so we can admire your handiwork? :)
from danddteacher :
I hate squirrels. Hate them! Sure they're cute - until they tear holes in your house and live in your attic! They're not so cute when they wake you up scurrying around up there at 3am!
from swimmmer72 :
thanks for the comment and the support! i hope you are able to get your financial house in order. i know what it's like to owe money with the stress involved, and you definitely could use a break! :)
from swimmmer72 :
that's too bad about your ring! you're sure it's not still in the car? i hope you find it and that your stomach feels better!
from swimmmer72 :
WOW!!! that's a really impressive list of birds! it must be amazing to be surrounded by that much wildlife! :)
from danddteacher :
Sardines???? Ugh!
from swimmmer72 :
"He was the biggest fucking asshole asswipe shithead dipshit moron fucking idiot in the world." c'mon Kim, don't sugarcoat it! tell us what you REALLY think!! :)
from danddteacher :
I thought about that today - could hear the cicadas start up around lunch time. It's funny that I associate that sound with summertime.
from swimmmer72 :
watusi louie???????
from danddteacher :
I love wind chimes. They've got to sound just right, though. I've got a set by the front door and on the back deck, so regardless of which side of the house you sleep on you get to hear them.
from danddteacher :
Perhaps you're projecting your bad feelings about yourself onto Simon...
from danddteacher :
I've always said that's one good thing about putting on weight - having boobs!
from sunshine831 :
lol, how did you guess I was having a love affair with myspace? :D I will be updating on diaryland more though.
from foursquare :
Maayyyybe. I don't know yet. But probably, it felt kind of nice. I put the handy-dandy comments system in today because my guestbook membership expired and I don't think paying for another year or two is worth it. It was a good guestbook though. Thanks for the compliments on the kidlets. :)
from danddteacher :
My parents paid a pretty penny for those teeth. *L* And besides, the top ones are perfectly hiding the oh so imperfect bottom ones!
from foursquare :
I'll try very hard to put one up in the next week or so. :)
from swimmmer72 :
good moments!! very hysterical, and i wish i could have been there! thanks for doing this, it wasn't that bad was it? ;)
from swimmmer72 :
you've been tagged! read my last entry for details! ;)
from foursquare :
Boy I know how you feel. I've got a similiar cold too, and by the end of today I felt so sour that I had to waste such a warm sunny day indoors. (I am jealous that you did at least get to lay in bed -kids wouldn't let me have any of that.) Back to your note, I'm still logging into Diaryland everyday and reading all my faves, leaving notes and such, so I'm not diappearing off the face of the earth or anything. Just not feeling overwhelming motivation to write anything. >:)
from swimmmer72 :
i love chinese, but most of the restaurants around here regularly make the health dept's list with problems and i don't trust them. hope you recover from your injuries quickly! also, thank you so much for your very nice note! very supportive, and i appreciate it! :)
from danddteacher :
I think I'm in love with that house...
from swimmmer72 :
beautiful houses! the bottom one looks like it needs work, but it sure looks like it could be turned into something beautiful! who knows? maybe something will still work out! :)
from danddteacher :
Can I come live there? Those houses are awesome!
from danddteacher :
I wish I could talk about it, but I can't as it implicates other people here on D-land who have family members and what not who read this. So I can't journal about it, or comment about it, or anything and it's killing me.
from danddteacher :
Are you kidding me? You're BEAUTIFUL! And don't you forget it!
from foursquare :
Don't be so hard on yourself, you're both cute! :)
from drahmaqueen :
What are budgies? I read your list about you and you have two of them. huh???
from drahmaqueen :
Yep. He is a sweetheart. He is treating me like a princess too. I love it. It is about damn time I meet someone that will not only let me be nice to them, but I get it back two fold. What a concept. Thanks for the note! xxoo
from danddteacher :
I'm there with you about the men of Rohan. Mmmmm, baby break me off a piece of that! There's one in particular, I can never remember his name, but he really churns my butter! *L*
from drahmaqueen :
Hey there. Nah...I just have been on for a very long time and with the google element, you never know. Especially since I forward some of the funny things I write. All you would have to do is paste something I wrote into goolge and find me. No worries. xxoo
from sensualistic :
i forgot to thank you for below! thank you :D
from sensualistic :
hi. read your note from drahmaqueen below, about putting code into your diary to stop google searches. i wanted to peek to see how to do this but see that you're locked. was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing that code? i'd love it if i couldn't be googled! thanks :D if not no worries.
from drahmaqueen :
Hey there. Through my site meter. It shows the location of my readers and how they found entry page or referring URL. I also get hits when people Google Loreal...from my hair dye disaster. I am also posted in a beauty page which, believe this or not, advertises Loreal hair products. Go figure. I guess they haven't checked the content of my site or that entry. I slammed them, remember?
from foursquare :
Two cuties! :-) (thanks for your note the other day, I'm going to try and get a picture of the baby up whenever in the heck I make the next entry. Oh, and you should have seen the baby today when he discovered he likes the taste of maple syrup. lol)
from wishes3 :
hi i am heather i just thought i would get someone that knows more than i do to talk about stuff if you would like to be friends please leave me a message if ot just tell me
from swimmmer72 :
so, nova scotia it is!! at 18K, you probably can't go wrong as long as it doesn't stretch you too thin. you're bi-coastal now!!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
just an observation that may or may not be valid: it seems like you are all over the place in terms of what you want to do and where you want to live. it also seems like it's costing you a ton of money, and because of that, keeping you from getting anywhere except bouncing from place to place, idea to idea. you might need to step back and work on your overall plan a bit - figure out what it is that you really want to do, then make sure that you don't waste time or money doing anything that doesn't help get you there. i'm not being critical, god knows i've wasted enough of my own time and money doing exactly the same thing, but from my point of view, you and simon need to get on the same page, and go on from there. all your ideas sound good, but you're stretching yourself pretty thin trying to do them all.
from swimmmer72 :
thanks for the comment! i think about other barriers they would have come across: coming west over the eastern colorado plains and running into the rockies. climbing up the wyoming highlands and running into the tetons, and crossing the montana grasslands and running into glacier. between that and the colorado river, it's a wonder they ever made it to the west coast. :)
from danddteacher :
Like I told Steve, maybe by the time you do it I'll be able to afford to vacation there - yeah, right! Gosh, I gotta get out of paycheck to paycheck mode!
from swimmmer72 :
and why SHOULDN'T we retire in a state of happiness and serenity? seriously? we beat the hell out of ourselves all our life to order to earn a living - like the old kinks song "if life's for living, what's living for?" i'm psyched about getting into my 60's and 70's and being able to do what i want, where i wan to do it, and while i still have a long way to go before i can make it work, i'm really looking forward to doing it now. hopefully your nova scotia plan works, too. it also sounds like a good one!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
thanks for the thoughts on "bad-boy work". some good prospects in that field have popped up, and i felt like i had to apply, BUT, i'm really hoping something else works out, even for much less money. either way, if i go back to it, the job search continues until i get the job i want. i hope you end up feeling better. nasty sister can't be helping much, neither can residence issues. you're due for something to go your way! :)
from danddteacher :
Happy late birthday! I'm so sorry I missed it! I'm glad to hear you had a good one and good luck with the position...
from foursquare :
Glad you had a good birthday! You'll have to let me know how that book is, I've been pretty curious about it.
from swimmmer72 :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! have a great day and don't even try to behave yourself! ;)
from drahmaqueen :
awww sweetie. No wonder we like each other so much. Fellow Aquarian. I hope you do something fun for your birthday too. Much love, and a BIG **HUG** xxoo Jen
from danddteacher :
I'm sorry. All I can say is I got it from Derrick (liquid-mojo) - it's his fault! *L*
from danddteacher :
Do it. Move to the island. If for no other reason than to not have to hear any more guitar solos! *L*
from swimmmer72 :
life is short. in my humble opinion, that means your own happiness, health and well-being have got to be a huge priority. i think what you are proposing is completely reasonable. AND, you can tell your dad i said so.... ;)
from drahmaqueen :
Thank you lady! I am loving this!!! Thanks for your notes. xxoo
from foursquare :
Hmm, this sounds much nicer!
from swimmmer72 :
well, rome wasn't built in a day, but it still sounds like you are making progress. you're land sounds beautiful, and whatever you have to do to get there quicker is probably worth doing. good luck!! :)
from foursquare :
It's a pretty good book, I bet you'd probably like it. It's another one of those that has a lot of accurate historical fiction to it. Anyway it's called, "Tara's Song" (yeah, of all names) and is by Barbara Ferry Johnson. I don't know how well you'd be able to find it in bookstores though as it was published in 1978, and I have no idea how well it did. I had the book when I was younger and then lost it, and just recently found a copy of it on Ebay. It was a used copy for all of $2. Ebay is probably the best bet for finding it quickly if you'd like to read it.
from foursquare :
That link you left up (mmmmm!) is ironic. I'm in the middle of reading, "Drums of Autumn" but I've taken a little break from it and am reading an old romance favorite with Vikings right now. Between Highlanders and Vikings, I... *sigh*... I guess I like me some manly men. :)
from swimmmer72 :
ooops!! love it, not live it!!
from swimmmer72 :
a resolution to NOT quit eating chocolate!!! i live it!!! have a great new year! :)
from drahmaqueen :
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I really hope so. It feels right. I went into it thinking that if I got there and was miserable, I can always come home. It is just two hours away. xxoo
from danddteacher :
I'm thinking he'd look great in a kilt!
from foursquare :
Mmmmmm, why yes, he does look quite manly. :)
from rachelliz :
Hi! Thanks for your note. Can I have your pword to read you? If so, you can leave it as a note or email me at the dland address. If not, thanks for reading anyway.
from foursquare :
That cracked me up. :) But boy, how frustrating. By the way -67 days chocolate free, huh? Bwhhahahaa
from danddteacher :
"My cat could play better guitar than you. So could the big turd sitting in its litter box." That is by far the funniest thing I've read in a long, long time!
from swimmmer72 :
if work has all the amenities, i say stay there for free, especially if it's only for a couple nights a week. i tried the 2 apartment thing when i first moved to erie and was going back to buffalo on weekends. the only thing it did was make me broke. think of it as money you aren't able to put into your island estate. i understand the need if your communte is as long as it sounds, especially in the winter, but face it, any time away from home will be an empty experience, and spending $300 a month only makes it worse. i hope something works out. :)
from k-bunny :
Hi, thanks for the note - you're my first :)
from drahmaqueen :
You are super sweet. I did it. I am unemployed. It happened in a positive manner, if I need $$$$ I will be kicking my own ass. Deep breaths, deep breaths...hmm. I should use that in my entry. heh. I had an ephipany (did I spell that right?!?) and didn't drop my boss in the grease. I will do an entry on it and explain. I will. I do feel strangely better though. It's a sign. xxoo Thank YOU!
from danddteacher :
Simon loves YOU. Stop stressing about him being in situations with other women. It will happen from time to time, but know that he loves YOU.
from drahmaqueen :
I have resurfaced and wondered what you were up to. How are things going??? Jen
from foursquare :
Love the Outlander series. I think I might possibly be in love with Jamie too. I've tried to explain to a lot of people they're not the fluffy "bodice ripper" kinds. I'm in the middle of Voyager right now, and since my pesky little children don't let me read all day long (ideally in the bed with my chihuahua), I figure the new one will be out on paperback by the time I can get around to it. One thing about those books though, it's made me curious about my husband's Scottish ancestors, so I've done some reading on the history of his family name, pretty neat stuff.
from swimmmer72 :
simon's right about nova scotia. bitter cold, much more than your area. beautiful, BUT.... instead of rain all winter like the pacific northwest, it would be snow and snow and more snow. :)
from danddteacher :
You can do this, Kim. It'll be one more thing you can check off, just like the colonoscopy.
from swimmmer72 :
stay brave, kim. this is something you have to resolve. there's no point in suffering the rest of your life, so just let them do what they have to do. it will all work out. :)
from danddteacher :
An obstruction?! Wow! I wonder what they'll do for that? I hope things get better!
from danddteacher :
Are you doing ok, Kim? We haven't heard from you in a while and last I heard... well, I've just been worried, let's put it that way.
from danddteacher :
Trust me, you wouldn't like it if summer lasted all year. It's been so horribly oppressive down here that we're begging autumn to come!
