What Me Think

Call me... Justus

After stumbling across several friends on this site (oop sorry) I thought I'd add my own ramblings. I'm a cabinet maker, also a muscian. I spend way to much time and money on the SCA, but I do love it so. I'm a heavy fighter and bard in the Kingdom of Atlantia, Barony of Windmasters Hill, Canton of Buckston on Eno.

My favorite diaries:

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comments: beautiful pictures
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comments: This is the funniest diary I've ever seen.
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fishbuttocks profile - diary
comments: My main man Dunstan.
elishabeth profile - diary
comments: My best beloved

My favorite music:

Greg Brown
comments: The greatest american songwriter, listen to his album "One More Goodnight Kiss" and see for yourself, he has 20 other albums, most of wich are as good or better. Truly a folk giant.
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
comments: If you enjoy traditional music, you must try and find a copy of the DVD they released with the new "Circle" album, one of the finest live performances I've ever seen
Kelly Joe Phelps
comments: Slide guitar wizard, check out the album "Shine Eyed Mr Zen" A blues/soul powerhouse
System of a Down
comments: A band that expresses my anger and frustration at the world in song. I don't agree with everything they say, but much of the time I couldn't agree more.
Van Morrison
comments: Not just relegated to 60's pop, check out "The Healing Game" released in the early 90's and "Back on Top" two masterpiece albums

My favorite movies:

comments: A beautiful film, long on subtly. A movie for folks who hate being hit over the head with every plot element like american films do.
comments: Another asian beauty, see above comments.
Requiem for a Dream
comments: Finally an American movie that ranks up there with the best of foriegn cinema
comments: Yes yes, I know it's unsufferably sweet, and that is why I like it.
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
comments: A very sharp and funny crime film from Guy Ritchie, "Snatch" wasn't as clever

My favorite authors:

John Gardner
comments: Fantastic author, all but unknown unless you studied Lit. in college and then maybe. His take on the Beowulf legend "Grendel" is awesome, I also loved "Freddy's Book"
William Goldman
comments: Of "The Princess Bride" and "Marathon Man"
Patrick OBrian
comments: Wrote the Jack Aubrey serise "Master and Commander" was based on
Joyce Carol Oats
comments: Devastating fiction author, beautiful, sometimes horrifying prose. Check out "We were the Mulvany's"
John Stienbeck
comments: Need I say more? Check out his take on the Authurian Legend if you've not already

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last updated: 2008-05-17 00:33:27
this user's total entries: 210
user since: 2004-08-11

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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