i often dream of trains . . . .

and cars and ships and bicycles and deformed babies, just like in eraserhead.

My favorite diaries:

yourghost profile - diary
comments: my first diary love
myeels profile - diary
comments: lady emo britches
providencia profile - diary
comments: lady monster fucking
ricka profile - diary
comments: lady robot songs
built-in profile - diary
comments: lady mclady
teclo profile - diary
comments: teclo your death will send me to my grave, lady of (my) eternal serenity
holdensolo profile - diary
comments: mr. man, the only man in the bunch
ladeeleroy profile - diary
comments: the one and only
snailandsky profile - diary
comments: red diaries!!!
cynicaljill profile - diary
comments: houses within houses!!! houses within houses!!!
deadwoodship profile - diary
comments: missing in action
chancel profile - diary
mattloaf1 profile - diary
katherinhand profile - diary
sukirella profile - diary
snarkymarky profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: sugary punk rock: fun fun fun for spastics of all ages
comments: she is the master of live performances. if you like having your heart torn to shreds and then lit on fire (i do.) then go see her live.
aphex twin
comments: "blip. bleep bleep wumpwump BOOOOOOOOOOO . . . . ."
takako minekawa
comments: "have you said goodbye to your friends? no problem!"
elliott smith
comments: "you'll be forever with my poison arms around you, angeles."

My favorite movies:

Gosford Park
The Piano Teacher
comments: aggggg! she cuts open her VAGINA!!!
The Thin Blue Line
comments: scary scary documentary about justice texas-style: "the night i drove into dallas i thought to myself, "my god. i'm driving into hell."
An Angel at My Table
Henry and June

My favorite authors:

Lynda Barry
comments: favorite book: cruddy
Vicki Hearne
comments: It's about the interesting moral, philosophical challenges of animal training and the language therein
John Crowley
comments: favorite book: little, big; this book is so joyous. i hate to sound extreme, but this is one of the undiscovered masterpieces of the 20th century
Grant Morrison
comments: the x-men grant morrison-style has never been better.
Andrea Dworkin
comments: a fire and damnation feminist: can i get an amen?

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last updated: 2006-11-26 21:13:40
this user's total entries: 739
user since: 2001-10-04

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