Just a girl's theme song...

Hi, my name is Beth.

I often talk about something called "giant killing". This is where you set a goal for yourself and try and achieve it. The goal is your giant- kinda like David and Goliath in the Bible. My giant is to organize a mission trip to Slovakia.

I help out a lot around the house, but I love it. As soon as I'm done with that, I plan on going to college and majoring in child psychology.<p><p>

Anyway, I am just a girl who loves people and loves simple things. Please treat me with love and respect and I will do the same.

I adore music; I sing all the time. While I am cooking, in the shower, doing my hair and even brushing my teeth. I love chocolate, and swimming. I want to marry a guy who loves God with all his heart. I love writing, even though I don't write a deep meaningful entry every day.

Anyway, I love notes, guestbook signings and e-mails! I love to hear how your day went, so if you ever just want to talk go ahead and do it.<p>

I love the people on my buddy list below, and I can honestly say that I take time to read their entries every time they update. Just know that if your on my list your a really interesting and cool person.

My favorite diaries:

ChristianBoi profile - diary
comments: Aaron-Micheal is a great Christian guy. I read his diary because it REALLY encourages me.
Juli-Anne profile - diary
comments: Jules is one of the nicest people. Ever. She has been through a lot that I respect her for, and she is always looking to better herself.
Mojo1915 profile - diary
comments: Jesse. He's another Christian. I read his diary because he is just interesting. And he helped me realize some things about my spiritual life that needed a change.
Sahera profile - diary
comments: Her name is Sarah. I feel inferior to her:) She is SO intelligent and very poetic. I just love her.
ChikyBlonde profile - diary
comments: I actually don't know what her real name is. Which is funny, because I read her all the time. She is just an all-around good person. I don't think she gives herself enough credit. She's also a great designer. Go Chiky Blonde!
SaneTwin profile - diary
comments: Betty is just one of those people that you wish you could know in real life. She is fantastic, pretty, sweet, intelligent- she doesn't give herself enough credit. I think she looks like Lisa Loeb. In fact, I'd love to look like her.
Eowynne profile - diary
comments: Eowynne is my buddy- I love her. She is so smart. She really gets it on the politics things. We also live in the same state. Viva, WA! Or not, you liberal, liberal state.
Cutie1083 profile - diary
comments: She just rocks.
Eowyn86 profile - diary
comments: Laura and I have like- EVERYTHING in common. It's crazy. She is so fun. She reminds me of Chickie-Legs a little bit, which is funny because they are nothing alike. She's so cool.
IHaveDreads profile - diary
comments: Steve. Okay, so his name isn't really Steve but he reminds me of a Steve. Hmm. Hi, Steve!
MyOwnJourney profile - diary
comments: Rick. Now he's a smart one- I just adore his diary. He reminds me of me- only if I were a tad bit older and a dude. That's a funny thought...
Dark-Twilite profile - diary
comments: I did a review for her...She is so grand. I suppose I'll change her comment when I know more about her, other than the fact that she has a GREAT taste in music.
Chickie-Legs profile - diary
comments: Beth, Beth, Beth. What can I say about Beth? My name is Beth. Firstly, I think that's the coolest thing in the world. Secondly, she is so dang funny. I love her. Not in a weird way that is.
MeganWaits profile - diary
comments: Megan is really interesting. I don't even know her, but I always feel like I'm hearing from an old friend when I read her diary.
LightMyTorch profile - diary
comments: Anyone who leaves me notes all the time (especially when they are long) get's a special place on my buddy list. And my heart. Yay Jason! Your the sweetest. Or something.
Phasers2Stun profile - diary
comments: I reviewed her diary, and I adore her! She rocks. Seriously. Hard.

My favorite music:

comments: "You people scare me; please stay away from my home; if you don't wanna get me down; just leave the presents and let me be alone" *snickers* (they get their own category)
Weird Emo Rock
comments: The Ataris, Dashboard Confessional, The All-American Rejects, Switchfoot
comments: Billy Idol, Blondie, U2, Cindy Lauper, Duran Duran, etc.,
comments: Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, 38th Paralell, Newsboys etc.,
comments: Lisa Loeb, Martina McBride, Tim McGraw, Kenny Chesney,

My favorite movies:

comments: "The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. "
comments: "Anyways, you need people of intelligence on this sort of... mission... quest... thing. "
The Princes Bride
comments: "It's going to take a miracle"
Benny and Joon
comments: "You're out of your tree"..."it's not my tree"
The Village
comments: "Don't let them in..."

My favorite authors:

comments: What can I say? He is the author of my faith.
J.K. Rowling
comments: Alright, I admit it...I read Harry Potter addictively.
Roald Dahl
comments: Hellooo- The Big Friendly Giant is SO a classic
Carolyn Keene
Dante Alighieri
comments: Inferno is the only half-way normal thing I've read in the past month. I'm too depressed to read anything that's not happy. Sad.

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last updated: 2005-12-29 15:17:11
this user's total entries: 188
user since: 2004-05-13

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