You WILL believe in idiocy..

I am an eternal lad. Think Peter Pan, but less androgyny & a lot less green.

My favorite diaries:

breakfastaco profile - diary
comments: She is one of the best things on earth. And there are not many.
old-story profile - diary
comments: Smart, funny, direct, dreamy, hard, soft, vicious and tender. Yeah you are..
kimyadawson profile - diary
comments: As a person, soloist and member of the Moldy Peaches, she is just amazing.
shutupmom profile - diary
comments: She types it in CAPS, because she lives it in CAPS.
ladeeleroy profile - diary
comments: I read till my eyes hurt and laughed till my mouth hurt.
coolshoeson profile - diary
comments: Her short, cute entries satisfy. Like a mini-snickers bar.
whiskeyblood profile - diary
comments: todd's my turbo lover.
porktornado profile - diary
comments: You think what you just read is funny, but then you actually think and its even funnier..

My favorite music:

comments: Modest Mouse, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Incubus, Live, Weezer, System of a Down
Liz Phair
comments: She sort of mainstreamed herself.. but I don't think I care...
Regina Spektor
comments: - She is amazing. AMAZING. Words fail. Go to her website and listen to her music.
comments: Tori Amos, Liz Phair, Luscious Jackson, Moldy Peaches, Kimya Dawson..
Sleater Kinney
comments: Cub, Bratmobile, The Donnas

My favorite movies:

True Romance
Fight Club
Usual Suspects
The Matrix
comments: and Matrix: Reloaded
Very Bad Things

My favorite authors:

Anne Rice
comments: his wife.
John Kennedy Toole
comments: A Confederacy of Dunces is the best annoying book I've ever read.
comments: Everyone should read the Lord of the Rings. I've read it so many times, and it is always amazing.
Dalton Trumbo
comments: Johnny Got His Gun is the single most horrifying book I have ever read.
Charles Frazier
comments: Cool Mountain, this is his first (and only so far) book... he writes so vivid and descriptive.. often just by using the simplest of words in great combinations..

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last updated: 2016-04-11 02:46:34
this user's total entries: 1
user since: 2001-12-31

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