from danddteacher :
pssst - I read the whole thing. Where's my medal? *L*
from danddteacher :
*L* Kim, that entry wins the award for randomest entry ever!!! You rock!
from danddteacher :
Beats the fool out of me! I was hoping you'd know what they stand for! *L* I'm following your same pattern - rereading 5 then hitting 6 again. In the process I'm remembering why I didn't like 5 that much. Oh well.
from swimmmer72 :
for better or for worse, buying back my land is no longer an option. i couldn't have afforded it the day after i sold it as a full third of the net proceeds went toward bills. i'll never get that deep again. besides, i'd already made up my mind to leave buffalo, and that hasn't changed. i don't know why the buyer hasn't done anything with it (since 1998), but i'm content to visit it once in a while and leave it at that. thanks for the note! :)
from foursquare :
Hey I just remembered your anniversary is the same day as my daughter's birthday, Tuesday right? Hope you take advantage of the long weekend for something celebratory. :)
from swimmmer72 :
yes, your hydro shed already has a "funky" look to it. tangarine? ought to be interesting! your property looks beautiful! :)
from swimmmer72 :
your baby bird pic was AWESOME!!! no slight intended, and you have my humble apologies for my failure to be supportive. kim, keep them pics coming!!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
it's NOT a boring cat story!! i loved it!! i brought back memories of all the weird things my cats used to do. there is something about a cat that no other animal can duplicate! good for you and your raise. ;)
from danddteacher :
Actually, I was very amused by the cat story (which might say something about my mental state at this point *L*)!
from foursquare :
I know how you feel. It got even worse for me after having Booger. Now I can't hardly even think about things like that without feeling sick and severely disturbed. :( I'll haunt myself with thoughts of things ever happening to her (and the baby soon too I'm sure once he arrives). It gets so bad for me, I just had to stop reading things like news stories about children kidnapped, abused, killed, etc. :(
from danddteacher :
I'll be glad to give you the password, just send me an e-mail at [email protected]...
from swimmmer72 :
WOW!! interesting story!
from danddteacher :
"Nothing like this cold, hard house where anger and alcohol masqueraded as respectable, middle-class parents." --> That's awesome! Such a well constructed sentence! (for lack of a better way to put it)
from foursquare :
Damn, that's really good! What a sad story. I wish I could write creatively like that. I think I'm better at convincing people not to have kids... :-D
from foursquare :
Awwww, actually I'd never heard about the miscarriages except for a very brief mention that you'd experienced it before. :( They must've been hard, and to then have it dredged up in a dream like that... On a slightly lighter note, I've had maternal dreams before about trying to breastfeed a chinchilla and having trouble getting them to latch on. :-P
from sunshine831 :
I love Leah so much but I can't tell you how much I wonder what if I'd had the baby I lost while with James. I can't imagine how you felt after that dream, I hope you never have it again. Hugs. On another note, MASH! I love Mash. I watch it everyday on rerun, well duh cause its not on anymore but I love it sooooo much.
from sunshine831 :
TIVO is like a digital recorder service that records your shows for you. You set what shows you want recorded, up to 16 hours on some of them, there are different boxes (similar to cable boxes) and it records the shows for you. It also picks out stuff for you to watch based on your prior choices. Its a couch potatoes best friend. And now will be my worst enemy :P
from foursquare :
Wow! You can really write. (ugh, the spiders...)
from danddteacher :
Yay for haircuts! They always make me feel so much more with it for some reason. Do we get to see a pic?
from foursquare :
I envy you for that. I wish I had the balls and self confidence to to completely cut all of mine off. (And a husband who wouldn't cry at the sight..)
from sunshine831 :
See this is why I stay away from the salon I usually go to...cause I know Matt would be in for a big surprise as well. :P
from danddteacher :
I'm so glad you had a great weekend - you deserve it!
from sunshine831 :
I talked to Matt about couples counseling. He agreed we should give it a try. :D I hope the kitties feel better soon. As for your haircut, my hair is down to almost my waist and well one of these days when I braid it I am likely to just snip it off.
from swimmmer72 :
thanks for the thoughts and nice comments about my writing ability. yep, taking a writing class with you would be a blast. hope your kitties get better!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
WOW!! i've always wanted to play guitar, piano, AND violin, and never have come close to trying. that you can play all three impresses the hell out of me, even if you aren't a virtuoso. stay with it!! sometimes the timing just has to be right and if you have some musical talent (i have none), you should see where you can go with it!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
good story!! is this going to be a continuing saga? as in, what happened to joe and larry?
from foursquare :
Damn Kim, that's pretty good.
from swimmmer72 :
from this end, it wasn't that you didn't exist, it was that i was not authorized to enter your site. it made you seem very important and mysterious. on the other hand, it made me seem like chopped liver, so i'm glad we now both exist again!! :)
from foursquare :
I did that once. Talked with some people once while forgetting that I had completely undone my jeans. I hope to god my shirt was long & loose enough they didn't notice, I could still die thinking about that.
from swimmmer72 :
yes, i think it was. it's located at the southern tip of bryce canyon natl park in utah, and while i'm writing this, i should probably say that i replaced that pic with another that fit the current story better. thanks for the compliment!! :)
from foursquare :
Did we marry the same man? :)
from swimmmer72 :
i noticed the early springs when i used to go to visit my brother in oregon. i, too, am waiting for the spring flowers. i've planted a lot of crocus, tulips, and daffodils around the workplace, and they are still under 12 inches of snow. maybe later this month....;)
from hissandtell :
Hi - I just clicked on you from (I think) mom-on-roof's buddies' list and loved your profile description of yourself. If you're inclined to share your password with me, I'd be very interested in reading your diary. Love, R xxx
from foursquare :
damn, that's pretty good
from swimmmer72 :
i'm happy to be able to read your diary again. thanks for the pw!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
kim, i sent you an email to happycatz@hotmail on 2/12 and re-sent it today. again, let me know if it doesn't get there OR just email me at [email protected]. hope things are better! :)
from foursquare :
Thank you so much for the compliment and kind words! Boy I mean to tell ya, she was just awful yesterday... ughg.. bad day. But today was pretty good, so for this day at least, I can't really complain. Let's hope the good days keep increasing (and really, they are). I felt much better physically today too and that also makes a really big difference with how well I'm handling her. I did kind of have a laugh after I finished writing that entry, I was thinking, if anyone reading had chosen not to have children they were probably very happy with their decision after all that! Oh and yes, I did get your new password and caught your latest entry (from a few days ago I think?). I was actually meaning to drop a line in and thank you for letting me read still, so, thank-you. :)
from swimmmer72 :
email to happycatz on the way. please let me know if it doesn't get there. BTW, i understand.
from olrun :
I am also inquring about the password. I think you must have changed it. If you are giving it out, please let me know. :) Hope the kitties are doing well. Mine are fat and happy.
from swimmmer72 :
i was just going to ask the same thing as the preceding note! hey, kim, what's up? hope everything is ok! :)
from danddteacher :
Um, did you change your password or is my computer just bo-bo?! Girl! Don't hold out on me! *L*
from sunshine831 :
Hmm I've also had colds that have extended their into my eyes. When we are sick our body tries to fight off whatever is attacking us, one way of doing this, unfortunately is making our mucas membranes produce more mucas, hence the oozing crap out of the eyes. Though if your eyes become itchy, red and you can't open them in the morning because they are badly crusted over, then it may be conjunctivitis *pink eye*. I really hope this passes soon. Feel better.
from plopphizz :
Actually I have had a cold get into my eye a couple of times. I don't know what causes it, maybe rubbing your eyes after touching your nose or mouth. It does look like pink eye and gunky crap keeps forming on the surface of the eye. It went away when the cold went away. -- P.P.
from danddteacher :
Awesome steps! Simon really did a great job. I hope you feel better soon. Keep your chin up!
from sunshine831 :
Feel better :D
from sunshine831 :
:D Happy Birthday!!! Meant to write that yesterday but the new internet connection is a little sucky. Bleh. Very cool of the boyfriend to take you shopping and stuff. Gardening is fun. Its the one thing Matt and me did together that we both liked a lot...though he is better than me at it.
from foursquare :
Happy Birthday!!! Yay!!
from grlenamored :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you have a fantabulous day :) And I hope you have already torn into that huge bag of goodies from the M-I-L. :) Happy birthday *hugs*
from swimmmer72 :
have a great birthday, kim!!!! :)
from danddteacher :
Happy Birthday, Kim! Have a wonderful day - you deserve it!
from foursquare :
Awwww! :(
from swimmmer72 :
nice pics!!! your land looks very pretty. you also have a lot more snow than we do, and rain coming soon? one big muddy mess, right? thanx for sharing. :)
from grlenamored :
ohmygod those pictures are BEAUTIFUL. however, if it were all over MY property like that, i might have a different opinion. hahaha. :) *hugs*
from foursquare :
Wellllll.. I think you're overreacting (one or two words?). I know, you think you are too, but really, I think you are. Are maybe some of your anxieties about it becoming more pronounced since you've said you've gained some weight? Maybe if you really put yourself into gear in being healthier and such, it would put your mind in a better state? For what it's worth, I've never caught any vibes about Simon that would make me think he'd ever cheat on you. Anyway, I do hope you're feeling better soon.
from plopphizz :
Every sentence uttered in a thick german accent sounds sounds like the most devasting and serious thing in the world. -- P.P.
from foursquare :
hee hee, both you and the boat look cute. :)
from foursquare :
Damn I miss snow like that.
from foursquare :
When I had the hemorrhoid a couple months ago, I just sort of bent over and hoped for the best when I put the application stuff on. :) Fun things aren't they?
from linusthegirl :
Hang in there sweetie.
from danddteacher :
No, I've not heard of those, but they sound interesting. Happy reading!
from danddteacher :
I'm curious - what book series did he get you?
from foursquare :
What a nice Christmas! I think I'd enjoy all the goodies you got too :)
from sunshine831 :
The more you write about the property and the island the more I want to leave New York and go up there!
from sunshine831 :
:D Your honey is definitely racking up the brownie points :D Now all Matt needs to do is the same.
from plopphizz :
Office social events can put anyone in a bad mood. Maybe you can just make the politic appearance and then get the heck out of there. -- P.P.
from lc23tina :
Our men just love us! Theres something wrong with us for thinking there is something wrong with them when they think were beautiful. If he said it, it must be true. Unless hes a conpulsive liar? :) Happy Holidays too :)
from sunshine831 :
I think thats awesome!!! About a year to get ready, thats plenty time. I know you can do it and you are going to love going to see him. :D
from grlenamored :
gawd you poor thing. i can TOTALLY empathize with that feeling. i get blotchy, shaky, stomach cramps etc. etc. when i just see brake lights ahead. i can't tell you how many detours i've taken just b/c i've seen brake lights. i hate that trapped feeling too. cant' turn around, can't get off the interstate...i hate it. i'm so sorry yesterday was a wasted trip and was so awful. *hugs*
from plopphizz :
I know I love white beaches like that. I probably already told you. I was actually in a seriously depressed, anxious and crappy mood when I started writing that piece, but by the time I finished, I felt a lot better. Hopefully it can have that effect on other people reading it also. And, no, the New Giligan's island show is not that great, but it is probably worth watching once just to see it. -- P.P.
from swimmmer72 :
yes, please, go to the doctor!! that is the type of thing you need to have checked out. simon's right on this one. :)
from plopphizz :
I'm dead serious, I would like a link to you. do you have an IM? I am tired of indirect communication between you, JJ and Elle. It is weirder to not be connected than to be connected. do you have an IM? send me a link -- P.P.
from justjones :
You've probably done the antidepressant routine fact I'm pretty sure we've commiserated over the ear-ringing side effects. But still...just the way you can't get any enjoyment out of doing enjoyable things makes me think you're in one of those depressions that would benefit from a little chemical kick in the pants, just to get you headed in the right direction.... Just a suggestion... Love, Kim
from plopphizz :
That list in your last entry contains a lot of things that I need to address; every day problems that get me down, too. Granted you have the additional IBS that doesn't make any thing better. Usually for me, the worse part is when a bunch of annoying, frustrating or downer things happen all at once. I have a few things I do that sometimes help me break the bad mood: music or T.V. shows or walk in the park with my wife. I really need a list of 100 or so, in case one doesn't work I can try the 99 other things :). Rambling? Me? Nah -- feel better soon. Cya, P.P.
