Wish you were beer...

Someday we'll look back on this, laugh nervously, and change the subject.

My favorite diaries:

JuddHole profile - diary
comments: Wonderful writer, wonderful guy. His words cause liquid to come out of some orifice almost every time -- when not, he is eloquent, introspective, touching. I heart Judd.
KristinTracy profile - diary
comments: Cuttingly clever. My kind of funny.
Sundry profile - diary
comments: One of the best. AND she loves hedgehogs and Eddy Izzard. LOVE her posts!
Chickie-Legs profile - diary
comments: Taking time from her 200th entry to send me my first comment -- and come to find out, a helluva writer to boot.
TheDailyWTF profile - diary
comments: This chick makes me spew stuff onto my keyboard.
Rickscafe profile - diary
comments: Consistenly funny. Every. Single. Time. I heart Andy.
Gumphood profile - diary
comments: Oh sweet chocolatey jesus... love this man.
rhidundantx2 profile - diary
comments: Anyone who is Queen of the dot-dot-dot is Queen in my book. Rhi rocks!
bevanandjen profile - diary
comments: Jen's a girl after my own heart. Turned me on to this: http://viritys.1g.fi/apache.mpg. Watch it. Now. RIGHT now.
ramblin-bill profile - diary
comments: Can ramble at me any old time. Great writer!
LisaRookie profile - diary
comments: Provides insightful, helpful tips on so many, MANY topics. Definitely a must-read.
Procrasto profile - diary
comments: Anyone who smokes too much and procrastinates is right up my alley. AND he speaks french. He *must* be cute.
warcrygirl profile - diary
comments: Worth a look, trust me. TRUST me, dammit! She's FUNNEEEE!
Anisettekiss profile - diary
comments: Just getting to know her, but I love what I see so far! 'Sides, anyone with a couple of guns like that and "kiss" in their name is A-OK in my book!
incredipete profile - diary
comments: Incredifunny. Also, incredihumble and introspective. His alter ego is Incredipedro.
MyOwnJourney profile - diary
comments: Funny, smart, includes tunage in his entries. What? Yeah, hot, too.
MouseMilk profile - diary
comments: Gut busting british guy -- wicked sense of humor. Bloody hell yes.
DangerSpouse profile - diary
comments: Thank you, Midge, for finding this very funny dude for me. Defnitely "extra undies" material.
BigPimpinMBA profile - diary
comments: Hella BigPimpin funny. I've gone from lurker to staulker
NoGoodDaddy profile - diary
comments: He puts his kid in a dog cage. For this I love him.
yeahimadork profile - diary
comments: No,She'sAHoot. Check her out.
moonfaeryy profile - diary
comments: Newest sweetiepie on the block.
reynedecoupe profile - diary
comments: A truly gifted writer, funny lady, and sweetheart in her own right.
goingloopy profile - diary
comments: A fellow Michigander by birth and a soulmate on the strawberrys thing.... excellent, funny writer!
twobaddogs profile - diary
comments: Love her! Some good funny shit. We share good taste in... so MANY things.
Nilliem profile - diary
comments: Another Michgander with a gift for the written gab!
clipchick profile - diary
comments: A cute newbie chicklette.
boogityx2 profile - diary
comments: Pure genius with a crayon. Especially the "Shark" series. Funny stuff.
clarity25 profile - diary
comments: On a clear day you can laugh forever....

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last updated: 2006-01-03 15:26:58
this user's total entries: 173
user since: 2004-07-09

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