Life and Times of Emiloo

I will kick your ass at Jeopardy!

My favorite diaries:

luxolive profile - diary
comments: Favorite line: "I am such an asshole." Ha!
amblus profile - diary
comments: Sock monkeys and Office Space! Who could ask for more?
smartypants profile - diary
comments: this woman is funny as hell. "Total Stranger X did not tip his derby to me as I entered the streetcar, and on Maundy Thursday no less, I believe he is not a gentleman, I shall not invite him to the card-party."
mayapple profile - diary
comments: Yay! She is my Knoxville Star.
emmarae profile - diary
comments: A Nashville gal, like me!
thetexan profile - diary
comments: He "does computers" and kicks all kinds of ass.
allinicole profile - diary
comments: Makes me want to be a teacher because she NEVER has to go to WORK.
clio79 profile - diary
comments: Hey, you! I know you, I know you! What's up in Vera Bradley land?
madamepierce profile - diary
comments: The sausage is good.
forty-plus profile - diary
comments: really cool lady with a lovely writing style
nimiiwin profile - diary
comments: Now I know someone from Kalamazoo. And, she's a fellow grammar freak!
fargahar profile - diary
comments: Dane Cook = HOTTT; Hildi Santo-Tomas = from the bowels of hell.
hulabelly profile - diary
comments: "I just suffered through "Delilah" by Tom Jones. It was painful, and I think Delilah would have been pretty happy to be dead. Who made THAT guy a sex icon, anyway? "
freshhell profile - diary
lizabee profile - diary
loriebug profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: This is my husband's band, true, but I would like them even if I weren't married to the bass player.
Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers
comments: They can do no wrong, really.
the Beatles
comments: I like angsty British rock right now.

My favorite movies:

This is Spinal Tap
comments: "These go to eleven."
Somewhere in Time
comments: Aww!! I can't help it. So sweet!
All Christopher Guest "mock-umentaries"
Crappy action films, like Knockoff with Jean Claude VanDamme. Ha!

My favorite authors:

William Faulkner
comments: This guy is kicking my ass in the thesis department, but I still love him.
Jane Austen
comments: It really doesn't get much better than Pride and Prejudice or Mansfield Park
Virginia Woolf
Patricia Cornwell
comments: The Scarpetta books are my favorite light reading.

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last updated: 2007-01-19 16:43:33
this user's total entries: 202
user since: 2003-02-27

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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