from justjones :
Kimmy, Kimmy..not sounding too good. I know how it feels when you hit a low like this, and it's awful. But it's temporary, don't let it pull you under. Someone else asked if you've considered seeing a therapist, and I wonder the same. Have you ever? Why don't you now? It helps a lot, really. Think about it... ~Kim
from foursquare :
Boy Kim, maybe you've noticed I've been quiet on comments lately -I feel for you but just don't quite know what to say. :( I do know with depression like this it's almost impossible to get yourself out -but have you *seriously* considered seeing a shrink, getting some antidepressants, doing something to make you feel better about yourself? I wish I lived near you, I'd pull you out one evening even while you clawed & hissed at me and make you do a little exercise with me. I know that I feel *tons* better when I'm getting a workout for example. Anyway, I truly hope things will start to perk up for you.
from swimmmer72 :
you aren't as different from everyone else as you think. i wish i could tell you the things you need to hear to believe in yourself, but you and i both know that you have to figure it out yourself. BUT, you are wrong about not having any value to others, and i can say that from first hand experience. give yourself some credit-you have an awful lot going for you!! :)
from jdahora :
I kept getting found, so I kept changing :) this one though I am only accessing from my PC at work. So the chances of people finding it are slim. *Hugs* I'm thinking 'bout ya. Hope things get better *soon*
from jdahora :
so, i was going to leave you a message about having a new diary. did i do that already? or did you randomly find me? cuz that would be bizarre.
from linusthegirl :
I am so sorry you are having a rough time. I'll keep you in my thoughts.
from plopphizz :
Sorry you are hurting. Simon loves you for being you, and that makes him a smart man. -- P.P.
from grlenamored :
you talk to sales reps on the phone? if i get sales calls and they ask for the person in charge of [insert utility here] i say "sure, hold please..." and leave them on hold 'til they hang up :)
from justjones :
BABY talk? Are you serious? Oh my god, if my mom added that to her repertoire (or however you freaking spell that), I'd STRANGLE HER! I don't know what the deal is with all the face touching, but I mentioned it and she goes "TELL ME when I'm doing that!!!". But Jesus...I don't have that kind of time! She does it constantly! I could probably call her right now and go "Stop touching your FACE!!". Ugh. You can't pick your mom (although in my case, she did get to pick me)(lucky me). ~Kim
from turtlemomma :
Magnesium helps with irritable bowel? How come nobody told me this?
from plopphizz :
Maybe you should open a new Diaryland account called "Simon's Work" -- that last entry sounded like an episode from Melrose Place. -- P.P.
from plopphizz :
It's okay if you go into details. I have a healthcare background :). But the only other two GI ailments I can think of presently are Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome.
from plopphizz :
Do you have ulcers?
from danddteacher :
Of course they're breeding - and their hellion kids will probably attend my school! *L*
from grlenamored :
"bespectacled, chubby older women" my ass! i saw that pic of you. damn woman, if *I* saw you on the street i would about lose my step too! ;)
from swimmmer72 :
great poem!! i like it! and thanks for the comment. believe me, i've thought about the park ranger thing and even done some research on what is out there. it's got possibilities. :)
from danddteacher :
I told ya that was the one good thing about my weight gain - I went from almost a B to an overflowing C! That's probably the one thing I wonder - if I lost the weight, would I lose the boobs?
from swimmmer72 :
thanks for the comment!! this is also my favorite time of year. unlike you, we are having better weather now than we have had all summer. i'm glad you like the fall pics; you'll be seeing a lot of them over the next couple months!
from turtlemomma :
What's the link for the free credit report?
from danddteacher :
Maybe everyone's like us "diary-keepers", it's just that we have written proof that we're neurotic! *L*
from grlenamored :
ahhaahha. i was wondering about that :)
from foursquare :
What kinds of allergies would it be testing for?
from justjones :
er, LIDS, not lips! Hehehehe.
from justjones :
Try a little bit of foundation on your lips first, it's supposed to help. Also, after you apply it, set it with a little bit of translucent powder and it won't crease as much. I've tried that and it seems to work..although I still just don't care for cream eyeshadow as much. Too much effort! ~Kim
from sunshine831 :
Hola! I have been meaning to leave a message for forever now...never get a chance to do anything these days. I am lucky if I get out of pjs. Anyway I want to say thank you for all the lovely messages you have left. :D I will post more soon after I finish catching up on your entries :D Bbye
from foursquare :
I know what you mean, my husband always looks good to me in his hard hat and vest, hee hee.
from swimmmer72 :
and, yes, thanks for the note!! i think it's the longest note i've ever gotten! ;)
from swimmmer72 :
yep, 22 acres, all paid for. cost $17.5K, so, pretty cheap. staying in buffalo now longer made any sense, and thus, neither did hanging onto the land. selling it was probably the hardest thing i ever did, and it was only that it sold in 10 days and i got most of my asking price ($60K) that i was able to do it without any more grief than i actually had. that was 6 years ago, and i've been a tumbleweed ever since. you hit the nail on the head on that one. :)
from swimmmer72 :
that's a nice dream, and one that i share. i had my little slice of heaven in buffalo (22 acres, woods, creek, trails) until i moved here, and i often think about the upside of doing it again. so, i save my money and wait. i hope your dream comes sooner than later. :)
from plopphizz :
I always want to go to a tropical beach to escape, like on those beer commercials. White sands and blue waters and no sign of humans for miles. Although fetal position in bed with my face in a cat would work, too -- of course I would have to take benadryl since I am allergic to cats, but the drowsy feeling would help the escape, too, I suppose. -- P.P.
from swimmmer72 :
i know the feeling. i've done the hermit thing a few times, and i always ended up craving SOME contact. it's tough to balance the various needs, but yes, i understand wanting to hide away in my own little hidden corner of the world.
from grlenamored :
just read back. and saw your pic. and firstly, you are a hottie. secondly. well, you're a hottie ;) hahahaha.
from grlenamored :
we just got our boat too! well, it's HIS boat, but he just brought it back from MI. hopefully he'll get it cleaned up saturday morning and we'll go out a few times over labor day weekend. it's been in storage for 2 years so he is excited to have it back. and not to trump simon, but i have FOUR DAYS off ;) have a good one.
from justjones :
You're so cute! Wow, what a view! Is that the hill you guys hiked up a while ago? I remember you writing about it... ~Kim
from foursquare :
Pretty picture! And pretty you :) But I'm still waiting on the Charlotte picture :-P
from turtlemomma :
from plopphizz :
That's a terrific picture, beautiful area whatever it is. So were you actually thinking to yourself "okay, time to strike the cutesy pose" when the picture was being taking, or are you just reflecting back on what you might have subconsciously been doing while posing? -- P.P.
from swimmmer72 :
yes, very spectacular!!! where is that?
from swimmmer72 :
don't think i haven't tried!!! (the hammock/pina colada thing) work, the weather, and the sense that i've lost the ability to relax and/or ignore my responsibilities keep getting in the way. maybe i'll just spike a bunch of my fruit drinks that i normally take to the beach, since alcohol isn't allowed. just for practice, of course. my hammock day will come eventually. :)
from foursquare :
Pretty much, it's the risk you have to be willing to take to live here. But it has been weird, the Carolinas have seen more action this month, which is still early even, than is usual. We'll see what happens! Say, since you sounded like you were bored, do you have any kitty pictures to entertain me with me? I've always been particularly curious about Charlotte, wasn't it about a year ago you got her?
from plopphizz :
I'm here. Weekends are pretty slow here. Cya P.P.
from plopphizz :
That should read, you are *not* old
from plopphizz :
You are old at all, 40s is like the hot years for women IMHO. I just wanted to know if you and JJ planned the comments, or pure coincidence. Glad you liked the balloon ride entry -- P.P.
from plopphizz :
Took me two month's, but I finally understand your password joke. Igor, yeah now excuse me while I find a brain for myself. So, so glad you are still leaving comments, they really mean a lot to me. Are you and JustJones planning it, are you guys friends, because you two are just too nice paying attention to my entries like that. Luv your love, P.P.
from foursquare :
Ouch, I had heatstroke once (and bordered on it a few other times). Not fun. The bad thing about it is once it's happened to you, you're much more susceptible (sp?) to it happening again. Make sure Simon drinks lots and lots of WATER when he's working those hot ones.
from turtlemomma :
I hope everything's ok with your dad. I imagine my life will come to an end when my mother finally bites it (oh so dramatic, I am). As for the funk, I suggest grabbing some fast food and Krispy Kremes, sitting in front of the tv and pigging out. ~K
from turtlemomma :
Hey, those are good! I wish I could write one. Hope you have a wonderful weekend :o) ~K
from foursquare :
I like your nighttime one :)
from danddteacher :
By the way, a legal school is 180 days long for students. How those days are distributed throughout the year is up to the school system. The reason the timing of summer break varies throughout the US is because back in the day students got out of school when crops came in on the family farm. Thus, if you lived in the midwest you took a break so they could help with the corn or wheat crop. The southeast broke for tobacco and cotton, etc. Oh, and year-round schools don't keep the kids in school any more than other schools - it's still 180 days, just distributed differently throughout the year. It's called a 45/15 system - they're in school for 45 days, then break for 15. (See? I did learn something in my ed classes!)
from plopphizz :
Bulimia, gay porn and fungal infections all in one entry. Who could ask for anything more? -- P.P.
from danddteacher :
When it comes to the strained "I love you" moment at the end of phone conversations, I have a tendency to respond with "you take care!" *L*... it's kinda like when someone says, "are you ok?" and I don't want to say "NO" so I say, "I will be"... I've learned I'm really good at avoiding truly responding...
from foursquare :
Just got back online, finally! In reference to the school year lengths here, it depends on the region or so it seems. Here they let out about May 25th and start back like on August 9th (like this year). I think that's crazy. In Massachusetts, they get out around June 25th and start right after Labor Day (September 6th or so). When I was in school in Michigan summer break began about June 6th and school resumed around August 27th, but I wouldn't be surprised at all to find it's shorter now. The rate it's going, they might as well make it official and make them go to school year 'round.
from swimmmer72 :
schools vary from state to state. the northeast runs roughly from labor day until early/mid june, and the south and west start in mid august and are done the 3rd week in may. new york is about the latest; they start the wednesday after labor day and go until the 3rd week in june. the southeast seems to be the earliest. i'm sure how hot the summer is has something to do with it.
from themarassa :
1)Grrr, sorry about your sister. My mom is like that: I'll wear a dress, and she's like "Yeah! You're almost into that dress with your weight loss!" Wtf? Thanks, I mean, shut up! 2)Happy anniversary to you two *hug* and 3) The thing that amazes me is when I'd get the questions about it being cold when I was in Seattle. I lived in Penticton. That's less than 350 miles, and yet they thought lived in a constant blizzard. Gah. I think it's because we use Celcius and they use Fahrenheit. When the tempuratures are shown for the pacific northwest/lower mainland, Seattle will be at 75 and Vancouver is at 25. I guess they think that you just drop 50 degrees when you cross the line.
from linusthegirl :
Happy Anniversary!!!!!!
from danddteacher :
Wow! Has it already been a year? It seems only yesterday you were writing about getting married and sharing your pics. Congratulations!
from turtlemomma :
Oops, I meant to delete your password. But the previous and next links totally make up for it, right :o)~ And yes it's sappy as heck but for a boat I really do like it. Hope you have a wonderful Monday! ~K
from turtlemomma :
For you I'll put in the previous and next links. I don't know why I never put them in. Oh but I'm telling you now I'm a procrastinator big time, but I swear it's on my list of things to do :o)~ Thanks for letting me in, btw. I'm only up long enough to check mail so I'll have to come back tomorrow and read more of you diary. Hope you have a terrific weekend! ~K
from turtlemomma :
Let me in, please? ~K
from olrun :
Hi! I saw the note you left me today. I just wanted to let you know that I update on an almost daily basis on LiveJournal. My screen name is queenofsin. Here's the link: I try to remember to take the stuff I post there and put it here in Diaryland, but as you can see, I am pretty lame about doing it. :) But rest assured that I visit here every day to read my favorites, like you!
from nividian :
You go, gurlie! To the max!
from linusthegirl :
Can you call your regular doc for some antibiotics? That should help your tooth to feel much better. I know how you feel about the dentist..I am the exact same way!
