Ethel Alcohol

What I'd like you to know about me? That I'm unquestionably brilliant, wickedly funny, generous to a fault, and a fine physical specimen of feminine loveliness but since I suppose you want to know the truth I'll just say that I've never been convicted of a crime, I'm kind to animals, no one's run screaming from the sight of me and all my friends are good people so I suppose I might be one too.

About my name...I know what you're saying, "With a name like Ethel Alcohol she must be a lush, sucking down the liquor like lungfish" - Okay you didn't say that but who's writing this, you or me?

Actually I don't drink all that much, its just that when I do...well let's just say...Hilarity ensues.

My favorite diaries:

Mrs-Roboto profile - diary
comments: My inspiration
monkeyface.diar profile - diary
Soapbox Diner profile - diary
comments: The fabulous SBD also designed my template
CitizenJane profile - diary
comments: She's got great taste in music and everything else
polly-esther profile - diary
comments: Vegas, baby!
GoFish profile - diary
comments: I so want to be her
peachykeen.diar profile - diary profile - diary
comments: A great pick me up
jjslair profile - diary
in-my-life profile - diary profile - diary
cryondemand profile - diary
FancyLady profile - diary
comments: She's got style and sass!
Heidiann profile - diary
comments: wicked sense of humor
theShivers profile - diary
comments: Fabulous writer, fabulous friend!
allmadhere profile - diary
kitten65 profile - diary
comments: We have a lot in common - including an ex

My favorite music:

Amy Rigby
Bottle Rockets
Lucinda Williams
Kasey Chambers
Hoodoo Gurus

My favorite movies:

Anything by Hitchcock
comments: Hitch is my favorite filmmaker of all time (excluding the one who shares my bed)
Harold and Maude
comments: Best, Weirdest, Funniest love story ever! Black comedy is an art from
Being There
comments: Peter Sellers at his best
comments: Koyanisqatsi is more political, Baraka more tranquil - both are stunningly beautiful feats of cinematography
The Thin Man Series
comments: They make alcoholism hot!

My favorite authors:

Tom Robbins
comments: Brilliant, funny, insightful - I learn more factual info from his books than texts of history
Tim Sandlin
comments: Wickedly funny
Christopher Moore
comments: Read Lamb - just do it, you'll thank me later
Flannery O'Connor
comments: Best (female) short story writer of the 20th century - possibly ever
Tiffanie DeBartolo
comments: God Shaped Hole - her first novel - was funny, touching and heartbreaking. Can't wait for her next book.

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last updated: 2005-10-24 17:15:51
this user's total entries: 331
user since: 2002-11-05

AOL IM name: MsEthelAlcohol
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