The Private Story of a Blue Nuisance

Don't ask me. I don't know what the name means either.

Just moved to Portland. Things are a little rocky right now.

My favorite diaries:

unclebob profile - diary
comments: The kingpin.
trancejen profile - diary
comments: I used to live in Chicago. She still does, only she's a better writer and more interesting than I ever was.
splorch profile - diary
comments: It's me, only a better writer. Well, and Republican. But she's still cool.
weetabix profile - diary
comments: can I tell you how much she rocks? If you don't know already, you should.
cmkern3 profile - diary
comments: I like her. A lot. But she appears to have gone on hiatus. Where'd you go?
moviegrrl profile - diary
comments: Awesome. And English! So she says things like "trainers" and "jumper".
lizardspace profile - diary
comments: HIGHlarious. And good writing. And did I mention the funny?
ladeeleroy profile - diary
comments: Hee. Just, hee. And some hee thrown in for good measure.

My favorite music:

comments: Sad so sad that whatshisname is dead.
Bloodhound Gang
comments: Badass fun.
comments: Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is addictive. Seriously.

My favorite movies:

comments: Magical, effervescent, giggly, lyrical.
comments: Mind fuck.
LA Confidential
comments: Mind fuck, originally.
Good Will Hunting
comments: shut up
comments: I can watch this anywhere, anywhen.

My favorite authors:

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diaries which list bluenuisance as a favorite diary
last updated: 2003-04-11 05:24:03
this user's total entries: 118
user since: 2002-05-28

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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