from swimmmer72 :
i don't know if this will help, BUT... all my pics start in either a kodak cd or corel gallery software. i "save as" to kodak cd in "my documents", and from there, i browse from either d-land, or now,, and upload it to there, where i can get the html to post it. i guess with yours, you would have to be able to "save" it to a place on your computer (could be anyplace, even the desktop) where it could be retrieved. it might be as simple as pulling it off the desktop. i know, easier said than done. good luck. i'm a novice, too, and if that doesn't work, it would be trial and error for me, too.
from linusthegirl :
Go here. This is a list I found of EMDR practitioners in Canada:
from linusthegirl :
Have you found anyone who does EMDR? It can help with eating issues too!!! Oh heck with it..come on down here and I'll take ya to see Carol!
from foursquare :
I was curious, do you have any pictures of Charlotte? I was wondering how big she is now. :) All the cats doing well?
from nividian :
Hey, VW! I got a little something in the mail today... And:
from nividian :
This before or after our conversation???
from nividian :
No, just popular. :-D
from foursquare :
Actually your note did help, thank-you. I feel a lot better this morning, but I think it's one of those things where the guilt will always hang there to some degree.
from nividian :
Goober, I was talking about what you said about Simon's car...
from nividian :
If their technician is responsible for the problem, why are you paying for any of the cost of fixing their screw up?
from plopphizz :
So cool! You are planning out your house. I just read through your 101 things about yourself and I think that having a farm or something was somewhere in the 90s. That's a good first step on making your dreams a reality. Your 101 things were pretty interesting also. Sounds like you have have a rather eventful history. -- Peace Baby, P.P.
from foursquare :
So cute!
from danddteacher :
I love it! It's too cute!
from themarassa :
Such an adorable little place!! I HOPE that it happens very soon for you!
from danddteacher :
you sound much happier lately - and I'm glad!!!!
from foursquare :
You, the car and the boat are all cute!
from swimmmer72 :
nice pics!!! i love the mountains in the background! :)
from plopphizz :
well, obviously, you have not moved to a more public location. I still have to dig for the username and password in my notes (diaryland user interface sucks the blue whale dick, the most massive mammel -- so you know it has to be bad), could you at least check out B*E*R*T*S?? my four most recent entries.
from danddteacher :
Hey girl, I hear ya on the neighbor thing. It's part of why I decided to buy my house when I did. Prior to this house (which I love, minus the squirrels of course) I had the cutest little second story one bedroom apartment. BUT the girl who moved in under me had, shall we say, "moments" each morning at 5 am and she got quite loud. Bad neighbors are the worst!
from linusthegirl :
Oh my goodness, that is the sweetest, nicest offer anyone has ever made. Are you sure? You don't have to, you know. If you want my address, email me, and I'll send it to you (I can't find your email addy right now =(
from nividian :
Hey, you're really wonderful. Don't worry about the stuff on the desk- just knowing that you even put the thought into getting it together means tons. I know you get the 'wouldn't be missed' thing, but it's still different since you'd be together if the boat sank. Here I'd be, murdered, and my poor cat would be trying to make sense of that for days before anybody even wondered if something was wrong.
from plopphizz :
It's a shame you are leaving your diary behind a username and password. I only read a few entries, but I thought it was very funny and fun to read -- of course I am completely insane and quite possibly mildly retarded -- so there's your target audience.
from foursquare :
I got ringworm once when I was a kid, our kittens had it. I had a few marks on my stomach as I recall, and I think my legs. Week or so of anti-fungal cream and that was all.
from plopphizz :
So, thanks for putting me on your favorite list. I can't read your entries though, since they are locked or something.
from swimmmer72 :
you can have my place all to yourself for the next 23 days, OR join me on the odessy. either way, you're welcome. :)
from themarassa :
Kim, I am glad you liked the entry, and I sincerely hope it wasn't too painful for you. I am starting to believe that most of society's "dirty little secrets" aren't secrets at all... in fact most of the time, they affect much more of the population than anyone would have ever guessed. I have been through a lot of them (oh boy have I ever!) and I just hope that anyone else reading me realizes that they are not alone. Heh, I also think that more talking and honesty would do the world wholes bunches of good. In other news, I can't read the older entries that you have.... just the index. Is my computer being dorky or is it your page???
from foursquare :
Ugh, I know, I hate them! (as in the YI's) I'm a bit prone to them though the last few years I haven't gotten them too much. But man they suck. I feel your pain. As for hair, I don't know why so many men are like that (and of course I had to marry one). They act like cutting your hair is the equivalent of having a mastectomy done for no reason. Irritating to say the least. But I've got to have some kind of change, I can't take my hair like this any longer.
from foursquare :
Well it's good to know I'm not the only one that's felt that way in a similiar situation. It's got to be hormones, it just makes no sense. I've never been torn in two directions as painfully as this one is. Maybe I do need another puppy after all.
from sunshine831 :
Hola! I wanted to say hi. I redid my comp and lost the username and password :( Sorry. Don't mean to be a bother. But I must, I NEED to stay up on my diaryland peeps. heh. If you can please email them to me at [email protected]. Thank you. Hugs.
from swimmmer72 :
yes, i did your survey and had a good time doing it. nobody hovering though. some of the people who ice fish HAVE little shacks that are pretty mobile, and bring along stoves, heaters, and kinds of creature comforts. personally, i like the old-timers, like the woman in the last entry. much more character. anyway, i liked your survey, and it has in turn been stolen from me at LEAST once already. :)
from hlm79 :
Shit! Damn it, I had a feeling about that. I wonder what happened? Yeah like the last three or four times I've sent you an e-mail I never got a reply from you. Not that that is totally necessary, but it did make me wonder if you were getting them. It must be something to do with my new e-mail address. Do you have any kind of blocker thing put up in your e-mail settings?
from hlm79 :
Hey Kim, in case you did get them I hope I'm not being annoying, but did you get my last couple e-mails? I need your username & password again! Eeek!
from swimmmer72 :
and i thought you WERE a fascinating, thin, beautiful, sex goddess!!!! you mean you AREN'T?!!!!!!! :)
from mightymaeve :
thanks for letting me into the violetwoman club! i love the way you describe the antics of your cats. And isn't it wonderful to have a good man in your life?! Love the 101 items about you! I could relate to a lot -here's a couple: love dancing! doing pretty well with winning over b too! Oh, you are quite the interesting mix! The fishing surprised me! That's not so common for women!
from mightymaeve :
Security is tight, sweetie! I haven't read your diaries, only your survey answers. Which, i might add, i found supremely interesting and able to relate to many of your comments. I know it wasn't a lot to go on! But me likes, so me says so! Sorry for the confusion.
from grlenamored :
hi! yes, email me at [email protected] and i will email you the password. while you're at it, re-email me your username/password as i keep forgetting it! :(
from mightymaeve :
Hi there, violetwoman!*Ack -my cat is trying to stick her ass on my keyboard!** OK...what i was going to say was....OH yes! I've enjoyed reading your surveys! From your answers, i think we'd get along swimmingly! I started filling in the survey that you wrote -and i was filling in my answers quite thoroughly- but alas! my computer crashed and i lost all my brilliant compositions! So, once i get over the pain of it all, i'll attempt to fill in your survey again. Ta ta for now!
from sonn :
*hugs* to you, thank you as always for your kindness to me! You're such a great person when you don't even know me! I ahve of course lost the pw again too so I don't know what's going on with you, but I hope you are well. Looks like it's your birthday? HAPPY BIRTHDAY in that case!
from lc23tina :
from swimmmer72 :
y'know, i knew you and simon fished, but didn't even think of that. you have to understand, i'm just not wired with the kind of patience necessary to be a successful fisherman. if i'm not doing 5 things at a time, i think i'm slacking. no offense intended, to you, or to any other fishing fans. come to erie, they pull some really nice muskies and steelhead (30"+) out of the bay on a regular basis all winter long. :)
from lc23tina :
Hey -- I finally figured out that I don't need a pw to send you a note *WHEW* I need the password again. When John and I formatted the computer I lost everything that was saved...I have alot of reading to do :) [email protected] (THANK YOU)
from swimmmer72 :
i hope you can work through your problems with simon. second guessing your choices can drive you nuts, though. you are better off doing what you can to try to make things work, then move on if you have to. i hope violet gets better.
from swimmmer72 :
kim, my story about joni was written on 1/22/03, entry #288. i think you will like it.
from swimmmer72 :
my joni was the same way at the ripe old age of 18. it broke my heart when they told me there was nothing they could do, nor was it practical if they could. i wrote about it in d-land a while back, but she lingered painlessly (at least that's what the vet said) for a couple months, and i would carry her down to the vet every 10 days or so to get manually drained with a giant syringe. i miss her still, but treasure those last few months i had with her. "sigh"
from hlm79 :
I'd love it if you sent me the recipe for it, it looks yummy! By the way -we got a new dog! Hopefully I'll get the chance today to make an entry but yes, Brian & I now have a chocolate lab (full grown) alongside the chihuahua. He's a good dog, I'll talk more about him soon.
from sunshine831 :
Hope all is well. Diary is locked so I do not know. I wanted to wish you a good, hopefully not so stressful Holiday season. Take care. Bbye :D
from doghigh :
Damn that souns scary...I am sorry you guys are going through that!! I know how it feels to sort of be see the obvious pain but you don't know how it feels or what you can do. Terrible. B's aunt actually has an infection of the sac surrounding the heart and it causes intense, angina. I really believe that B has a gastro-intestinal condition. He has had IBS for years so it isn't that far of a stretch to imagine something else coming up. Thanks again for you support!!! Same to you both, ok?
from swimmmer72 :
my dad is a WWII vet as well, but he didn't see much combat. i watched chapters 6-10 from the BAND OF BROTHERS over the weekend, and when they interview the old vets in the last chapter, i always cry due the pain and hardship they underwent. i imagine whether it is the same now or not. i hope your pains go away. you have also suffered quite enough. :)
from me-undaunted :
boo, hiss, boo. can you send me your password again? email me about [email protected] because i don't want to post mine here. :o)
from hlm79 :
Thank-you for your note. I figured if anyone might understand on that one, it would be you. I got a kick out of that one part in your diary too, with the link to me :) But in all seriousness, I will go to the doctor before too long. Someone did bring up that it could be the constipation-end of IBS that I might have too. If it is, it wouldn't be quite what it's like for you I don't guess then. I've only ever had one explosive diarrhea episode kind of like what you talk about, and I've never known if it was anything like IBS or just a fluke. Either way, it seems like this chronic constipation is above the "normal" thing, and so I guess I won't be losing anything either way to tell my doctor about it. Now let's see if I'll ever get off my ass to make the appointment.
from swimmmer72 :
THANKS!!!! everyone needs a hug from time to time, and here's one coming back at you!!! :)
from doghigh :
I hope things are well. Just thinking of you today.
from swimmmer72 :
i'm real sorry for your suffering. you are in my thoughts and prayers.
from swimmmer72 :
sometimes i like this time of year just because it is so easy to curl up and sleep/doze all day long, even though that is usually so hard for me to do. easy for the pets, too. i know your's are hanging in there, and i hope they eventually get better! :)
from lc23tina :
Been feeling like a big ass...You keep signing my book and notes and everytime I come to read your diary it's locked...I just figured out that I could send you a note even with your diary locked...I would love the [email protected]
from dmbmidnite :
sure it's [email protected]
from dmbmidnite :
I tried to read your diary a few day's ago i thought maybe you had changed it to a personal diary. I wouls love the pass word.
from swimmmer72 :
could be. i've sent a total of three - 2 requesting your password, and one acknowledging receiving it. :)
from swimmmer72 :
yes, kim, i did get your password! thanks!! didn't you get my email?
from themarassa :
I want the password too!!!! (if you want to give it that is, please!?!?!) My email addy is [email protected]
from olrun :
I see you've locked your diary. If you are giving out passwords to friends and readers, I'd like it. If you don't want me to read your diary anymore, that's cool. :) My email is [email protected].
from swimmmer72 :
Kim, my email addy is [email protected]. Could you send me your password please? :)
from hlm79 :
I'm not sure what's going on with your stats & all, but it did make me think. Did you put up the search engine blocker in your template? If not, you may want to do so. It eased my mind quite a lot knowing someone couldn't find my diary that way. It seemed like most of the hits I got through Google anyway were perverted ones. If you want to block it, let me know and I'll give you the code. (Or you can find it in the help section)
from cceribit1 :
You locked me out too? :( ***in corner sniffling with hlm79***
from hlm79 :
You locked me out? :( (*sniff, sniff. Wipes tear.)
