logophobia: fear of words (irony, anyone?)

I write things, and put them up on the Internets, and then some folks apparently find them funny. Or laughable (it's not entirely clear, but hey).

My favorite diaries:

smartypants profile - diary
comments: Mimi Smartypants, Comic Genius.
discothekid profile - diary
comments: Heh.
hissandtell profile - diary
comments: Verbose, dry, and ironic spells yes.

My favorite music:

comments: A creepy, morose, disturbing band who uses custom software to generate parts of their songs for a very unique sound.
The Arcade Fire
comments: Insanely emotional without being emo at all; intensely charged and skillfully done indie rock .
Modest Mouse
comments: Moody and highly varied indie rock and pop that's far too damn good; crazed and twisted but somehow coherent and unbelievably good.
comments: An awesome band who play three times as many instruments as there are members; full of American, Mexican, and Russian folk influences mixed with indie rock to create an original style.
SubArachnoid Space
comments: The best instrumental rock I've ever heard, short of Pink Floyd; psychedelic, bizarre, and brazenly fantastic.

My favorite movies:

Fight Club
Saving Private Ryan
Blade Runner

My favorite authors:

Chuck Palahniuk
Orson Scott Card
Al Franken
David Sedaris
James Morrow

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last updated: 2005-10-10 00:46:20
this user's total entries: 79
user since: 2004-09-13

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