el mundo secreto de la castigada

Soy la castigada. I pray for deliverance in the last pew of the emptied church, my palms shaking with remembered concupiscence. The rest of the time, I wait tables at a greasy spoon. I am due�a of the downcast face, the visage los hombres know but cannot quite place. Don't order the pie.

My favorite diaries:

inarticulate profile - diary
comments: Superlative domestic drama, written by a pro.
oneblackbird profile - diary
comments: Fan-fucking-tastic. Every entry a gift.
hodgson profile - diary
comments: �What an imagination this pocho has on him!
midnighthope profile - diary
comments: Dean's list and drag queens and bull whips, �oh my!
throcky profile - diary
comments: I wish she were my mother. Or writing coach. Or both. I need the aura of respectability she conveys.
riatsala profile - diary
comments: "I am like a great coffee: the lively sparkle on the palate is acidity." (true!) "Unlike coffee, however, I inspire not so much addiction as surfeit, followed by total abstinence." (false, false, false!)
sooner profile - diary
comments: Snarky!
fleeting-gem profile - diary
comments: Hell Ay in a fake Prada handbasket
itrymybest profile - diary
comments: ... and she has natural talent, to boot.
rampion profile - diary
comments: Good times. Good times.
jessicam profile - diary
comments: Two words: lubricious glue
espagnola71 profile - diary
comments: Habla castellano!
waterstain profile - diary
comments: "now 20% better than spontaneously combusting"
in-my-life profile - diary
comments: Never-prosaic prose.
insilico profile - diary
comments: Still the sharpest tool in the shed.
theshivers profile - diary
comments: Because I can't stop.
eyesonthesky profile - diary
comments: Riqu�sima.
la-the-sage profile - diary
comments: I love LA!
autumnal profile - diary
comments: Stunning.
troilus profile - diary
comments: The Norton Anthology of Diarylandia.
floor-corn profile - diary
comments: I am entertained!
mawm profile - diary
comments: Because she's a lot like someone else I know
lady-pilot profile - diary

My favorite music:

Juanita Reina
comments: Charles Nelson Reilly on estrogen.
Los Panchos
comments: These guys are (were) great, especially if you like boleros, which Eydie Gorme and I do.
Elvis Costello
comments: Meandering melodies and bitterly clever, if meaningless, lyrics
comments: Cheaper than hypnosis, and much more fun!

My favorite movies:

Now, Voyager
comments: Bette Davis is transcendent in this otherwise poorly acted melodrama.
All About Eve
comments: I have a secret thing for George Sanders. Well, at least it used to be a secret. Another Bette Davis triumph!
comments: Neuron-tangling fun!
House of Games
comments: More twists and turns than the Kama Sutra.
Pride and Prejudice
comments: The Colin Firth version, claro! This is a cheap, if time-consuming analgesic.

My favorite authors:

Martin Amis
comments: I'm thinking Time's Arrow here, not London Fields, etc.
John Barth
comments: Metafiction with a heart of gold.
A.S. Byatt
comments: Runs circles around her sister Margaret.

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last updated: 2004-09-08 02:37:14
this user's total entries: 136
user since: 2002-01-08

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