
Just how many species of darter are there in Alabama, anyway? Aquatic biology, environmental action, thoughts on music, Americana... all in all the diary of an evolutionist.

My favorite diaries:

ruthiebat profile - diary
comments: This is where it all began, with my sweetie. Did I say rabbits?
atomicbuddha profile - diary
comments: Italian greyhounds at the Atomic Ranch. For real.
tater-fay profile - diary
comments: Wait 'til she writes about an evening at the shitty bar.
mr-oaf profile - diary
comments: What's this Teznezco thing? Ask the bears.
haloaskew profile - diary
comments: Sharp critiques from Houston.
forty-plus profile - diary
comments: Another articulate writer, the former Inkdragon.
ariadne518 profile - diary
comments: She travels, and teaches college, too, like me!
bornearly profile - diary
comments: My God, people still play in touring bands!
hobbstweedle profile - diary
comments: The secret Led Zep archives?

My favorite music:

Patti Smith Group
comments: The PSmiths were an incredibly visceral band.
comments: The only band insane enough to play in Chicago in 1968 in Lincoln Park.
comments: Smart metal and yowling, I like it.
Slickee Boys
comments: D.C.'s best from the 70s and 80s. They had Kim Kane!
Mission of Burma
comments: Science Can Wait, Democracy Now!

My favorite movies:

Mad Max
comments: God, talk about dystopic!
The Patriot
comments: My Carolina ancestors shoot up the redcoats.
Blade Runner
comments: Another smooth, elegant, unpleasant future.
Pink Flamingos
comments: This is true entertainment.
Lord of the Rings
comments: Yes, me and half of diaryland...

My favorite authors:

Jack Kerouac
comments: Of course I like Kerouac, I'm literate.
Gary Snyder
comments: The first place I heard about screaming trees.
J.G. Ballard
comments: Smooth, elegant, unpleasant futures.
Ursula LeGuin
comments: SciFi where the Socialist Workers Party wins, sometimes.
George Orwell
comments: Really Eric Blair; spitting at privilege and hypocrisy.

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last updated: 2006-06-07 20:08:18
this user's total entries: 450
user since: 2004-02-05

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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