messages to yourcreation:
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from twinklestar8 :
LOve YA!
from djk10 :
68 days finch...68 days? you are i are all that's left on here...dont tell me i'm the ONLY one left...
from superfan99 :
hi jared. my diary is now locked because my husband has to snoop. so if you want to still read my diary please send me a password that u will remember (remember any password is safe with me) and your email address. miss ya kid. hope all is well.
from megryann :
ps-- guess you;re not still tooting my horn, huh? this isnt why you dhavent called is it? I hope youre not mad at me
from megryann :
I'm so sorry that this situation has becoem this bad for you. I hope that you can resolve this and all... call me if you need to talk. :( Ryann
from megryann :
Hope you're feeling better champ. I know something that will make you feel better!!!!..... I will be home on Tuesday!!! (and DK too, eh?) So anyhow, who can be sad in the presence of a spaz? Especially one that coined your diaryland phrase (which you have so nicely given me credit for on your little picture thingy :) Anywho...see you Tuesday.... MUAH!!!
from voicescarry :
Wow I am so sorry. We've had the same dog since I was in 2nd grade, and she's getting older and grayer and slower, I just know that it's coming...My heart goes out to you, losing a pet is the worst.
from galaxyrabbit :
i'm so sorry to hear about your dog shadow. i know exactly what you're going through. i grew up with a german shepherd, wolf, who was the heart of my house. when he died from cancer in 1996, my family and i were just broken from it. put together a photo album of shadow, and keep any condolence letters in it too. we did this with wolf and every so often we look through the album and remember him. here's a poem we keep in the album: Do not stand at my grave and weep / I am not there, I do not sleep / I am a thousand winds that blow / I am the diamond glints on snow / I am the sunlight on ripened grain / I am the gentle autum rain / Do not stand at my grave and cry / I am not there / I did not die.
from kamala :
Oh no. I have been following your diary entries for the past - well I don't even remember for how long. I hope you only locked it temporarily, but if not: good luck to you and have a beautiful, inspiring, interesting and crazy future. Cheers, S.
from megryann :
boo finch. boo to you. I dont like that last entry one bit! ANd if DK was part of it, I am mad at him too. Boys suck AT LEAST just as bad. So there.
from megryann :
Everything will be different when you come home, Finch. It will all be better. And let, many things will be gone. I felt the same way. When I got back from Japan, my mom and grandfather were dead, my best friend wasn;t my best friends anymore, and absolutely everyone seemed different, including me. And the music... yeah , all different. But you remind yourself that you are an American. Even with all the things you probably learned that make you like the place less, you have to love it more because it's yours. And I am making you something, okay? When I get back to Vegas on teh 17th, I'm gonna have a CD for you with everything you missed. Happy Thanksgiving! And keep having fun, precious. Ryann
from kamala :
Salve... I have been reading your diary for quite a while now and always enjoy it a lot. I used to live in Italy as well for some time and might go back next year, so all the names and habits you mention kind of take me back there - and I thank you for that. Ciao e divertiti! S.
from megryann :
dave eggers is one of the best comtemporary writers. He is amazing. Have fun with that book.
from megryann :
hi finchy! I can't wait to see you when you come back. I'm glad you still look at my site... isn't that a great quote? It's one of my all-time favorites.
from megryann :
I miss you Fincher. I am reading your diary and hoping you are having an amazing abroad experience. Keep on writing! ps-- my life ROCKS right now, in case you wanted to know :)
from sex-n-candy :
yeah, what the eff is with psychos? this other creep airballer2305 imed me last night and was talking all sorts of shit about me and my kids and stuff. im sure these are just people who get my screename off my diary, but, why? why!!
from megryann :
you have truly lost it now.
from megryann :
dude. was that Leia thing to me?? I am Princess Laid-ya as you know. Anyways, I wasn't sure. Miss ya! I love my famous baseball player!! DId you read that???? yay me.
from megryann :
awe.... was taht last entry about me? Just kidding!!! But did you read that TEX called me!!?? Crazy crazy. More from me later on your actual b-day!!!
from sex-n-candy :
just a note to say hello
from darkgreysky :
WWBD means what would brandon do? I would love to get your opinion on how B would drive it home with one headlight? I think he would be so stoned, he would see two of them and not know that there was anything amiss...
from darkgreysky :
Jared. Hello. I love how you express your feelings, and whoever this girl is...make sure she knows how you feel. Because I can tell you from first hand experience, I now know what it feels like to love someone with every fiber of your being and to have them never show that they give a damn about you, or care that you let her know, at least some of the stuff you write because we (girls in love) need to hear those words (with meaning behind them)every once in a while, or we feel completly worthless. And just a side note, she is very lucky that someone like you has feelings like that, that belong to her. That is all.
from cara-amore :
Aww... i have a buddy named Jared, though he thinks of me as a good buddy and nothing more... ~sigh~ Anyhou. Never stop believing in your dreams :)
from sex-n-candy :
ahhh.... jared. love, marla

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