
Overheard conversation between a 7 year old and her dad:

Girl: Dad, can Airplanes land on Clouds?

Dad: No, clouds are just mist, like steam after you take a shower.

Airplanes fly right through them.

Girl: But, then, where does God sit?

Dad: ...........?

My favorite diaries:

blangy profile - diary
comments: My Love!
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comments: Without a doubt, one of the best writers on the web.
meyerlemons profile - diary
comments: The best Meyer lemon website on the web!
mylemons profile - diary
comments: All my favorite meyer lemon recipes!
rickscafe profile - diary
comments: This one's worth keeping an eye on.
dangerspouse profile - diary
comments: I gotta keep an eye on this one!

My favorite music:

The Rolling Stones
comments: Miss You
Nellie Furtado
comments: Trynna Finda Way
Nina Simone
comments: Mood Indigo
Ella Fitzgerald
comments: Ella in Berlin: Mack the Knife
Ray Charles
comments: Hit the Road Jack

My favorite movies:

Citizen Cane
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
How to Marry a Millionaire
To Have and Have Not
American Beauty

My favorite authors:

F. Scott Fitgerald
comments: The Great Gatsby has to be the best book ever written! As twisted as I am...I grew up wishing I could be the Great Gatsby....and throw those lavish parties, looking on from afar...
Bill Bryson
comments: In a Sunburned Country
Rachael Maines
comments: The Technology of Orgasm
Rory Nugent
comments: The Search for the Pink-Headed Duck
Lieve Joris
comments: Mali Blues

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last updated: 2016-03-10 22:38:15
this user's total entries: 1168
user since: 2002-03-19

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