If I don't know you, I don't wanna.

I'm Limes. I'm locked. Will only give the password if I read you. Leave me a note with your email if you'd like it.

My favorite diaries:

hungry-hippo profile - diary
comments: (locked) THE smartest. THE wittiest. We go wwwaaaay back.
schmez profile - diary
comments: Rarely updates, but she is supafunny and supasouthern.
smallhanded profile - diary
comments: Soft spot. Living the happy, successful,young,married family life vicariously through her.Also Old School D-land.
fatnomore profile - diary
comments: ...is no more.
justvivo profile - diary
comments: (locked) Both share an intense love for our pupples. Again, Old School.
wilyred profile - diary
comments: Congrats on the baby!
captvfirefly profile - diary
comments: Funnywittycharming-- and very open and honest. Yes, Old School.
raygirl999 profile - diary
comments: Long time pal.
ladiebug profile - diary
comments: Very open and honest!
jasminum profile - diary
comments: My other half. Well, my other third. 1/3 me, 1/3 Vla, and 1/3 Jas. Only she hasn't been updating, so she is in the big troubs.
ecstasia profile - diary
comments: Old school! Love her, always poignant. xoxo
lyyn profile - diary
comments: My beyatch.
unclassy profile - diary
comments: yet classy!
thebeesknees profile - diary
comments: excited ab bees!
bettyford profile - diary
comments: new find. love her!
xo-liesl profile - diary
theotherman profile - diary
memmunch profile - diary
shewholies profile - diary
medikid profile - diary

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last updated: 2013-09-25 06:30:03
this user's total entries: 1167
user since: 2002-11-27

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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