messages to yaketyyak:
(click here to add new message):

from xxholding-on :
hey i saw you were online and i really wanted the vote from diaryland members towards an art contest i joined. It's a coach marketing contest and i need as many votes as i can get, please help! In addition I just wanted to say this is not spam, its self promotion and I need as much help possible. Thanks again!
from catsoul :
hi, I was wondering if I could get your password, etc so that I am able to continue to read what you write. My email is: [email protected] Thanks.... =^..^=
from singledadguy :
But you did, Yak. And like I said, if he creeped you, tell someone. BUT... think about this: What if he waited 50 minutes to apologize for making you uncomfortable? We are ALL guilty of assigning baser motives to his actions... because he is a guy. That's all I am saying. :) And if I had been there, I would have said (even though you arent) QUIT LOOKING AT MY WIFE! In hopes he would leave you alone, or just leave.

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