kelly is so sexy

This is my diary. It is a complete secret, so naturally, everyone knows about it. I have been journaling here for over eight years now. Scary.

My favorite diaries:

suave profile - diary
comments: old skool d*lander
snowy profile - diary
comments: friend and hero.
frank profile - diary
comments: old skool d*lander, i still call her "the kid"
bento profile - diary
comments: i live for bento sightings.
evangeline profile - diary
comments: hero of music and motion.
argentum profile - diary
comments: friend and hero.
sushipig profile - diary
comments: and the sushipiglet too!
sabbydarling profile - diary
comments: kindred spirit. one of my best friends.
tenderpoison profile - diary
comments: old skool d*lander. it's kat!
hibiscus101 profile - diary
comments: old skool d*lander! it's nice to see the familiar faces still here. there are so few!
miedema2002 profile - diary
comments: a new d*land friend:)

My favorite music:

Backstreet Boys
comments: sex on ten legs.
comments: fanfuckingtastic!
Tegan and Sara
comments: i want a girlfriend who plays the guitar
comments: i just wanna put him in my pocket and take him home.
Willa Ford
comments: i wanna be her.

My favorite movies:

Auntie Mame
comments: The 1958 version kicks ass, can't wait to see the 2004 remake staring Cher.
Drop Dead Fred
Tank Girl
The Secret Garden

My favorite authors:

Anne McCaffrey
comments: there's not a book that's she's written that i haven't fallen in love with
Anne Rice
comments: 'tell me how bad i am, it makes me feel so good.'
Patricia Cornwell
comments: Kay Scarpetta is so's hard to beleeve she's just a character in a book.
Thomas Harris
comments: If you don't know who this guy is...find out.
Robert Jordan
comments: Second only to Anne McCaffery in my list of favorites but they both write in different genres.

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diaries which list kelly as a favorite diary
last updated: 2009-08-15 10:34:52
this user's total entries: 6248
user since: 1999-10-20

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ICQ number: 5671111 call pizza pizza!
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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