from danddteacher :
YOU'RE LOCKED, TOO?!?! What is going on around here?! I feel left out, like I'm not part of the trend *pouts*
from hlm79 :
Aww, god, that is so awful about you losing two of your kitties at almost the same time. I'm so sorry to hear that. :( Honestly, my thinking is I *think* similiar to how you're feeling. If Duffy really isn't getting any better, then you've got to think about your other three cats. I can't remember if you said you were taking him back to the vet or not, but maybe you and your vet can have a serious talk on what his chances really are? If it's looking like he's not going to get better, and it's making the other cats sick... :( I'd hate for you to lose any of them too. *hugs*
from hlm79 :
I don't remember if you said, but what is it you're having surgery for?
from sonn :
Sounds like you're not getting too much sleep these days!! Can you force Simon into wearing nose strips or something else to stop the snoring? I feel your pain... Sorry to hear your tummy isn't doing to well either, hope you heal up, and soon!
from swimmmer72 :
i'm doing the lipitor so i don't HAVE to do carrots and lettuce, and can keep on eating chicken wings WHENEVER i feel like it. i can live with high normal. thanks for the note. :)
from swimmmer72 :
it's not my pain. it is the pain of others, and i wish i could take it from them. and yes, i used to do that with my cats, too, especially joni. just nestle my forehead into hers, and kiss her little nose. she always put up with me doing it, but i don't think she liked it too much. :)
from me-undaunted :
::bares teeth and claws:: you said the R word! what's with everyone liking that caveman anyway? sheesh.
from me-undaunted :
i loved reading your 101 list. we have a lot more in common than i thought :o)
from doghigh :
Why thank you!!! I do appreciate the comfort. And you are, of course, right. I DON'T want to be feeling this way at 40 but at the moment it seems like I will be (no matter how far away 40 actually is). I guess I have been under the impression that at some just HAS to give, I have to experience an epiphany, I have to. Maybe that's way off base and probably it is way too passive...waiting for "something" to happen. I don't expect my future to fall into my lap all I expect is an internal sign/acknowledgement of what I have to do to procure my "destiny".
from suckaskitty :
Psssstttt!!! Lean in close and I'll tell you a secret! I'm actually just moving. Someone has been bothering me a LOT at that diary (a real person from my past, not a DL'er) and I am picking up and moving myself and my beautiful kittykitty over. I'll let you know when things are in place:D!
from danddteacher :
See, the humidity it what always gets us. Even last year, when we had a drought and a water shortage and what all, it was still extremely humid all summer - to the point of having trouble breathing. And we typically go over 100 degrees for about 2 months, but this year was a particularly rainy summer so things we're quite so hot. And now I've given YOU more info than you wanted! *L*
from danddteacher :
So what constitutes record breaking (with the weather)? I'm curious... wanna know how we measure up...
from suckaskitty :
And of course you may add... *grin*
from suckaskitty :
:O I just noticed your IP is from BC... I'm in south central BC, just a stones throw from where the Okanagan Mountain Park fire was!!! Good to see an another home-province girl around!!! YAY!!!
from sunshine831 :
Hey! Nah no computer access for me...bleh...totally sux! But is good in regards to the whole asshole Michael situation. Things are real good with Matt and me. I got a new job. And should be going back to school soon. I should be on the comp to update soon. Hope all is well. Take care. Bye.
from swimmmer72 :
i'm the same way with snacks, especially chocolate. if i'm in a big weight loss push, or lent, i have to totally eliminate any presence of them, otherwise, i'm sunk. no willpower at all, if they are right there. :)
from doghigh :
Wedding vows including the cats? LOVE it!! Good for them...
from swimmmer72 :
thanks for the GREAT note! you are absolutely right. for what it's worth, i'm getting better at recognizing the signs (which i've always been good at) and avoiding them BEFORE i get involved. BUT, i still get drawn into it, and that's my fault, since i should know better. :)
from olrun :
Your guestbook seems to be down, so I'm writing here. Hope you see this! Pandora ended up fine. She threw up a giganto hairball with broom straws in it. Bleck. I have to hide the broom now that I know she eats it when I'm not looking. What a cat. How are all yours, especially Duffy?
from me-undaunted :
the modern fitted ones are still called mu'u mu'u's. i'm not sure about the ones that come to the knees, but those are ugly anyway. i like the full length fitted ones that hug your curves. can't wear mine in south carolina though. or maybe i could wear them to church if i ever go. hmph.
from me-undaunted :
it's called a mu'u mu'u, your hawaiian dress :o)
from swimmmer72 :
GREAT sunset pic!!! :)
from hlm79 :
Yeah, actually I'd meant to say something about that. It's thankfully, very thankfully, turned north and looking to blast North Carolina (as opposed to me down here in South Carolina). I believe it's supposed to hit in the next 48 hours. I don't envy those people, that's for sure.
from swimmmer72 :
GREAT pics!! the pics of the cats really reminded me how much i'd like one, and the pic of the river made me want to be there. last, but not least, the pic of you was a good one, too. :)
from doghigh :
If you are crazy then, babe, I am CRAZY as well. I hadn't heard this story but it incensed me reading just your description. To me an indication of the state of a person's evolution and character is not how they act with other humans but how they treat animals. That story angers and sickens me. Know that there are many of us who feel the same as you.
from hlm79 :
Don't worry, I like tacky :P. Heheh, nah I laughed. But yeah, we're getting pretty frickin' concerned. I do not want to lose my house... We'll see what the weather report says tomorrow :(
from drahmaqueen :
Thank you so much for your note. It has been hard to deal with because I had to step back and not force anything on the boys. It has made it easier on them, believe it or not. It is hard to take care of your kids when someone punishes them when you do. Hopefully, this will get better soon and the light in my son's eyes will be there more often. xxoo Jen
from dmbmidnite :
I have't had a chance to put anything on ebay yet. Most of my time seems to be taken up by back stock. But as soon as it get's a little chilly I'll be set. Thanks for all your notes, it feels good to know i'm missed.
from hlm79 :
I know, it really does feel like the computer's the "other woman" sometimes. Anyway, thanks for your supportive guestbook note, I needed it. Last night Brian and I had another huge, heavy talk but I think we actually made some progress. I'll be updating sometime today and covering what all we discussed. I think, or I certainly hope, things will be looking up after this.
from doghigh :
Why thank you! And these offers come in IN SPITE of you being married and...ya know...not necessarily the "right" gender...damn some days are just humblin', ain't they? ;-)
from zeldakim :
thanks for your note. it made me feel a little better. :)
from sonn :
Just popping in to say a quick hello and thanks, as always, for the wonderful supportive notes you always leave when I am needing them most! You are a great person!! I'm so out of it these days I admit I haven't been keeping up wth your diary but I swear I'll backtrack once this baby is finally born. Thanks for everything... Oh, and yeah, go see Pirates. It's a lot more fun than it looks like!
from olrun :
Hope the wedding went spectacularly. I was thinking of you today. :) P.S. Have you seen "Pirates" yet? ;)
from hlm79 :
(Bastard STILL aren't letting me sign the guestbook) Pretty picture. :) You know, Brian let out of a fatal piece of information to me last night. He said for some reason, Siamese cats have never really bothered his allergies. Reeaalllyy?? I'm going to have to work on this.
from hlm79 :
Thanks Kim... (ps, the guestbook isn't letting me sign right now for some reason)
from crazy-ol-tom :
from swimmmer72 :
congratulations!!! things are really working out for you!! :)
from doghigh :
Congratulations! Althought I generally refuse to make a big deal out of weddings, I always wish the best for the marriage and the future. Cheers!!
from danddteacher :
you do it for the same reason we all do - we still hope for the relationship that won't die... maybe it'll happen one day... right now, I'm just settling for the one that doesn't hurt right now...
from doghigh :
Have I said hello lately? For shame on me...hello!! ;-)
from drahmaqueen :
Hey thanks for the note. I can finally write this stuff down without feeling bad or angry. MUCH improvement. How we grow up being productive people is beyond me. I suppose it becomes the responsibility of the abusee to dust themselves off and move on. They don't have control over you when you are an adult. :) I like having that control! xxoo Jen
from danddteacher :
You sound like me. If I'm gonna bust, I'm gonna bust big. It's so bad that I was annointed the "crash and burn queen" both years I was on dance team in high school! *L*
from hlm79 :
Okay, so I just saw I had some typos and words repeated in that guestbook entry I just left you... please don't think I'm a grammar idiot... :)
from danddteacher :
things could be worse... not only are my sister's breasts 2 different sizes (an A cup and a B cup) but they point in 2 different directions... one points to the front and slightly up while the other points to the side and down at the ground... which makes finding bras that fit extremely difficult!
from danddteacher :
sorry... meant no offense... the only thing I like about my body after the weight gain is that I actually have breasts now *L*
from drahmaqueen :
Well, there is only one way to find out if you would go fishing by yourself. It is certainly more fun for me to go with someone. I like the competition (I bet 1.00 for first fish, 1.00 for biggest, etc.)and I love to see what other people catch too. It must be beautiful where you live. It is FLAT and hot here. Really hot. Have a great day!
from swimmmer72 :
nice picture!! did those daffodils grow there naturally? your land looks great!!
from cuillin :
thanks so much for the message you left me....this is unbearably hard, and I feel fortunate that someone's rough to lose an animal when you love them more than most people. thank you again...xoxo
from drahmaqueen :
Hey there. I was saltwater fishing. Eeeellllllss are yucky. The bite at you like little dragons. Yikes. Anyway. What kind of fishing do you do? Are ya in Canada? Can't remember.
from sonn :
LOL You're too cute! Thanks for always stopping by with your encouraging notes to me when I need them most... you're so appreciated you know! It always gives me a bit of a lift or at least a chuckle. THANK YOU! I hope you're doing well... GL at the hospital, I'll think good thoughts for you!
from zeldakim :
you're too cute!! (and so is simon)
from cuillin :
Love the pictures! Such a pretty smiling face and gorgeous scenery. Hope all's well with you! take care, xoxox
from swimmmer72 :
very nice picture!! i agree with lilith73. :)
from lilith73 :
Look how pretty you are! =)
from dmbmidnite :
No, I didn't stop. I've been working on my ebay business. It has taken up alot of my diary time. I am will be trying to write a little something every few day's after this week end. Thank you so much for asking.
from crazy-ol-tom :
Good Job!
from lilith73 :
I am so proud and happy for you! I know exactly how you feel..I felt like I was reading about me for a minute there!
from swimmmer72 :
good for you! you know the saying, that that doesn't kill you,... well, hell, this stuff didn't even make you puke, did it? :)
from swimmmer72 :
i hope your tests go well. yes, hospitals, and everything associated with them are a pain. :)
from elvencat :
i made it bold... is that any better? If not i'll try again =)
from swimmmer72 :
getting older sucks, doesn't it? i hope your tests come back alright, and please don't despair. we all have days like this, and it usually doesn't last too long. from what i have read in the rest of your diary, you seem to have a lot going for you in your life, so don't let the bad days get you down. :)
from justjones :
Well, I went to put this in your guestbook right after I signed it..but alas, I can't sign it again that soon. Whatever??? But check this website out!!!!
from danddteacher :
I've actually had a similar experience! Last fall I was at school, ready to walk of out my trailer and go meet some friends for dinner. When I opened the door 2 birds flew right in! They literally ping-ponged around the room for 5 minutes before I could shoo them out the door, leaving a trail of feathers and fluff everywhere they'd been.
from swimmmer72 :
i'm USUALLY on emotional overload, but right now, i'm just a little burnt, and while i should maybe enjoy the respite from it all, i worry that i stress my feeling too much, and they won't be back. i don't want to turn into one of those people that just can't do it anymore. and i won't. my emotions never give me a break for long. thanks for the comment!! :)
from elvencat :
Hey you! "Tis been awhile eh? i'm alright (now), thanks for asking. Just kinda got into a funk or something for a bit. Things are better now htough so regular updates, here we come heh...
from crazy-ol-tom :
Hey, thank you for the compliment. Personally I like my hair longer too. And Laura does look cute in the picture but I need to get one of us together which as of yet doesn't exist.
