I May be in my own Little World, But here I'm Queen!

I am just a young woman who is trying hard to pick up the pieces of my life. I have left all that I have known and moved 1,000 miles away from it. I hated myself, but everyone love me, even those who hated me. I had always shown the right attitude, but never treated myself good. Come join me for a ride through my past and present. I am not sure if I want to send you through my future just yet. Together we can see if my big change will make me happy. Can this be what I needed to get everything that I want?

My favorite diaries:

annatto profile - diary
comments: This chicks the reason why I started this up. I only wish we were the same age and from the same area. Me and my friends would have loved her like family. We would have all related to her.
violetanne profile - diary
comments: She just has such a cute little diary.
prowlingleo profile - diary
comments: She's my sister
mommymartin profile - diary
comments: check her out, She so honest she's sweet, and so are her entries.
gumphood profile - diary
comments: Man you have to check out his Links!!!
black-tulip- profile - diary
comments: I feel so comforted when I read her diary. I wonder why?
Lemonteaser profile - diary
comments: I love chatting with her!!!

My favorite music:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Soundtrack
comments: Any band off this CD I would go see in concert. This compilation of great music always takes me away from reality I don't feel like dealing with
comments: Guilty pleasue: I love to rock out to these vintage bitches, along with most eighties music
Spice Girls
comments: I owe them so much for so little. Hey in my life a little goes a long way
comments: Live, Limp, Luna, ... I listen to anything, there's too much to list!
Most Girl Bands
comments: Hole, Veruca Salt, The Breeders, The Donnas, Letter's to Cleo. They are all very good, (not all are entirely female). I'm into girl power. I love anything and everything from DMX to INXS.

My favorite movies:

The Breakfast Club
comments: I am a John Hughes junkie and no matter what I can watch this movie on a permeanant loop all day, week, month, long.
Stand by Me
comments: I can't explain why I love this movie soooooo much but I just can't wait to make my kids watch it in the future.
Dirty Dancing
comments: Anyone who was my age when this movie came out, will agree it is the most romantic love story of all time.
The Princess Bride
comments: My Favorite comedy, the only close one would be TOP SECRET! That is still nowhere close to how funny I think ,"Inconceivable" is.
Any Vin Diesel Movie
comments: I don't feel I need to ellaborate on this, and I know that some of them suck.

My favorite authors:

V.C. Andrews
comments: Guilty Pleasure: I love her books! They are awfully good.
James Patterson
comments: he's got it going on.
R.L. Stine
comments: More when I was twelve, but I probably read the most of his books throughout the years.
Stephen King
comments: I actually like his non-horror stuff better. I mean you know without the monster, except for "IT" I am sooooo scared of that book and movie. All the way until the end.
Anne Rice
comments: I am a fan of everything Vampire!

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last updated: 2005-07-31 10:49:11
this user's total entries: 207
user since: 2002-07-17

AOL IM name: Crayoff5
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Yahoo Messenger name: crayoff
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