like asia argento on lsd

The least diaryland could have done when my gold membership expired is let me take down that annoying red "x". Damn you, Diaryland, damn you to hell!!!

My favorite diaries:

beagle47 profile - diary
glorycloud profile - diary
talkin-blues profile - diary
jozkajozka profile - diary
evilgal profile - diary
x-ray-specs profile - diary
shantygirl profile - diary
spocksex profile - diary
lyra85 profile - diary
ursamajor profile - diary
sternchen profile - diary
misstrish profile - diary
quatros profile - diary
djjohns3 profile - diary
popekessler profile - diary
mattmagus profile - diary
zemphera profile - diary

My favorite music:

current 93
comments: I'm seeing them in Toronto in June
comments: this is hardcore
nick cave
comments: does the best concerts ever
afghan whigs
comments: altho' they've moved onto other things, I still listen to them incessantly
comments: psychopharmacology is going to save your soul...

My favorite movies:

b. monkey
comments: asia argento at her finest
Girl Interrupted
comments: I'm a sucker for any movie that takes place in a mental institution
twin peaks
comments: it's happening...again.
ghost world
comments: one of the best comic book movies out there
Office Space
comments: Thankfully, this is no longer my life

My favorite authors:

comments: the feeling of beauty is conditioned upon the belief that our experience is real
comments: I will not despair on a boat, I will not despair on a moat
comments: You can't step in the same river twice
Robert Anton Wilson
comments: Quantum Psychology
Kay Redfield Jamison
comments: incredibly engaging, sensitive and insightful writings on mood disorders

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last updated: 2004-05-21 16:40:25
this user's total entries: 7
user since: 2002-10-12

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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