from drahmaqueen :
Go crazy-ol-tom! Hey, I love that guy. He rocks. Those people that rated you can just bend on over...I digress. Anyway, thanks for the note. If you can't tell already, I am a bit fired up over here. I am happy right now and I feel empowered. Love that. I am glad I am part of this diary thing. I have never done this before and it feels really really good. :) I am a fishergal too. Wish we weren't in opposite ends of the country, we could go drop a line in and enjoy the warm sun. Thanks for checking in on me.
from crazy-ol-tom :
Hey, don't listen to those review sites. They are crap. Fuck them if they don't like what you write. It's your diary and you write whatever the fuck you want. NTM Do you really care what some teen asshole says about your thoughts and feelings?
from swimmmer72 :
you are on my buddy list. it is NOT because of pity, it is because i enjoy your writing, even though i am new to your diary. i like cats, the bathroom thing hasn't been noticeable, and personally, more vibrator stories would be fine, but that's up to you. and no, your diary does not suck, your reviewer does. :)
from doghigh :
Thank you for your note. You ALWAYS make me feel good. Thank you!!!
from danddteacher :
Who cares what someone else thinks about your site/life/etc? (Now if only I could apply that advice to my own life!)
from drahmaqueen :
Hey there. I see you have added me. Thank you. I LOVE to fish!! Woo Hoo. Anyway. Tonight I am tired and will go sleep. I will check with you and see what is going on. Thanks. Jen
from lilith73 :
LMAO="laughing my ass off"..the thing with your ex checking to see if it still worked had me rolling on the floor in hysterics!
from lilith73 :
from hlm79 :
I'm beginning to think no, they never do change. :( Actually, no that's not entirely true. Brian is a little better than he used to be, so I suppose there is some hope. I've found the biggest things that keep me sane are 1. Taking total control of the banking stuff, paying bills, etc. 2. Perhaps the biggest "helper" of all: keep no money on them! I hang onto the bank card. The credit card is in my name and the RadioShack card Brian has I hold onto. 3. Never implying that we're above bare minimum in the checking account. Yeah and as we see, even all this doesn't always help. If we could ever get on top of things, I'd like to work out some kind of allowance deal with him but we just aren't there yet. *Sigh* -- Yeah actually today I did see you on the waiting list for a review. I figured you'd probably gotten over there from me one way or another, I was going to ask you about that soon. This will be the first review I've ever had done. I'm kinda nervous about it. I keep thinking of all these little things that they could pick me over on. I agree that it's better to have someone a little older. Or at least, someone mature and not a teen. Hope it goes better for you this time!
from swimmmer72 :
WOW!! nice note!! thanx. there is still a lot that you write about that i'm not quite up to speed on, but i'll figure it out in time. i'm temporarily off the grid while some things get sorted out, but i'll be writing again soon. it's nice to check out life on the other coast. :)
from swimmmer72 :
i've been browsing your diary off and on for a couple days, and just wanted to tell you i really enjoy what you write, your sense of humor, and your general frame of mind. thanx!!
from hlm79 :
Oh no no! Yeah Brian's gotten in trouble over Ebay too. Tell him he can only use it to SELL stuff! (Idiots...)
from v-i-v-i :
I don't know why it's so cheap, but I'm not gonna question it *g*, where is my guestbook? hmmm?
from hlm79 :
Well, I know *I* would feel better in your circumstances, selling the property and clearing off some debt. That kind of shit makes me miserable. I hope he's alright with it in the end.
from danddteacher :
204?!?! Don't you feel popular? *L*
from lilith73 :
I want a new kitten too, but hubby does NOT. *sigh*
from hlm79 :
I must say, that does sound pretty bad! Are you sure cleaning up the inside wouldn't make you feel oh, a little better about it?..
from lc23tina :
I hope you start to feel better soon!
from hlm79 :
I totally hear you about always being the "nagger" about money & bills. I hate it too that I have to be the one to constantly worry about it. :( Hope you are feeling a little better though -physically and emotionally.
from hlm79 :
Oh man, I would be in a RAGE after that! Damn! We kinda had some stuff like that happen recently. Except it was almost worse because I *let* Brian put it on my card. Some guy was supposed to buy something of Brian's at a $1,000, but of course he changed his mind at the end. I am still really pissed about it. Shit, I just don't get people who can blow money so easily. And don't worry about making a long rant, I like being able to commiserate with someone. :)
from lilith73 :
Feel better, okay?
from zeldakim :
i'm SO sorry to hear about your recent tough times. =( my thoughts are with you. ZK
from hlm79 :
That was kinda funny picturing Simon falling into a sinkhole. :) I'm sure he didn't think it was though.
from doghigh :
There is nothing worse than hearing "it was a good long life" or "she was old anyway" after someone passes away. It doesn't matter if they're 20 or 100, when you lose a loved one it is NEVER easy and there is never a time when you have had enough of being with them. I hate cliches...
from danddteacher :
Forget what anyone else has to say (and I say this from experience) - you do what YOU need to do... mourn in the way you need to mourn... when my friend Brenda died of breast cancer this past January everyone in my life had "words of wisdom" to share with me (you know the mess - "she's better off", "she was such a wonderful woman", and so forth)... when in reality, those words seemed to cheapen who Brenda was... I needed a few days away from everyone just to come to grips with the fact that she wasn't here anymore... so, I guess my advice isn't really telling you what to do, it's just saying to do what you need to do for YOU...
from sonn :
Oh honey I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. You're right that none of that stuff you mentioned makes it any easier - hell, NOTHING makes it any easier! I'm glad you can talk about it, I'm sorry it's hurting you so much too. Thanks so much for the nice note you left me. I told work I was quitting (I am such a chicken) and they were irritated but hey, what are they going to do! Thanks for your support! BE WELL!
from hlm79 :
Damn. :( I'm so sorry to hear that. If you want my opinion, I would go. As weird and depressing as those things can be, it does help a little in the "closure" department.
from hlm79 :
I would love it so much if Brian and Tara went somewhere for a couple days and left me completely by myself. Oh, the freedom and independence. Sure I'd miss them too, but I'd still be LOVING the alone time. -- I still haven't figured out just what's causing the trouble with my template when I expand the page. Hmm. But I do like the dog a lot. I think it has something to do with either the new IE that was just put on my computer, or the pixel settings.
from v-i-v-i :
You're not boring me in the least. I love reading about peoples lives. Especially when they talk openly about the past. Although too much can be a bad thing.. I had a diary here for over a year and eventually had to close it because it just got to be too much past seeping in! You need better ways to stalk you, like msn or something!
from v-i-v-i :
Yep, been there many times with the anxiety thing. Ugh. I hope your day improves, and I hope you have a great weekend.
from hlm79 :
Damn, that's really sad about your niece. I hate that there's parents like that out there. :( But it was sorta funny about Daisy. Well, in that kind of not-really-funny way.
from zeldakim :
yep. mission already accomplished. i can't believe it, but steve finally broke down. i have no idea where this is going now, because he is now telling me that he loves me and is in love with me. what will come of this and what to do next; i don't know... the sense of accomplishment and glory aren't all that it's cracked up to be, because guilt is taking over my head right now. =(
from sunshine831 :
Thank you :D I dont find your words condescending at all. I need to have them told to me. It helps.
from danddteacher :
Thanks for the note! It made me laugh just when I needed a good one (students are driving me crazy today). Anyway, you're the best!
from zeldakim :
oh NO! i'm so sorry to hear about your accident. i hope you feel better... remember, advil is your friend... =)
from justjones :
Glad you made it through the enema, I think we all benefited from the entertaining story, that's for sure. Thanks for being brave enough to share! :) Jim and I are married, by the way, just thought I'd clarify that. I'm going on 33 and already on marriage #2, hehehe. Niiiice track record. :) ~Kim
from jubienewgirl :
Hey girlie: thanks for the laugh, I needed it, first day of my period, crampy, feeling BLUE. Ah well, David always knows how to make me feel better (sweetie pie) I've had a cat scan, two months ago actually, its nuttin compared to your painful but literally hilarious adventure of today, a cake walk really. You get to lie (lay?) fully clothed on a very narrow table and you slowly go through a big circle xray machine (only part way mid section) then a cute little computer face and computer voice on the machine tells you what to do, when to stop brething momentarily, etc.. really easy, not long either, kinda cool how advanced our technology is. Mine was negative, didn't show a thing. Actually, when I went for the scope, they said it was gastritis, inflammation of the stomach lining brought on by stress, coffee, liquor,, basically too much acid production. Anyway, love ya lots and hope all goes well for you. Spoke to Jen, she's doing really well.. Hugs, God BLess. C...
from hlm79 :
I live down in the bowels of The South. Charleston, South Carolina. -- Geez, sorry to hear your uh, "events" this morining weren't too swell. Hope all is well in the long run though.
from lilith73 :
Good luck tomorrow!
from hlm79 :
Oh man. Good luck!
from doghigh :
Glad to see you survived the Outward Bound obstacle course. Bear bomb???
from hlm79 :
Actually I really appreciate the commiseration. It helps to know I'm not the only one. I hate it. It seems like everyone I talk with, it's always the woman/wife that gets stuck doing everything. Fuckers. I guess I'm off to smack my husband now...
from v-i-v-i :
oh my, you're keeping me busy with entries today! it's your fault i haven't showered yet. lol
from zeldakim :
i heart violetwoman! you rock.
from justjones :
Oh great, to top it off, there's no editing notes, and I managed to get all retarded. Somehow "I love forward to reading.." makes much less sense than what I meant to say, which is I LOOK forward to reading more of your diary. Alright, time for me to stop talking and go back and review this for more errors before submitting it. Yup. I'm dumb.
from justjones :
Hey Kim, it's me, Kim. :) How is there are so many Kim & Jim's out there, anyway. It just dawned on me today to check my notes, and lo and behold you'd written. And very kind, helpful words, to boot. Thank you! I love forward to reading your's good to know I'm not the only one out there who made it past 17 but still hasn't found the answers! ~Kim
from zeldakim :
hey kim, thanks for your note. you know, it is really sad. i really do like steve, but at this point, i have lied about almost everything, so it would be hopeless to try and 'fess up. the bottom line is that i just don't have the balls to do so. oh well, at least i learned my lesson this time. =) take care.
from doghigh :
funny...I used to LOVE hockey to watch and to play when I was little. Now I'm far more likely to watch hockey because I think hockey players are hot...don't get me wrong I still love the competition and the actual sport but I can't help but wonder about the sweaty boys slapshotting it AFTER the game ;-)
from danddteacher :
thanks for you thoughts... they confirmed mine... sometimes you just need to hear it from someone else, ya know?... I have a horrible tendency to doubt myself and my judgement...
from zeldakim :
thanks for your comforting words. =) you always make me feel better. i know it would be creul to lead him on...but it still sucks. maybe it's time for me to go have a lay on a shrink's couch... love, ZK
from v-i-v-i :
Sounds like your friend is looking for validation. Some of my friends do that.. "I suck.." etc, just to hear they don't. Have fun :p
from hlm79 :
Yes, actually ours had two babies last October. They have since moved on, but you're right they're the cutest little things ever. I'm trying to figure out if my female might be pregnant again, but I can't tell. She looks slightly bigger, I think. Hell I could hardly tell she was pregnant even before she delivered, thought we were pretty sure. When she did give birth, I just missed it. I turned my head away and when I came back there was one on the bottom of the cage. It was pretty damn neat. Unfortunately the two of them really don't get the attention they need now. I feel bad, and would almost give them up but I don't know. I love them a lot.
from sunshine831 :
I know you are so right about Mike and everything. I know I will look back on all this and see the triteness of all of it. I just didn't expect to be hurt like this. On a different note, I had a very similar embarassing moment at the gyn office and it was even more sad for me cause I am supposed to be a med student. You would think that after ovarian cancer and years of college medical crap I would know where my damn ovary is, apparently I too do not know. Well I know now.
from olrun :
I'm pleased you enoy my Fatalie "Poetry Corner". Since she doesn't appear to be going to the doctor to her throat removed anytime soon, you can look forward to new poems every few weeks (days) for a long time to come. Wait til I start rhyming in iambic pentameter, then you'll know I really need a new job! :)
from hlm79 :
Hey, I saw you added me to your buddylist, so I just wanted to drop in and tell ya thanks. :)
from v-i-v-i :
hee hee, I've never been to a male gyn, only females. Mmmf. By the way, your link to me doesn't work on your diary. :) I hope everything goes well!
from crazy-ol-tom :
I hope that your doctor finds something fixable tomarrow!! Good Luck!
