Oh bloody hell!

I'm Kym, 19 from Manchester, UK. Love Buffy, Lord of the Rings, Stargate SG-1, Silverchair and my friends. Read about my uni life and the troubles of me and my mates. Makes for boring reading. So dont bother.

My favorite diaries:

trickstyle profile - diary
comments: My good friend from Manchester, makes me laugh
fireferret profile - diary
the-ordinary profile - diary
comments: Hilarious
urban-faerie profile - diary
corin-nemec profile - diary
comments: My best friend. I love Rachel so much!
sweetmeanie profile - diary
swtskittle87 profile - diary
threthiel profile - diary
lyzz13 profile - diary
psidon profile - diary
comments: random and occasionally hilarious
luityler profile - diary
kimmie profile - diary
comments: Also called Kim and from Manchester who likes Buffy. Quite scary actually!
lotrsisters profile - diary
comments: my siblings
amikins2001 profile - diary
comments: has the best layout in the universe!
vix280 profile - diary
comments: scary in the USA!
gracile profile - diary

My favorite music:

Sarah McLachlan
comments: I love this woman.
comments: I grew up with this band!
comments: I love them, Daniel's voice is amazing
Snake River Conspiracy
comments: Not usually my thing, but love this band.
comments: He rules. As do House of Pain. I love 'Love For Real'

My favorite movies:

Bowling For Columbine
comments: Legend, Dark Crystal, Willow, The Princess Bride
Lord of the Rings
comments: Fellowship and Two Towers
comments: Silence of the Lambs, Manhunter
Sleepy Hollow
comments: Nightmare Before Xmas, Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands. Tim Burton rules.

My favorite authors:

Bill Bryson
comments: EVERYONE! Buy his books! He is one of the funniest people ever!
J.R.R Tolkien
comments: Lord of the Rings. Enough said.
Jane Austen
comments: I love her. All of her books.
Stephen King
comments: 'The Stand' is excellent.
Thomas Harris
comments: Fantastic reading. Engrossed with all of them.

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last updated: 2005-06-29 18:25:13
this user's total entries: 0
user since: 2001-08-29

AOL IM name:
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: cowgirl_kim_uk
MSN Messenger name: kimberleystout

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