It's not a secret if it's online

Dailycake is not only a screen name, it's a way of life... No! I seriously believe that a piece of cake a day (screw the apple!) is the way to a long and happy life.

My favorite diaries:

hotelrats profile - diary
comments: Jenny and Jon DID America... one performance at a time. Those SLUTS!!!
redniko profile - diary
comments: Love IS a greased starving weasel.
side-b profile - diary
comments: i'll never tell
lady4eyes profile - diary
comments: Calloo Callay!! don't know her... but i could love her. or maybe it's just that she's into dramaturgy and books and basketball and travel and...
actualeyes profile - diary
comments: Actually... yeah.
katsigh profile - diary
comments: Jeepers creepers, where'd you get them peepers?!
tet profile - diary
occupied profile - diary
comments: post reading has left me pre-occupied. Plus... Kate's just great.
silentspace profile - diary
comments: i like her. i mean, do i have to say something wannabe-witty about ALL of my picks?
mood-muse profile - diary
comments: this afternoon i started having little conversations with people in my head, telling them not to speak to me as though i were a complete idiot, because i'm not.
luckyrabbit profile - diary
comments: *rabbitsan wa kawaii desu. <- he's more than kawaii but i'm really short on adjectives.
and-then profile - diary
comments: (smiles) i like that she lets me keep her.
CaptainRon profile - diary
comments: Ahoy there matey!
greytanit profile - diary
comments: if you would let me. i would walk with you.
euphoria21 profile - diary
comments: (smiles) she has informed me that there is a certain etiquette involved with being a muse. that... and she's copywritten her own saying.
meg21 profile - diary
comments: I WANT MEG BACK. I WANT MEG! BACK. I! WANT! MEG! BACK!!!!!! ... i'm holding my breath.
raw-voice profile - diary
gratuitous profile - diary
dasvifaba profile - diary
comments: yaaaaaaaaaaay kate!
glitterkick profile - diary

My favorite music:

Tori Amos
comments: "You bet your life it is! O Hunny, you bet your life!"
Billie Holiday
comments: Nina Simone, Ella Fitgerald, Sarah Vaughan
The Doors
comments: Opened up a window to my soul (tehehe!)/ Dave Matthews Band "Lovely lady, I am at your feet. Oh god! I want you so badly!"
Indigo Girls
comments: "I come to you with strange fire..."/ Tracy Chapman "Remembering: your touch, your kiss, your warm embrace..."/ Prince "Everytime I comb my hair thoughts of you get in my eyes."
Ani DiFranco
comments: "Both hands, I use both hands. Oh now, don't close your eyes..."

My favorite movies:

Being John Malkovich
comments: "Suck my dick!" <-Cameron Diaz // Happiness: "I am champagne and you are shit."
The Red Violin
comments: The Piano, Shine, Amadeus
Steel Magnolias
comments: "Hit Weezer!"////The Wizard of oz, "I'll get you my pretty!"
But I'm a Cheerleader!
comments: "1,2,3,4 I won't take no anymore! 5,6,7,8 I want you for my mate!" <-- or something like that.
Gia/Hackers/Girl Interrupted/Gone in 60 Seconds...
comments: uhm... Angelina Jolie

My favorite authors:

Toni Morrison
comments: Alice Walker, Zora Neale Hurston, Gwendolyn Brooks
Nikki Giovanni
comments: Sonia Sanchez, Saul Williams, ee cummings, Pablo Neruda, William Blake, Sandra Cisneros
Anais Nin
comments: Cecilia Tan, Audre Lorde

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last updated: 2004-09-22 12:12:20
this user's total entries: 463
user since: 2001-11-12

AOL IM name: Dailycake
ICQ number: 152056609
Yahoo Messenger name:
MSN Messenger name: Andi

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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