messages to xquzme:
(click here to add new message):

from readnglst999 :
Where is clarity25? Recent vacation blog - "Eric's" Photobucket account -
from goingloopy :
I TRIED to see if you had updated on ze other blog ... but alas, I am not a chosen few. So like, can I have an invitation?
from candoor :
just making a point to remind myself I was here...
from ska-t :
glad you stopped by. you can get to all of my older stuff by clicking on the dice at the bottom of the page... the number "4" one. come on back, ok?
from goingloopy :
Ahem. And why haven't you been updating, Missy? I hope everything is okay in your world. :)
from gumphood :
Pimping out my code are ya! ( --- busted!
from clarity25 :
"Light and Breezy is your key to getting laid a lot.." LOL, I was laughing. Good advice though and so true. During my dating days, I was so light and breezy, I didn't even make phone calls. In fact..I might have been a bit TOO light and breezy. The guy didn't even suspect I liked him, so it backfired a bit.:) OH and thanks for your vote of confidence with the half-nekkid pic:) I really appreciated that!
from clipchick :
I appreciate your support. Boy, isn't it sad sometimes that it takes times like that to remind you of what's REALLY important? He's doing much better, and I've actually had some sleep...
from katm6 :
Nice list. Something you posted at Clarity's made me check you out. Now I can't remember what it any rate, I enjoyed your answers to her Slam Book (whatever the heck that is).
from clarity25 :
I have to disagree with you on the "Puppy breath" lol.
from gumphood :
The link on 43 is actually a news story.
from clarity25 :
Good luck finding more drunken entries, not everyone is as stupid as me and opens their laptop after knocking back a bunch of beers. But hey.. Oh and Eric would be flattered to read that!! ( his ego isn't big enough already) and just between us... I have a crush on him too! *I'm such a dork* Thanks for adding me to fav. list!
from clipchick :
Aw, tanks! I appreciate your input as always :D
from clarity25 :
Hey, thanks for your note. Sorry for the oversight. I'm really slow, and sometimes I don't click all the links I should..especially in the middle of the night after a few drinks. So I didn't realize you came up with the survey.:), I just added your diary link to my entry. I've also been enjoying going through your archives..Okay,I better get back to work. I'm on my lunchbreak. Take care!
from gumphood :
Hey. At least you might have been invited. Iwasn't even on the radar.
from boogityx2 :
Yes yes yes we had Old Time Rock & Roll too. And The Locomotion. And U Can't Touch This. Of course, I danced to all of this, so really, I should just shut up.
from boogityx2 :
Awesome, thanks - I'm glad you like the sharks. And I'm totally a geek. HIGH FIVE
from bevanandjen :
Here or there? Here or there? I am so confused. Dude I LOVE Average Joe. I missed last episode and it sounds like it was the best so far! Damn!
from xquzme :
*sigh* Okay, alright. I'm going to keep both for awhile. There are aspects of both I like, so, why not. Gump, what happens when you "lose" Gold? Do you know?
from gumphood :
Glad you updated here.
from clipchick :
Thanks also for including me on your buddy list. Yay!
from clipchick :
Thanks also for including me on your buddy list. Yay!
from clipchick :
Wanted to let you know how glad that you posted on diaryland today. The corporate Nazis at work have blocked us from sure if it's just a quarterly update to include the phrase "blog" or if they've realized how much time we spend surfing the web. Any hoo, I was glad to read up on you again. More motivation to get a computer at home so I can once again surf freely.
from clipchick :
Thanks for the kudos. I AM rather proud of me self {pats self on back, then remembers the sunburn and screams}. Appreciate the compliment too-he IS pretty cute, eh? Must be the dimples... All cats must lick things in order to drive us crazy. It's an unwritten kitty law...
from clipchick :
You're the best. I appreciate you! If you were to ever think of taking a picture of me to Pinehaven, my picture would be on its best behavior, I promise!
from gumphood :
Cause its no more...will I play the wild never no more.
from bevanandjen :
Dude, I am like, so fucking jealous of your weekend.
from nilliem :
Ahh...leave it to me to miss your comment! Thank you for the advice, and the idea for the contracting info. Muchly appreciated.
from gumphood :
you sisters' husband is hot! I'm totalyl into live stock (comments that come back to haunt you 101)
from moonfaeryy :
FYI...Tony is a guy that I met about 4 years ago, and we recently connected again...I try really hard when I'm working US-127 to be the best that I can...glad to know someone has noticed!!! ;-)
from gumphood :
nice template. Are the comments once again non existant?
from moonfaeryy :
Hey what are you thinking about for your template? Let me know and I will see what I can do for you!! <3 Sara
from gumphood :
So you didn't like that car? How was lovers go.
from gumphood :
oh god. Bowel problems! WHY AREN'T the comments working!
from gumphood :
AHHHH YOU COMMENTS! why are their six and yet I am disallowed!
from gumphood :
Your comments are still messed up. Very good luck joining the gym. The key is even if you miss a few times, don't use that as an excuse not to go. That is all.
from gumphood :
where you comments at girl?
from myownjourney :
heya. Thanks for the "yowza". It made me laugh. So, "Yowza" right back at ya.
from gumphood :
haven't seen you update in a couple days. Whats been going on?!
from procrasto :
Saw you linked me as a favourite and swung by.... You are one funny dude... I must therefore return the compliment. Just watch that there Gumphood. Oh yah. I'm watching those videos, and trying hard to stay on my seat!!!
from gumphood :
<a href=""> Gumphood is totally flattered </a> (forgot the "a")
from gumphood :
In a wild turn of events, I become your new favorite. Write -- <href=" THE WEBSITE HERE (ex ) " > WHAT YOU WANT TO APPEAR IN YOUR DIARY (ex Gumphood is the best) </a> -- Don't forget the quotations.
from gumphood :
thanks for the compliment.
from xquzme :
Thanks, Nikita -- I've only done this like 100 times so you'd think I'd learn by now... Just so frustrating! But I will heed your advice and enter stuff in email... or word... or by hand... or any medium more stable than Diaryland... Hey -- you're my first note! Thanks! I'll remember you forever and ever amen!
from nikita84 :
Try saving your work now and then. Also select and copy what you wrote so far. I always try to do that. But sometimes i forget...and loose everything. I know, it sucks!

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