The Black Strappy Shoes Diaries

I am 24 and really sick of waiting to be an adult... this is my life...

My favorite diaries:

apothecary profile - diary
comments: I've been reading and cracking up at him since day one. My fave.
pharmaben profile - diary
comments: A fellow Nashvillian who has interesting and funny entries
jumpiedave profile - diary
comments: A South Carolinian who keeps me updated on the palmetto state and on the destructiveness of living in Myrtle Beach.
hobbes777 profile - diary
comments: I'm hooked... great, honest writing.. you should check it out.
buckeye25 profile - diary
comments: A Bizzaro-world me... very cool.
Weedabeast profile - diary
comments: He's smart, witty and he keeps malt liquor stocked in his fridge... what more could you ask?
BeerBongHits profile - diary
comments: Good Stuff. Not unlike a beer bong, itself.

My favorite music:

comments: "I've been walking for too long, drag my feet like everyone. Always wanted to run away, but I walk slowly around. I walk slowly around."
comments: "Our love is all god's money."
The Long Winters
comments: "You put all your hope in my slim chance... I didn't know I had."
comments: "I was outside looking in.. you made me live again."
comments: "If they could have held all that you said... in their densely mitten packed cold, then words would have fallen out come Spring like spoons and pistols and pots and pans and train wrecks and splitshots and marching bands."

My favorite movies:

Lost in Translation
comments: I don't have to travel to Japan to feel like that. I feel that way sometimes sitting at home on my couch.
Dead Poets Society
comments: Everyone hopes to get an English teacher like this one day.. or any teacher for that matter...
The Godfather
comments: ... (no comment needed)
The Royal Tenenbaums
comments: I have seen this movie about 17 times and crack up everytime. Gene Hackman is brilliant in this movie.
Moonlight Mile
comments: A new favorite.

My favorite authors:

William Faulkner
comments: "This here's a cold night to be laying around on the wet ground without nothing under you but a thin gal."
Walker Percy
comments: "If I had the choice of knowing the truth or searching for the truth, I'd take the search."
John Updike
comments: "Most of American life is driving somewhere and then driving back wondering why the hell you went."
Ernest Hemingway
comments: "No, he thought, when everything you do, you do too long, and do too late, you can't expect to find the people still there. The people are all gone. The party's over and you are with your hostess now."
James Joyce
comments: "To live, to err, to fall, to triumph, to recreate life out of life!"

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last updated: 2006-03-30 16:17:36
this user's total entries: 317
user since: 2001-11-08

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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