from v-i-v-i :
I can't believe you're complaining about weighing 135 lbs, I would kill to be that thin. Think of it that way! *grumble*
from v-i-v-i :
We should start some sort for student journallers or something. School is giving me a hard time too. Le sigh.
from zeldakim :
Heh, glad I could make you laugh. =) The more I think about my date with Steve, the more indignant I dare he?? I doubt he will call me, but if he does, I will not go out with him ever again...even I have my pride. And his awful BANGS!! I can't get over them. *shudders* ZK
from v-i-v-i :
I'm having period issues.. well, not really issues, they just sorta stopped, so thats why I'm getting all the tests done. :) Otherwise I'm okay. Howsa bout'choo?
from twids :
Heya, violet. Thanks for the words. Yeah, I was way annoyed. I'm better now, though. :) Shit happens, I guess, and people suck. Whatcha gonna do? (Aside from hunt 'em down and beat 'em with a stick?) (Kidding.)
from doghigh :
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!!! You, who I've never met, wished me a happy birthday whereas people I've known for ten years or more couldn't have cared less!! I shall never doubt the importance of D-land in my life, again! ;-)
from sunshine831 :
Yes the cysts suck so much but I keep trying to look on the good side, they aren't cancerous, cancer staying in remission makes up for a lot of the pain I sometimes go through. Icky mammograms do hurt. I had this one doc, I swear she was like a nazi-dom or something part time but she hurt me like I have never been hurt before. But its what we have to do. Hope you feel better :D
from v-i-v-i :
Ahh, SARS.. actually I'm quite scared about that. le sigh.
from doghigh :
An Australian sailor?? On a Canadian ship?? I'm impressed...she's good...
from v-i-v-i :
I am the SAME way. I get a 95 and I wonder where my 100 is! I also have quite a few hermit tendancies. Maybe we're related.
from zeldakim :
I know...I hate being this superficial. My last ex was not easy on the eyes...there would be times when we were just idling about, and he'd stare lovingly into my eyes, while I'd just get pissed off and disgusted for no other reason than his ugliness...that did NOT turn out well. heh. But you've convinced me...I guess I won't tell Steve that we should be just friends, and I'll give him a chance....mmmm and the fact that he has not one, but TWO Stanford degrees and makes over $100,000 a year doesn't hurt, either. Crikes. Now I sound superficial and gold-digger-esque!! Lovely to hear from always. Fondly, ZK But you
from elvencat :
We had shepherd's pie today too. Weird. Hope ya feel better......
from zeldakim :
you ROCK!! your list MADE my day!!! love, ZK
from twids :
Girlfriend! Yeah man, I have a few friends who found soulmates online (including - sorta - my sister, who found hers in a personal ad in a local shitty newspaper!), but my luck seems to be otherwise. Oh well. At least it's sort of fun to be snobby with my friends and laugh at the fucktards who think they're made for me. (You know, the 56 year olds who are in the middle of messy divorces and don't want to pay child support!) Peace...twids
from doghigh :
Thank you so much for the wonderful note. I don't think very much of myself at times like yesterday but in my saner moments I know I am only a human. This is our plight. No one has it all together, no one.
from elvencat :
The spousal unit usually falls asleep on the couch 2 rooms away from my bedroom. i can still hear him snoring. You have my deepest sympathy =/
from lc23tina :
My dear, I found your fool. John came strutting in on Monday with the tape "girls gone wild" it was an actual pay per veiw event that some dude from work taped for him. He watched it, I took a nap. hehe. Go fig it would have to be my boyfriend. Hope the doc's fairs well for you! Have a great day!
from elvencat :
Maybe after the doctor's you can get a nap ::smooch:: have a good day =)
from zeldakim :
Mmmm...French accents are the best. =) I love it when someone whispers sweet nothings in your ear in a foreign language. haha. Law of attractiveness: Degree of attractiveness is proportional to the likelihood he will cheat on you. I really want to meet Steve too, but I guess i'm being chickenshit and am putting it off as long as i can...though it is all I can do to stop myself from thinking about him and dreaming about him 24/7. Enjoy the rest of your day!
from lc23tina :
Work your magic and get me a new computer...Oh, I need a TV too! =)
from v-i-v-i :
Diary-x is the only good one I know of.. I'm going to check it out.
from lilith73 :
lol! The boss is your father! Well...what can you do? Daddies always adore their daughters, and that is exactly as it should be!
from zeldakim :
you always make me feel SOOooo much better!! Yeah...sam does sound like a loser. i mean, he had the nerve to ask me to send more pictures of myself. he claims 5'4 and 130 pounds is too overweight!! haha. geez. i am really insecure about my looks, though...but most people would find me attractive, i think. i'm just scared because me and steve have this INCREDIBLE chemistry...i mean we have the same values, and interests and that is REALLY a rarity for me. so i'll be sad, but i need to just get over it. =) have a beautiful day!
from lc23tina :
4 inches of snow fell over night! When I woke up I just about had a small heart attack. I guess I need a T.V. that gets some channels...I can't keep up on the weather if I have nothing to watch...I think I'm getting sick of the snow.
from sonn :
Hey there, thanks for the note you left!! I am frazzled all to sh*t, but you sound just as stressed as I do!! What the heck is going on with the ultrasounds? I'm out of the loop I know, but I sure hope it makes your life better. Pain is no good. Yes, I'm working right up until I deliver, hell I might as well have this baby AT work, since they want me back sooner than 6 weeks if possible. Bastards :P Email me if it's easier, BTW... sonn@diaryland or [email protected]
from lc23tina :
you need to get control of yourself and back away from the freezer...You know I treid the no chocolate approach once, it worked for all of five minutes. It's a hard thing to do, like smoking. On Saturday we had a really freaky thunderstorm. I hate thunderstorms, but this one was beyond wicked. It rained soooo bad. Then that night it got really cold, really fast and we ended up with ice everywhere. It's all going away now, not without causing some damage. My nephew who is 6 slipped on ice and fractured his collarbone, he's in a brace for 3 weeks...poor little gaffer. It's supposed to start feeling like spring around here next week, I think we will peaking in the mid 40's.
from zeldakim :
you are so SWEET. =) i am really praying to god that steve turns out to be halfway attractive. i shall be sorely dissappointed if he isn't. and i also hope he finds me attractive as well(*keeping fingers crossed). i just feel like such an idiot falling for a guy i haven't even met...oh well. i read those inspring true stories on MATCH and it gives me hope. heh.
from lc23tina :
I wish I had a job where I could go on the net. If we stop for a smoke break, or just to chat and my boss walks out of the office, we get in trouble...Not so much anymore...I had to prove that people could still talk and work at the same time. I gathered it was a new invention that I made since he had never seen it before. hehe. We are supposed to get rain tonight, Spice has been cleaning behind her ears all day! Oh, yeah, I got spice back!!! I cant believe I forgot to tell everyone that I got my cat too! Hope the weather doesn't affect the flowers and such. Have a wonderful weekend!
from lilith73 :
thank you for telling me about my diary..its all fixed now!
from zeldakim :
hey vw, you rock. and you are so right. something about this situation just doesn't feel right...and as far as his motives go, i think he's just after the booty...what else would i captivate him with, my fascinating outlook on life?? haha. and i was thinking about how humiliated i would be if i was out with him and i ran into acquaintances or friends...definitely not kosher in this conservative town. i guess i won't meet up with him until i'm absolutely sure. but then again...where else am i going to find a pianist/wine aficionado with an MBA?
from zeldakim :
Hi-thanks for your comforting words. I kind of feel like a loser about doing it, but hey, I gotta do what I gotta do, right? I just hope noone I know in real life sees me on that thing...{shuddering} take care. ZK
from elvencat :
There's no such thing as being too attatched to cats. As far as the organ thing... yeah, it is true =(
from migrainegirl :
Oh, thank you! And in my book, 41 just isn't old. Nope. I think "old" starts to apply somewhere in your 80's; if then.
from lilith73 :
Hey! Thank you so much for your nice words in my guestbook. You are always so sweet to me. Downtime, heh, actually its a REQUIREMENT for me at our house. When the kids take a nap, I do NOTHING and I mean NOTHING until I've spent a little while vegging on the computer or whatever else I feel like doing. My husband says that's acting like a child, but hey..he comes home to a happy wife, I say its worth it!
from zeldakim :
hi violetwoman...thanks for your sweet note. i'm flattered you think my blog is worth a read...most of it is just pointless bitching about guys and how much i hate being fat. =) anyway, you have a nice blog yourself...i will definitely be adding you to my favorites. take care.
from olrun :
Good for you making Duffy's life so comfortable for him. I had a sick cat (cancer of the jaw) and I had to go through some stuff to keep him comfortable too. Many people thought I was cruel, but it was mainly people who didn't even have pets! Clarence and I always shared a great and special bond, but we grew even closer when he was sick because he knew I was taking good care of him. I've also had to give Meow, my Siamese cat, IV drips while we were regulating her insulin dosage. I never thought of warming it up though. Damn! That's clever! :)
from dmbmidnite :
I think it is wonderful that you where able to walk away from your bathroom. Alway's remember how good you felt when you did that.
from doghigh :
Just thought I would say hi...also I think I left you the link to the online thing but now I don't remember! I am really scared to see the state of my memory when I am 50!
from v-i-v-i :
Your counter must be broke!
from lc23tina :
I'm faithful to you. I come in at least once a day. Well unless I am working..hehe.
from lc23tina :
I can send you some snow if you want it =) We ended up with a little over 2 feet of snow last night and early this morning, somesnow drifts are in the 4-5 ft range. It reminds me of when I was a kid and we walked in snow up to our knees. John and I ventured out in it today to go grocery shopping, the secondary roads were still crappy, but the main roads were fine, except at intersections. I ended up dropping 2 bags of groceries when I fell in a pile of snow when I got home, I just laid in the snow and laughed, and then complained that my ass was frozen. I went to a bingo a few years back in a little town my Mom use to live in (McGregor), they had Turkey bingo's. I won a ham, one of those honey glazed hams...YUMMMMMMMMMMM! Those suckers are goooood. I use to joke that we should have drove the John Deere down to fit in with the locals. hehe. Ahhhh, the good ol days.
from keryanna :
Thank you for your note. And you think getting at 10:30 am is disgraceful?? Lordy. If given the chance, I'll sleep a full 17 hours. No, I don't sleep. I hibernate. I'm lucky if I get up before noon on the weekends.
from lc23tina :
Just another thing to add to your list of credits, epiphany is spelled correctly =) I know exactly what you are saying about the whole "how could you trust after being burnt". I went through that phase after Brad, my cheating asshole of an ex. Once I started dating John all that doubt vanished and I am like you, I let John do his own thing, and I get the same "so and so dosen't let her boyfriend/husband out of sight". I, myself thinks thats terrible. I want freedom, I love my alone time, so this allows John to have that too. We know what it's all about! Is your guy the type to feel bad because they go out and do their own thing after you assure him it's perfectly alright? Because John does that to me, he thinks I am secretly mad at hime for going out even though I tell him a million times over that everythings alright...I dunno. Sorry for taking up so much space, I just needed to type.
from sunshine831 :
A man who will buy wrinkle cream and the expensive kind at that, now thats a guy to keep around :P Thanks for the notes, I mean it. They made me smile on days I thought I would have nothing to smile about. Thanks :D
from lc23tina :
Happy V day!
from sonn :
LOL Violetwoman, thanks for your note on my diary! If I suddenly stop writing in my diary someday you'll at least know that my new landlord did it. I think I'm being too paranoid though! Hey did you ever get the info you were looking for on PCOS? I'm glad to help, ANY time, with questions etc!! Hope you're doing well!
from olrun :
Hello! You asked me what religion I am and so here's the answer in a nutshell. I am an Adept in the Temple of Set, which is a philosophy/religion that is geared toward the individual rather than the collective. Self deification rather than an Other. We practice magic and write our own rituals to explore the nature of our selves. There's more to it than that, but for a thumbnail sketch it will do. :)
from dmbmidnite :
YOU WON"T END UP ON THE STREET. Just try to be positive(easier said then done) If in the event. I'll sit for your cat's. Oh what the hell you can come too. NOW DON"T WORRY. D.
