My Great Big Turnip in the Country.

It's my Great Big Turnip in the Country. What more do you need to know? This is my life-long dream.

My favorite diaries:

sukilicious profile - diary
comments: My private aesthetician and personal shopper. She is SO ME. SO ME. I mean, I am SO HER. SO HER. I mean, we are SO BRIDGET JONES. SO BRIDGET JONES.
loudwoman profile - diary
comments: My mentor in the proper use of the 'breathless with glee' face.
waxpop profile - diary
comments: Laughs in the face of conventional morality even when fate vomits repeatedly on her eiderdown. Believes in Pandas.
storyoflo profile - diary
comments: No, I fire people for a living. Ring a bell...?
puppetjerk profile - diary
comments: Doesn't like slow-loading pictures of pies. Perfect in every other way.
hausfrau profile - diary
comments: Head of the European chapter of our movement.
kungfukitten profile - diary
comments: Her diary wins my most enthusiastic contrafibulations.
pillydivine profile - diary
comments: The sweetest of furmommies.
eyesonthesky profile - diary
comments: President of the NKOTB fan club.
itrymybest profile - diary
comments: Kicked ass on her exams. And now she'll have "famous titties" for $200, Alex.
falla profile - diary
comments: I want to be a crazy old cat lady. And marry the Leprechaun, of course.
sirawesome profile - diary
comments: heh
squara profile - diary
comments: A wonderful person who steals things. Like 'R's.
castigada profile - diary
comments: I don't make her feel like a withered old crone! :thumbs-up!:
sherekhali profile - diary
comments: permanent hiatus

My favorite music:

comments: I almost went to see Corky Romano, just because they used "Take on Me" in the preview.
Stephen Sondheim
comments: I know, not a band.
comments: A musical, not a band.
"Local Hero"
comments: A soundtrack, NOT A BAND.
Mr. Rogers' operas
comments: When is the DVD version of "Swans and Beavers" coming out? :( :( :(

My favorite movies:

comments: Jane Austen done right, and with a smashing Royal Shakespeare cast to boot.
comments: The ultimate Christmas fairy tale. And it references Babar. What more could you want?
The Great Mouse Detective
comments: A sleuth named Basil, Victorian England, and a musical number with a slutty stripper mouse. Perfection? I think so.
Star Wars
comments: The version without all the new-fangled digital bells and whistles and Jabba cameos.
Empire Records
comments: I don't feel the need to explain my art to you, Warren.

My favorite authors:

Dornford Yates
comments: A total fascist, prone to falling into melodramatic descriptions of scenery and girls, but his dialogue makes me weep with laughter.
Lemony Snicket
comments: Formulaic and innovative all at once.
A.S. Byatt
comments: "The Royal Tenenbaums" made me not hate Gwyneth Paltrow anymore, so maybe the movie version of "Possession" won't suck. Regardless, READ THE BOOK!
Ezra Jack Keats
comments: The colors in "The Snowy Day" are so vivid I just want to lick the pages.
Anne McCaffrey
comments: I always thought I would have a dragon of my own by this point in my life. :(

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last updated: 2006-07-19 21:18:37
this user's total entries: 298
user since: 2001-11-06

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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