sagacious folly

leave it to me to overcomplicate even the simpliest things...this is just my space to unload my thoughts and to learn and grow from observing life along the way.

My favorite diaries:

akuda profile - diary
comments: He who just shakes His head and begins anew with unyielding character and steadfast love
tararichards profile - diary
comments: she who holds my feet to the fire and refuses to take less than the real thing
a-lilgirl profile - diary
comments: she who holds the flashlight, though i sometimes have to keep her from waving it around *smiles*
writing-home profile - diary
comments: connecting the dots
soraya-sees profile - diary
comments: my soul's little classroom
etre-moi profile - diary
comments: my public diary
deformatory profile - diary
comments: found via an ad link and sparked my curiosity

My favorite music:

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

leave a note for infinitejest
diaryrings which infinitejest belongs to
diaries which list infinitejest as a favorite diary
last updated: 2010-12-12 00:14:34
this user's total entries: 188
user since: 2003-10-27

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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