from olrun :
Kim, Just wanted to thank you for your entry in my guest book. I've started over from nothing before, but last time was not nearly so scary a start to it. I only got divorced and lost everything, I didn't have a fire and lose everything. Although you can't say I lost everything this time since I have Tommy and the cats. Meow and Agatha are with us again BTW. They are two very happy cats. Pandora and Stela are getting picked up tonight, although my friend was to "catnap" them she loves them so much. :)
from lc23tina :
you lost the keys in the fridge? LOL, that reminded me of a time when I was working and a girl lost the keys to the med cart in nursing home. She found them in her fat, if you can believe that, she tucked them under a roll and forgot about them, she found them when she went to the washroom. Oye! I'm glad where I work now, I see no one but the people I work with the whole day, I wouldn't be good at answering questions like that, I probably would have told the freak to back the *F* up while I called the cops. LOL. HAHAHA...Sorry about your cut. Man I sliced my finger at work a week ago and it still hurts like a bugger. On cardboard, I think I needed stitches or something, but I didn't get them, that could be why it's still hurting. I haven't came in to say anything lately, I ahven't had much time so I owed you a nice long message. Oh, don't think that I am not a devoted fan, I read you every day! =)
from twids :
I'm with ya, sister. So! Menstrual! Pass the chocolate puhleeeeezzzzzz....
from v-i-v-i :
merci beaucoup. :)
from lilith73 :
yes, yes..knitting is great for anxiety! plus we folk with ocd like the i just learned to knit at the beginning of this month and i am already a knitting FOOL! lots of luck'll love it!
from elvencat :
Nah, it's not pathetic at all. i'd take my cats over people any day of the week. Most people aren't worth knowing. There are a few rare exceptions... very few...
from twids :
Dude, you're ME! Woohoo! My wondertwin has a diary! Hooray for cats and FUCK all those people who demand perfection and then leave anyway. YEAH! (ps-thanks for the note.)
from elvencat :
The daffodils sound like they'll be pretty, if the deer don't nibble them down to nothing that is heh. Happy birthday! And for the smoking thing, i couldn't agree with you more... bleh...
from sunshine831 :
I am not a hundred percent sure but I do believe that your birthday may be tomorrow...if it is then happy birthday...uh and if its not and it has passed or is after the 21st...ummm happy belated or happy early you tell I haven't had ANY sleep.
from dmbmidnite :
Actually a mug of hot coco sound's great, Wonderful idea. Glad to hear your feeling better.
from dolffie :
Sorry you have had a recent bout with unpleasantness. I understand what you are going thru and hope it resolved itself soon. Also, BTW = by the way. Hey, any chance I can get you spodding? Come on... you know you want to! ;-)
from neurotic-one :
Goodness.....I felt like a prude when reading your diary....but I'm far from it, just a tad bit embarrassed to write such things myself. But mostly what I detected in your diary is speaking/writing it the way it is. I really like that.
from christa02 :
the pictures of your cats ARE SOOO CUTE! take good care and happy writing!
from dmbmidnite :
ooh!! it's so sad to know your not feeling well. My thoughts are with you and I hope you will be back to yourself in no time.@>-,-
from neutiquam :
That's so unfortunate it seems a thing only possible in movies. And the sad thing is, that it would have been considered irresponsible to start laughing after that happened. Because seriously. What are the odds? and thanks.
from elvencat :
i hope you feel better soon... i hope your toilet seat is at least one of those padded ones... take care - cat
from lorster :
Hiya! Thanks for the note, and I certainly hope that you are feeling better than you were! IBS sucks. Sucks HARD!! Feel better!
from crazy-ol-tom :
I hope you fell better Kimmee.
from doghigh :
I hope you feel better VERY soon...the toilet is not the most compfortable seat in the house.
from olrun :
I know you're not feeling well, but perhaps this will cheer you up. A movie with Orlando Bloom as a pirate, not an elf. (Although, hey, I'm not complaining about the elf!). This movie also has Johnny Depp in it! I don't know if you think he's hot, but I do, and so this movie is way up there on ones I plan to see. It's called "Pirates of the Carribean" (yes, based after the Disneyland ride) and the previews were rather intriguing. Anyway, I just thought, Orlando Bloom as a swashbuckling pirate, fighting alongside (or perhaps against) Johnny Depp. Wow. Does that make you feel better hopefully? Now, if only Lucious makes a guest appearance as a haughty English sea captain hellbent on keelhauling those damn pirates....
from lc23tina :
I like your long entries. I do! And I like the way you respond to my entries...Ya know I never thought about the Jerry Springers guest actually finding someone to cheat with let alone knowing that they are or were married once upon a time...good call ;)
from neutiquam :
You actually had that happen?
from lilith73 :
I hope you feel better, sweetie!
from cuillin :
I love this entry! That unshaven face hurts in other ways, too. Ha! There's a no-no -- don't shove that thing in my, uh, SENSITIVE areas if you won't shave it, honey. And yes, don't disturb the kitties! They were obviously there first, slumbering in peace when he decided to blunder in....xoxoxox
from lilith73 :
Bravo! That entry couldn't have said things any better..I'm thinking I migh tack it above our bed next time hubby and I get busy..heh.
from sunshine831 :
Hey thanks for the bday wish. It was on the first. New Years baby...i hate it. lol.
from sunshine831 :
Thanks for the note :D Happy New Year to you as well.
from lc23tina :
Wishing you the best in 2003! Happy New Year!!! And thanks alot for the notes of support. it's good to know that people care!
from v-i-v-i :
Back atcha :)
from doghigh :
Its funny but people automatically assume, that as a gay guy, I have experienced threesomes, foursomes and orgy action but alas it has only been the standard twosome...maybe we should start making these assumptions about the prim and proper hetero ladies in the audience instead! ;-) Happy New year!!!
from lilith73 :
boy do i understand needing alone time. i am the exact same way.
from sonn :
Hey! Just got your note on my diary! I'd be so glad to help with the PCOS thing if I can. Start at and feel free to email me ANY time, either through the diary or at [email protected]. I actually work for the PCOS Association answering medical questions and stuff so hopefully, I should be able to help out! Drop me an email! No need to worry - it can be dealt with :) Thanks for the good wishes BTW; we had our first ultrasound yesterday and I saw the heartbeat! I could NOT be happier about this baby! Hope to hear from you soon...
from sunshine831 :
Merry Christmas!!!
from lilith73 :
stupid ovarian cysts..i get those sometimes. once, one popped. you have no idea how much that hurt. and yeah, christmas stress!! hang in're in my thoughts
from quazymike :
the REALLY funny thing is that my picture is VERY close to what it REALLY looks like. *mike shakes his head in shame....*
from lilith73 :
i am really enjoying your diary. yep, i see a new favorite in the works here. =)
from quazymike :
just for YOU, i put up a picture of my lovely tree. :) happy seasons!
from lorster :
Thanks for adding me to your faves... i'll be back to read more about you!
from quazymike :
cheer up bucko! if you ever get too down, you can always climb a ladder to the top rung.... (i'm still alive! i'm still alive!)
from dmbmidnite :
I'm not sure who these people are who think you are too OLD. But I love reading you diary. I can really relate to alot of what your going through. I beleive wisdom comes with age. from A 33 yrs old reader. PS it's hard to take the first step, good for you.
from sunshine831 :
I hope the anti-depressants help. I am thinking about going back on meds for my manic depression but I am not sure yet. Being depressed sucks. But the chance at living a happier healthier life is worth taking a lil medicince I think.
from doghigh :
That's the whole thing that sucks about getting know what is wrong but you are either too afraid to change it or don't know HOW to change it. It sucks. I understand. (incidentally I love my life for the most part but sometimes the minority that really sucks can overwhelm me).
from v-i-v-i :
I've never gotten into Survivor, give me buffy anyday :) As for wishing weight gain on someone I do it all the time! LOL
from olrun :
I think writing in diaries, especially for public consumption, is very cathartic. Maybe you won't need a therapist if you use your diary as one! :) It's worked for me! Oh, and have you checked out Lucious, I mean Lucius Malfoy in the second Harry Potter yet? ;)
from doghigh :
Trust me I nearly did...had it not been for the fact that I love my partner I most definitely would have followed through!! ;-) Although to be perfectly honest B was about ready to take care of the task himself...
from cuillin :
hey you! thanks for adding me to your list and for the comment...(I'm adding you to mine). I looked at your pictures (still going through your diary) and swooned at the kitties. Oh, the kitties! Not to mention that beautiful girl holding one... :) take care, Sarah
from v-i-v-i :
*laugh* I loved the "cat barf" part of your entry. Reminds me of my house ;)
from crazy-ol-tom :
Okay I looked at the html. The reason that Diaryland is not showing up is because you have it set to display an image not a word. I don't think you are allowed to dispay images in the little javascript pull-down menus.
from quazymike :
i now dub thee...HTML pro! (tap) :)
from quazymike :
lookin' good chica! you is steppin' in the right direction! word.
from sunshine831 :
I like the layout. Good work.
from crazy-ol-tom :
Hey, your new layout is cute. Good Job.
from bumofdharma :
go read the new buddha of this era, jack keroauc. Dont seek enlightenment, let it come.
from quazymike :
um...i'm not being mean! i'm just being the dumb gruff male that i am. grrr, and stuff. oh, and i HATE when the stupidmudderfudding computer cuts off and my greatest entries get deleted! whats up with that?!
from sunshine831 :
I love the kitties. Great pictures and the woman in them doesn't look too shabby herself either ;)
from lc23tina :
nothing says I love you like a rat (chuckles) I want a hedgehog...Happy Halloween :)
from crazy-ol-tom :
Good luck learning HTML. IT's actually really simple and you shouldn't have a hard time with it. Oh yeah I'm gonna respond to your email. It's just that I'm really busy(lazy).
from quazymike :
it's a 'rose haired' tarantula. i did have a pink toed one a few years ago, but it died (i didn't give it enough water, i'm afraid... sniffy). but i let mine loose every once in awhile, and he's very calm when people hold him. a good little pet!
from quazymike :
3mm fangs...heh, 3 inches would be pretty big!
from quazymike :
i have a pet tarantula! he is very helpful to me, as he eats all the bugs that get into my home. i love him very much, and would kiss him if it weren't for his 3 inch fangs.
from mrpunchy :
Hey. Thanks for the note. I think you are the only person to have ever read my diary. So strange. I plan to read your diary very soon.
from lc23tina :
Happy Thanksgiving =)
from invisibledon :
Thanks for playing in the neighborhood
from sunshine831 :
You have no reason to retract the advice you left in my diary. I found it to be helpful. Thanks. As for the whole ex thing. Well me and the ex thing, my boyfriend made it a point to tell me he understood my situation and I had nothing to be concerned about. Of course after about a month all that changed. I have no other place to live at the moment. My boyfriend is currently staying with his parents until he himself is situated and well he can't help me in that area. luckily with the ex there are no deep conversation or sparks anywhere at least not mine in his direction. I am sorry Matt doesn't like my relationship with him, I really am. But Mike...well if it weren't for Mike and his being there a while ago I really wouldn't be here anymore.
from soady :
Hey, Matt here, you may know me as Sunshine831's boyfriend. Just read your comment in her diary and while my opinion is totally biased, I think you're right on, couldn't have said it better myself and I probably would have gotten in trouble with her if I did. My agreeing with it is probably bad enough but hey, it's how I feel too. Ex's ain't nothin but trouble especially when it comes to new relationships. Anyway, thank you for expressing what I don't think I could have.
from lc23tina :
Thanks for reading my diary. I do that often, when I have a day off. Just start poking about in peoples lives. It's a good thing though, I'm not in therapy of any kind so I think I am safe. The cat/masturbate thing was sent to me from my cousin, and it cracked me right up, so I decided to post in. Glad it had brightened your day. I read about 4 entries of yours and I really like your diary =) And the fact that you talk about your cats. I have one, she is with my sister right now until me and my man get our place soon. Okay, now that I have spend about 10 minutes writing this (I am a slow typer), and soilled half my life story...I am going to getn out of here, but you can bet the farm, I'll be back. Have a good one =)
from deadrifleman :
Emo=music for pantywaist bitches. The kind I'd beat up only I'm too damn nice to. That being said, I whine a bit myself. But I've got better reason than a bunch of weenie emo boys. They don't THINK. Emotion is a weird thing. I thank you for the compliment. I think I shall link your diary from mine. You interest me.
from crazy-ol-tom :
Emo is emotional punk rock. The singers who sing emo usually trash ex-girlfriends or sing about how they can't get a girlfriend.

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