Jake's Zen Diary

SWM �ber Yuppie. Ha, I wish.

My favorite diaries:

Weetabix profile - diary
comments: Because she's chocolate and mint and very refreshing. And the coolest chick on the web.
savecraig profile - diary
comments: And I thought I produced Zen. He makes me laugh. Every day. But then, I may be retarded
surleigh profile - diary
comments: She's not around anymore. Because she's lazy. But I list her out of habit
wicked-sezzy profile - diary
comments: We at chauffi.diaryland.com would like to utilize this space to say that Sezzy is a lovely, attractive young woman whom everyone should worship
marn profile - diary
comments: This is one seriously cool woman. Of indeterminite age.
Quoted profile - diary
comments: I've been there. Have you?
LadeeLeroy profile - diary
comments: She's like Blue Cheese, strange yet surprisingly delicious. Honest, it's a compliment.
Genghis-Jon profile - diary
comments: He's like a high pressure enema that afterwards leaves me fresh and light as a spring day.
Scanzilla profile - diary
comments: He's far too clever for his own good. Luckily he's only a robot that's really bad at chess
jonathan profile - diary
comments: Very fascinating and unusual. I'm a touch jealous on what he's done with his diary
twelvebeer profile - diary
comments: Simply, the best diaries on Diaryland.
patadrina profile - diary
comments: Damn Texas and its interesting, creative denizens. Who knew?
drowning13 profile - diary
comments: Brilliant
luvabeans profile - diary
comments: She wore a pixies t-shirt to a supper club. 'nuf said.
WilliamTells profile - diary
comments: When in doubt, William will tell. Not necessarily how it is, but rather how it should be.
secret-motel profile - diary
comments: Amazing

My favorite music:

Dead Milkmen
comments: Because God hates war. And God hates crime. But he really hates people, who color outside the lines
The Killers
comments: I've got soul but I'm not a soldier
Depeche Mode
comments: Things get damaged, thinks get broken.
New Order
comments: And the picture you see, is no portrait of me. It's too real to be shown, to someone I don't know
Postal Service
comments: I take a breath, and hold it in until there's nothing left

My favorite movies:

comments: I watched this more times than Indiana Jones when I was 7. I programmed my TI to talk. It was not pretty. Led the way to Hackers, Johnny Mnuemonic, Webmaster, and other cyber classics.
Shaun of the Dead
comments: I don't need to justify this, but if you haven't seen it, then do.
comments: I blame this Saturday morning cartoon for my geekness. I wanted to be Roy Fauker until he died. Then I wanted to be Min Mei, uhm, no, RICK. Rick Hunter. I don't know where that came from.
Joe vs. The Volcano
comments: Taught me the value of good luggage and Meg Ryan cubed. With fava beans and a nice chianti
The Ref
comments: Wholesome family bonding movie. Perfect for viewing with Aging Relatives during the Holidays. Or anyone who's ever recieved Slipper Socks, Medium for a gift.

My favorite authors:

Christopher Moore
comments: I wish that I could write this well. In these comment boxes especially.
Chuck Palahniuck
comments: Yes, he wrote Fight Club. But he also wrote Invisible Monsters, for which I'm grateful
Bret Easton Ellis
comments: I wish I grew up in the '80s. Wait, I did. I just don't mine alienation like he can
Kurt Vonnegit
comments: Such a strange mind. I love his work, but he'd probably piss me off in real life
John Irving
comments: Keep passing the open windows.

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last updated: 2007-07-30 00:41:13
this user's total entries: 724
user since: 2001-08-17

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