aw, shaddup

Here's my advice: write, scoff, watch baseball, mourn Steve McQueen, knit, dye, smack down a screamer database, wire up jewelry, cook like a mofo. Learn about the world so you can laugh at it. Teach yourself something new. Enjoy.

My favorite diaries:

smartypants profile - diary
meeyapede profile - diary
mslovejoy profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: No, nothing to do with ravers. Instead, nonstop intellectual pop!
David Bowie
comments: You have to love a man who looked good in spandex.
Elvis Costello
comments: Who else would write a ballad about Robert Bly?
Ben Folds
comments: He's the best of 1974 Bernie Taupin/Elton John...only without the hats.
Aimee Mann
comments: Funny. Pissed. Insightful. Relaxed. Married to Sean Penn's brother.

My favorite movies:

Office Space
comments: I'll show you a TPS coversheet, mofo!
The Royal Tenenbaums
comments: Hee hee hee.
The Usual Suspects
comments: Kevin Spacey's big breakout. Fun for all.
Fellowship of the Ring
comments: It's like Peter Jackson climbed inside my 12 year-old head.
Mary Poppins
comments: Like Cream of Wheat when you're pissed at the world

My favorite authors:

Margaret Atwood
comments: Rocks.My.World.
David Sedaris
comments: Geeky, funny.
Sharon Olds
comments: No one else has ever written like this. Start with "Satan Says"
Stephen Fry
comments: Writer, actor, the only gay man I'd like to seduce
Ursula Le Guin
comments: My idol.

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last updated: 2004-09-24 14:08:35
this user's total entries: 474
user since: 2002-07-15

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