That Buford's a sly one.


My favorite diaries:

boogabooga profile - diary
comments: HUGE BEN FAN! and taught me the joys of annoying boyfriends and also makes me believe that true love exists.
phoenixchild profile - diary
comments: phunny! i can tell she's young, but she reminds me a lot of me when i when i was younger. i hope to read her diary for years to come.
slaseniye profile - diary
comments: i'm talking to her on AIM right now! i think if i knew her in person i would be really good friends with her.
monkeywebb profile - diary
comments: old friend. i really enjoy talking to him and i wish he would write more like he talks.
sayrchan profile - diary
comments: funny but also has good stuff to say, plus she's stalking me.
aminata profile - diary
comments: sister of monkeywebb. i think it's cute how she thinks no one reads.
biensoul profile - diary
comments: if you can get on to her favorites, you should consider yourself very lucky. first of all she writes the most amazing comments for each diary, very genuine. second of all, she's a good writer and person whose opinion i value.
ask-obiwan profile - diary
comments: "God was creating women, and needed a companion for her, one that would reflect its true nature. So, God decided to make men, only his original plan was to make them like turkeys, since as we all know, men can be turkeys"
lionlikenick profile - diary
comments: She likes Ben Folds, she doesn't like Gwyneth Paltrow. She likes Fraggle Rock, but not Captain Planet (puke!). Lastly, she looooooooooooves Ewan McGregor.
stumblebee profile - diary
comments: if you're not having a good day and you need some cheering up, read this diary.
gonzostar profile - diary
comments: i'm going to relive my college days at davis through her. i hope she gets drunk a lot. heh heh, just kidding.
quinndolyn profile - diary
comments: she moved, but her new site is very cool too. and she's going to do a template for me someday! (it would probably help if i wasn't such a retard at html)
heckafresh profile - diary
comments: he's riding me to glory!
pig-snicket profile - diary
comments: great layout and a great diary. plus, she's stalking me! how exciting is that?
unluckyme profile - diary
comments: look at her layout! how could i NOT add her as a favorite? ha ha, i'm looking forward to reading this one.
leishastar profile - diary
comments: something about her reminds me of myself. maybe its the fact that she listened to "the party" in jr. high and most people don't have a clue who that is. we pretty much live opposite lives, considering she's doing the married thing
mindlesspop profile - diary
comments: i really like this diary. its got a great balance of humor and seriousness. plus, she likes ben folds!
janene profile - diary
comments: it's been a really long time since i come across a diary that i like right off the bat. but if you're looking for that, this is the one to go to.
espagnola71 profile - diary
comments: la mayoria de ustedes no la entenderan, pero gracias a dios, yo si.
citlalli31 profile - diary
comments: She reminds me of being back in the UC system in California, i like what she stands for and i like that she has the courage to write about it.
lucky-starz profile - diary
comments: rachel! see, how hip she is? she says lucky-starZ, with a "Z". that's so hip.
tirellius profile - diary
comments: how could i not add him? he likes ducks and he quotes willy wonka and the chocolate factory!
fu-fu profile - diary
comments: found him through my boyfriend. i'm pissed that i didn't find him first, now my boyfriend's going to be like "ha ha, you copied me and added fu-fu to your favorites" then i'll be all "whateva, you always copy me"
saint-louise profile - diary
comments: but ima call her "weezy" like in the jeffersons. i lub her.
cuppajoe profile - diary
comments: if you like john rocker, you'll loooove joey-joey big fat ho-ey.
marn profile - diary
comments: in a perfect world there are rolling hills, meager linen dresses and marn and me, cavorting.
raw-voice profile - diary
comments: someone who understands.
twelvebeer profile - diary
comments: if there is anyone you are looking to add to your favorites from my profile, let it be this one.
discothekid profile - diary
comments: what a kidder!
ladeeleroy profile - diary
comments: intelligent, yet texan. my interest is piqued... just kidding, leroy!
leebozeebo profile - diary
comments: pencil sharpeners confirmed his status as a favorite.
sundry profile - diary
comments: don't be fooled by her cute little exterior, she is a WILD WOMAN! i seriously should have added her ages ago.

My favorite music:

Ben Folds
comments: i plan to be wife number 4. He gets his own category.
Ozomatli, Mana, Aterciopelados, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, El Gran Silencio
comments: all this great music that reminds me of being at family reunions when i was a little girl, it also reminds me of who i am now.
Nikka Costa, Jill Scott, Kim Burrell
comments: three women who don't get the play they deserve.
Mr. T Experience, the Hi-Fives, Me First & the Gimmee-Gimmees, &Sebadoh
comments: this music makes me happy and reminds me of being in college.
comments: I can't help it, I grew up around hip-hop, I like rap, especially if it has a message. Also Ludacris, DMX, Method Man, Q-Tip, Busta Rhymes, Black Eyed Peas, and De la Soul and Public Enemy (just because i like Chuck D's messages).

My favorite movies:

comments: "HEY! I ain't no trick baby!" Reese Witherspoon rocks!
Moulin Rouge
comments: Brings out the hopeless romantic in me.
Bowling for Columbine
comments: Now did you actually believe i WOULDN'T list this movie?
comments: This movie made me laugh and cry and I think Audrey Tatou is adorable!
Raising Arizona
comments: My favoritest comedy.

My favorite authors:

Charlotte Bronte
comments: Jane Eyre is one of my favorite books ever!
Michael Moore
comments: Stupid White Men!!! Funny yet informative, made me think about things. I think that's when you know a book is really good.
William Golding
comments: Lord of the Flies and all the lost civilization, also made me think.
J.K. Rowling
comments: i'm sorry, i've given in. i am now simply another member of the flock. baaaa

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last updated: 2009-06-02 02:36:10
this user's total entries: 162
user since: 2002-03-29

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