if i could talk to myself like i was someone else...

I kill people in this hat.

I'm Stacie. I'm 19. I'm in my fourth semester of college, and alternately hating/loving every minute of it. Sometimes I'm crazy, sometimes I'm shy, sometimes I'm probably terribly annoying. I don't have too many friends. My life is changing in a lot of ways right now. Hopefully good things will come of it.

My current obsessions include:

Ryan Adams and his insane sexiness, The OC, Thursday, ee cummings, and apple juice

Thank you and have a nice day!

My favorite diaries:

sk1ttles profile - diary
comments: this is nikki, aka the other krammy. because i am also krammy. see?
unclebob profile - diary
comments: who doesn't love uncle bob???
usinclair profile - diary
comments: i dunno who he is....but it's humorous
mishmelia profile - diary
comments: we are eerily similar! and she loves conor! therefore she rocks...
mansonwookie profile - diary
comments: it's daniel!!!!!!!!! ohhh he's my buddy yep
andrew profile - diary
comments: it's andrew duhhh
rivaldi22 profile - diary
comments: it's my lil brother.....hmm
punkdude1 profile - diary
comments: this is kenny. woohahhhh....go here and check out mr. cool hat...it's well worth it
thisisvague profile - diary
comments: he was kind enough to speak to me on aim! and also...he likes bright eyes, which, as you know, means he rocks (just like me)
lesslikemath profile - diary
comments: it's my diary for my writing stuffs...woo
erinjadem profile - diary
comments: ooo it's erin

My favorite music:

bright eyes
comments: there is no truth, there is only you and what you make the truth
comments: so often we form communities, only to use them as exclusionary devices
comments: just like all i loved, i'm make-believe. imagined heart, i disappear. seems no one will appear here and make me real...
comments: i know it can seem like a lot. that's why i pay someone to clean it up.
sigur ros
comments: boysetsfire, taking back sunday, incubus, vaux, something corporate, third eye blind, ryan adams, coheed and cambria, radiohead, coldplay, postal service, brand new, nin, straylight run, elliot smith

My favorite movies:

this is spinal tap
comments: \m/ pants-wetting funny!
comments: sic transit gloria...glory fades. i'm max fischer.
the lord of the rings
comments: they're all beautiful.
slc punk
comments: we are all posers. it's true.
pirates of the caribbean
comments: johnny depp in eyeliner.

My favorite authors:

howard zinn
comments: i love people who feel the same way i do plus have the brains to back it up
jd salinger
comments: holden caulfield is cool. i don't know why.
jrr tolkien
comments: i think the lord of the rings is the most interesting book i've ever read.
jt leroy
comments: wow.
ee cummings
comments: blows my mind.

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last updated: 2007-10-10 15:38:23
this user's total entries: 436
user since: 2002-12-19

AOL IM name: woundedmarigold5
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: young_urban_psychopath
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